Can you advise me on using eggs; can they be safely used after the "expiration date" is shown? Thanks.
The sell by date on cartons of eggs refers to the last date the store can legally offer the eggs for sale. It is not an expiration date for the eggs themselves. One way to test the freshness of eggs to put them into a pot with enough water to cover. Any eggs that float should be discarded. Eggs that stand on end, but stay on the bottom of the pot are safe to use. I have used eggs as much as a week to ten days after the sell by date without incident. (10/18/2010)
By frances
They shoudn't be, but if it is only a few days you can boil them and then use them in a few days. (10/20/2010)
By Lilac
This is a great site: (10/20/2010)
By Maryeileen
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