
Feedback: Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Hot bath, scrub hard. Repeat, repeat, repeat. If you use salt to exfoliate, it'll come off faster.
Good luck. (04/30/2005)

By Ashleigh

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Fingernail polish remover will take sharpie marker off most things. Haven't ever tried it on skin. (04/30/2005)


By Peg

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I use rubbing alcohol on my kids hands and arms when they get marker on them at school. It works, but you still have to scrub it several times until its completely gone. I hope this helps. (05/01/2005)

By Tammy Mohl

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try using toothpaste. (05/02/2005)

By Jo

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try rubbing alchaol (05/02/2005)

By Diana

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

try wd-40 (05/02/2005)

By Henry Domanski

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

When my daughter was five years old, she used blue markers to polish her finger and toe nails and also her eye lids. Most of the ink came off, using baby oil. Her nails and eyelids had a slight tint to them, resembling bruises. It took a few weeks for this tint to wear off. I got some really odd looks when we would go out in public. I was anticipating to be questioned by any authorities since she looked as though she was bruised. I was never questioned but would really understand if I was since it did look questionable.



By it'

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

If you just scrub a little in the bath and wait about three days, it wil come off by itself.

I don't see the big deal. (05/08/2005)

By Deanna

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I get them on me all the time. Try using Rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover (05/08/2005)

By Suzanne S.

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I want to thank everyone for their help and suggestions. I did find that baby wipes and effort do wonders and it is 100% safe for such sensitive skin. (05/11/2005)

By Michelle from Tennessee

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i just got off my school bus (high school) a few minutes ago. On my bus, we had a huge "sharpie" fight and my face was blue, purple, and black. i tried some things on this post and TOOTHPASTE defintely worked the best. Let it sink in for a minute then scrub it off and its gone! (05/24/2005)


By paige

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my wife and i decided to be tattoo artists during a pizza and movie night with a sharpie marker. by the end of it, we both had full sleeves of sharpie tattoo. we went right to sleep and when i woke up, i had half of the tattoos on my face and smeard sharpie on my arm. i scrubbed in the shower, got it off my face but couldnt get it completely off my arm, there are still stains. i tried everything and scrubbed my arm 3 or 4 times till it was bright red but no results. guess that what i get for being an idiot. (05/28/2005)

By woofPING

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my friend got permanent marker on her eyebrows (it's a long story) how should she get it of without using anything harmful. (06/17/2005)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Rubbing me im 15 and i draw on myself all that time (06/25/2005)

By Deadly

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin


The only thing that works!!! We tried toothpaste(COLGATE)....NOTHING, we tried rubbing alcohol...NOTHING, we tried lanoline hand cleaner...NOTHING, we tried GOOF-OFF...NOTHING, and we tried warm bath and scrubbing as well as a combination of all the above...guess what...... NOTHING!!! Mary Kay works wonders, I love the lady! (06/25/2005)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Oh my gosh; toothpaste is my best friend now! (06/30/2005)

By crazy teenager that WAS marked up

Removing Sharpie Marker Off clothing

help! my sister and i got in a fight and light blue sharpie stains are over our shirts and my mom is maken me look for a website to get it of our clothes and i don't no how!!! can some1 help us? (07/08/2005)


By Jamie

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

(i)Thank goodness for this site! I was just at a good Charlotte concert last night (it was awesome!) and i had brought 4 sharpie markers for me and my friends, to get autographs after the show.

(i)My friend stephanie decided to draw a huge **** on my arm during the concert and I had to Work THE NEXT DAY....and I work at MCDONALDS!!!!!!!!! I was so upset with her but i didnt bother saying anything...didnt wanna ruin my night.(/i)

So today I came here to see some of the solutions you all had, and I tryed 2 of them out.

Let me say, rub nail polish remover on your skin until it is all mostly gone, and then finish the minor details with Eye make-up Remover. Works charms.

I dont know if brand names have to do with anything but here is what I sued justi n case:

Pro-Vitamin B5
Sally Hansen Nail Polish Remover (i)For Soft, Thin Nails(/i) With vitamin E and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protien



Andrea Eyes Ultra-Quick, Waterproof Eye Make-up remover pads (07/22/2005)

By Alyssa P

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Nothing is working and its driving me crazy. Now all I've got is a greasy foot! (08/25/2005)

By Chelsea

removing sharpie marker off walls


By chris

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My brothers face was written on while he was sleeping at a friends house with RED sharpie. We used sugar mixed in baby oil to exfoiate it out of his skin. It worked like a charm. (09/10/2005)

By Poor little brother

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

me and my friends have sharpie fights all the time and the best thing for ever gettin it off is an egg yolk. i dont really know y it works but it does!! (09/20/2005)

By sarah

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try the rubbing alcohol.My son colored himself and with a soft cloth and some gentle rubbing he's all clean.Just remember it's flamable. (09/24/2005)

By Gary

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I drew on my nails with black sharpie and I can't get it off! My mom is so mad at me! I tried nail polish remover but it's taking way to long! HELP!!! (10/07/2005)

By Em

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Believe it or not but I have two kids who have done this a couple of times and baby wipes do a very good job at getting it off. You have to use a few but it does work. (10/11/2005)

By Crystal

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i wrote all over my hands and i get it off
with soap and water i have to scub very had!! (10/21/2005)

By taylor

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try sandpaper (11/18/2005)

By Moose

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i drew this swirly star pattern on the inner side of each of my ankles/feet/legs. I think it looks sweet but my dad is REALLY mad. HELP! (11/26/2005)

By Lynn

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My brother drew on my back and i couldn't reach it, so i poured nail polish remover on it and waited 2 minutes then scrubbed it with a towel, i did that for like 3 times and it was virtually gone.... (11/26/2005)

By Kelly

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Use a nailbrush and scrub hard... i did this after i worked at a friend's concert and it took off themajority of the sharpie (12/24/2005)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Nail polish remover worked on my sons arm. He gave himself "chicken pops" (as he calls it) all over both arms with a red sharpie. (01/17/2006)

By Candace

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

it just depends on the type of skin you have (01/17/2006)

By Norma Jean Sharpie Queen

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

me and my friends had a sharpie war and i used cofee.IT WORKS (02/10/2006)

By ty.

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

try useing a little bit of gassoline, i know it sounds odd, but it really works for the less sensitive areas, and it also works on getting tree sap off your hands (02/14/2006)

By someone who knows

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

If you can find it, Uni-Solve works. They use it in hospitals, but it's a lot like nail polish remover. Came off in seconds. Basically it's an adhesive remover. Many home-health care places will be able to get it, if you're little one has a tendency to mark on his/her skin.... (02/15/2006)

By Lori D

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Thank you so much... I woke up this morning to the word OBSESSED written across my forehead by my husband and friend... Thank god for baby wipes, Mary Kay and toothpaste... now I just have to figure out how to repay the lil you-know-whats. (02/24/2006)

By Angelle

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

So I was just in a crisis
About to go downtown, when I realised I had sharpie on me from last night!
Went to google to find help and then I found this page.
Stupidly right before this I tried nail polish remover.
It semi worked yet left huge red blotches on my skin. Remember how toxic this stuff is!
So I decided to try toothpaste just now and BAM!
I left it on for about 2 mintues then took a damp cloth and scrubbed.
All Gone
Woot for this page@ (02/25/2006)

By Carolyn

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

please dont use all these toxic chemicals! The easiest and safest way to remove permanent marker from skin or most other surfaces is a citrus essential oil such as lemon. The only brands safe to use striaght on skin is young living or rocky mountain essential oils. I f you cant find these contact me. (03/01/2006)

By Dr. Beth Dupree

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my little sister (she's 1) drew on herself with marker but we used wipes and it worked like a charm. (03/21/2006)

By help me

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

tooth paste works i got it on my boyfriend and i rubbed tooth paste on his hand to get the sharpie off it worked (03/22/2006)

By meow mix

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

For ink/marker on the hands - I use a pumice stone to rub out the ink. It's the best way to take stains off hands without using a solvent. (03/22/2006)

By pam munro

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

the tooth paste thing works great!!! spread it on and leave it for 2 minutes then scrub it off-works like magic!!! (03/29/2006)

By my stupid friend likes to draw on me

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used shout wipes. worked fine. didn't have toothpaste accessible. (04/02/2006)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My 17 month old is a big fan of body art (already!). Usually he finds a crayola or ballpoint pen, not this time, don't know where he got a silver sharpie from. Enter scarface...silver lines all over his little face. Thank you to everyone here for the tip of toothpaste. Gently smoothed it on after he fell asleep and wiped it off a few minutes later. Worked like a charm! (04/04/2006)

By Donna R.

Removing Sharpie Marker Off a Computer Flatscreen

My son decided to try coloring his picture on the computerscreen with a sharpie. Rather than using the mouse and "electronic paints" available.

I just tried the eyemakeup remover and baby wipe combo, I had to do some scrubbing - but it worked!!! Thanks for the advice!

By Kim

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I tried using toothpaste to get the sharpie off my EXTREMELY polkadotted foot, but it didn't work. (06/09/2006)

By Jade

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Well toothpaste worked the best for me. I left it on for a few minutes and if definatley cleaned it up. wat happened was i was cleaning my room and a found a sharpie that was broke open and i stepped on it and when i picked it up the ink thing exploded on me. :( but toothpaste works pretty well for a LOT of sharpie (06/11/2006)

By lil' Nelli

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i have a 2 year old and she wrote all over her knees and feet i washed her off four times and it didn't work so i went to google and the toothpaste worked but you have to do it a few TIMES (06/20/2006)

By kerry

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Someone hit my son below the eye with a black permanent marker. It was hard enough to break the skin. We've tried all of your suggestions and have not gotten it off. It is now very raw from all the scrubbing. Please help! Should we go to the doctor? (06/22/2006)

By Beckey

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Someone hit my son below the eye with a black permanent marker. It was hard enough to break the skin. We've tried all of your suggestions and have not gotten it off. It is now very raw from all the scrubbing. Please help! Should we go to the doctor? (06/22/2006)

By Beckey

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try goof off it works good. If you get it in your eyes just wash it out quickly. (06/22/2006)

By Dogbla Gooblaaaaaa

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used toothpaste to take off black marker from my bedroom wall and it worked great. All it took was a little elbow grease. But I still have a problem my 18 month old is still covered in it. I tryed the toothpaste on her but she just broke out in a ugly rash. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

Editor's Note: You could try diaper wipes. The alcohol in them sometimes helps remove it. (06/24/2006)

By L.C.

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

A girl wrote on my stomach in silver sharpie. woke up and it didn't come out in shower, but toothpaste idea worked well, def good idea. thanks (06/24/2006)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off CLOTHES

I need help!! I'm a camp counselor and I had a black sharpie in my cargo pants at work. In a rush, I threw the pants in the wash with my whites. After I washed AND dried them, I noticed everything I was taking out had little black dots on them!!!! How do I get the sharpie out of my favorite whites?!?! Thanks!! (06/28/2006)

By Melissa

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

how to remove permanent marker from wooden furniture

Editor's Note: You can try baking soda, or white toothpaste. A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser also works. (07/17/2006)

By Erodita

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I feel your pain! My son did this to himself when he was in daycare, and I tried to get it off--but it still looked like an old bruise--THEN, I got a call from the daycare was awful! I came up there and frantically tried to rub off more of it to show them that it was really permanent marker after all. They believed, luckily! (07/17/2006)

By Michelle Barnet

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i and my friends always drew on ourselves with sharpie at camp... it came off easily with bug spray. I havent tried toothpaste.. that might work. make sure the bug spray isnt highly poisionous or dangerous... such as it has DEET in it. don't get it in your eyes or you mouth. but sharpie really comes off your skin easily with it. although you might not want to use bug spray on young children. (08/06/2006)

By kate

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Fast orange hand cleaner seems to work. (08/09/2006)

By Blake

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Has anyone ever tried using men's shaving cream. i remember when i was in elemtary school teachers putting a squirt of shaving cream on our desk and letting us have at it, after using markers. it worked then so i use this on my polka dotted daughter all the time. Oh and she's real good about getting baby wipes and getting the marker off herself. (08/10/2006)

By Wendy

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my friend drew all over her hand with an orange sharpie marker. she tried toothpaste nothing..salt and cold water, with alittle soap worked. (08/15/2006)

By J

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try rubbing alcohol. Just put some on a cotton ball and have at it! (08/15/2006)

By Ashley

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

DONT use sandpaper, it will literally rub off your skin...both live and dead skin!
Acetone works wonders for sharpie on skin. Just about any nailpolish remover that doesnt say "does not contain acetone!" will work (08/17/2006)

By steph

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My daughter got crayola markers (non washable) all over her...... I mean she was covered ... I washed her with soap and water then I let her play in the sink with shaving cream and it was gone!!!!! But now she loves the shaving cream. (08/19/2006)

By joelle

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

A few weeks ago my son came back from a school trip with permanent marker all over his arm. I have tried most ideas posted here, but they are not working. i believe this is becasue the marker had 3 weeks to soak into the skin. I need a solution that can get the marks off that have well and truely soaked in. Please help me. (09/12/2006)

By Mark

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Just an FYI: My EIGHT year old daughter decided to "look like Rudolph" and colored her FACE with markers! Obviously she will NOT be as much as seen until something works! (Wish us luck... She can't afford to get behind with her school work! Good thing tomorrow is Thursday -- basically, a long, extended weekend!) (10/18/2006)

By Jen

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I just used a culmination of almost everything on here, except eye makeup remover, because I'm out, but it worked. In the areas furthest away from the eye I used products, then at her eyes themselves I made and used a salt/water scrub.
ONE EXTRA... Instead of salt and soap, I used Noxzema Continuous Clean Microbead Cleanser with Vitamin C, mixed with salt.
It's so good to see my LIVING daughter again, as opposed to a zombie!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYBODY! And thank goodness for this site! (10/18/2006)

By Jen

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Just tried acetone,lacquer thinner and kerosene to no effect but the cleaner Greased Lightning worked very well. It removed 95 % of it very quickly. (10/25/2006)

By Chris Coffey

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

While visiting my mom my two year old daughter found a purple permanent BIC MARK IT, and colored her nose, and all down her leg. I tried the shaving cream idea because it was the only suggested item my mother had. It WORKED! It completely took the purple marker off of her nose but only lightened the marker on her leg. I think this is because she had colored several times in the same place over her leg. Oh, I used Skintimate Skintherapy shaving cream. I don't know if brand makes a difference. Thanks All for the suggestions! (10/27/2006)

By amber

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I've tried just about everything that has been mentioned here:

shaving cream/baby oil: the fatty acids (soap/lubricant) dont really do more than regular soap, which wasn't very much
toothpaste: fairly abbrasive on skin - more resulting in irritation and rash form removing skin than removing stain
alcohol: not bad, but still left at least 25% of stain intact
acetone: in nail polish remover, about 25% remaining. pure, almost completely removed

most of the rest resulted in no real improvement other than dulling but not removing the stain on the skin. pure acetone is probably one of the best bets. be careful with alcohol: it leaves skin very very dry and irritated, don't use it near eyes and mouth especially. (11/01/2006)

By joe

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

SO there is this little thing I like to call TIME!!! It will come off in about 3 days assuming you shower regularly. If you're not that patient then try shaving cream and/or rubbing alcohol. I put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and hardly even scrubbed and it came right off! (11/20/2006)

By Kayla

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I've tried rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, shaving cream, and toothpaste, the alcohol removed most of the black sharpie from my fingernails but couldn't get the stuff that was in my cuticles. The shaving cream and toothpaste both helped some...finally I tried this stuff called Natural Orange. My dad has it for getting grease off his hands.

It worked wonders! I washed twice with it after scrubbing, and there is only a trace of the black left which I'm sure I could remove with another scrub.

Hope this helps! (11/22/2006)

By Elk

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Baby wipes work great. You'll have to go over it a few times (maybe 7-10) but it will come off and not damage your skin. (11/25/2006)

By John

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

ok well i am a kid and i swim so i draw all over my WHOLE back..i used dove soap (the bar soap) and omg it came RIGHT off but we werent drawing on our backs we were actually drawing on our face (drawing mustaches and beards) bc we were acting all crazy and we were dancing to this mexican song so we thought we wuld dress up a bit well hope my advice works!! (12/03/2006)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

so i pretty much get bored all the time and whip out a sharpie and start drawing on myself all over my arms and stuff. and the way i get it off is just jump in the shower with some dawn dish soap and scrub at it with my thumb nail for a few seconds and its gone. (12/28/2006)

By cole

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Nail polish remover works really well, it takes off all the annoying small sharpie details you can't seem to get rid of. On my friend's skin, it left it a little dry, but that can easily be fixed with lotion or something.

Also, toothpaste works well. I used a white kind and that seems to have good results. Good luck... (01/02/2007)

By Jenna

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

The best way that I've used is to use 91% Alcohol. It may take a few times but usually does the job. (01/08/2007)

By Mike

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I was using a facial exfoliator to get a sharpie stain off myself. It got most of it off but left a very slight amount (and was a bit abrasive with all the scrubbing I was doing). later I discovered that my clearasil acne wipes worked amazingly to remove the stains without that much scrubbing. (01/08/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

at school when i get bored i draw all over my hands and arms, i found out that sprayin perfume on it makes all the ink run off ya skin. it like takes seconds all ya need to do is wipe it off after with tissue, its great!! i promise!!

Editor's Note: The problem with this is that everyone has to smell the perfume you used to get off the marker. (01/16/2007)

By nat

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

DO NOT USE SANDPAPER!! IT HURTS VERY BAD-- and it doesnt even work!! (01/19/2007)

By Meghan

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my sister decided to let people draw all over her back and stomach in permanent marker. we've tried nail polish remover, purell, perfume, vaseline, and makeup remover. it toook some things off, but theres still alot left everywhere. she complained that the nail polish remover and perfumer began to burn her skin so we cant use that anymore.. so im out of ideas.. (01/23/2007)

By michelle

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

i had a fake moustache drawn on me for a retro disco....nothing really worked at taking it off except surgical spirit....except now i hav light chemical burns to the face. (01/25/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

WD-40!! Our 4 year old daughter came up from the gameroom today with Sharpie green permanent marker all over her torso, that she used to decorate herself. I sprayed her with it while she was standing in the tub and let it sit for about a minute and then washed her with soap and a washrag. It just "melted" off because of the WD-40. (01/25/2007)

By Alisa

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My 6 year old son uses markers daily and always has marker on his hands. I tried just about everything and finally gave Castrol Super Clean a try. Success! Its a cleaner that Ive used on my vehicles for years. It is similar to Fantastic except far more effective. It warns that it may cause burns but my son hasnt had a problem. I use it quickly and then rinse thoroughly with water. (01/31/2007)

By kevn

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My 18 year old daughter, who should of known better, let her friend write ALL over her and worse she started to get a reaction. Tried everything on this site until my sister suggested the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! Worked instantly 100%. Didn't hurt either. (02/19/2007)

By Vicky reynolds

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

axe body wash worked for me (02/19/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

DO NOT use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove Sharpie from your skin, especially the face. The combination of the abrasive and the chemicals in the product will burn, and can scar. Flushing with H2O, applying cold compresses, hydrocortisone cream, and Benedryl are the best methods for addressing the injury if you have already tried the Mr. Clean Method and had the same experience as we did. (02/27/2007)

By Suzy's Dad

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

we have tried toothpaste, eye makeup remover, and shaving cream.. nothing is working.. my 2 yr old son decided he wanted to look like a zebra.. Black Sharpie marker on his face, chest, (in his belly button) toes, legs.. ok so every part of his body.. lol
Any suggestions would be awesome..

Mom of a zebra now..

Editor's Note: Because he has such young and sensitive skin, I'd try using baby oil. (02/28/2007)

By momof2lilones

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used damp cotton pads then put canola oil on each pad. I rub and most of the sharpie came off. The light stuff came right up while the actual scribbles lightened quite a bit. Then I gave her a tubby and soaped off the oil. She looks pretty close to normal again. Plus, (I imagine) it's non-toxic.

PS: Never say, "Only use that on paper sweetie, nothing else." And then expect a three year old to comply after you've left the room. (03/01/2007)

By Nova Wahl

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My 5 month old daughter was used as a drawing board by her 2 year old sister...She had marker from the top of her head to the tip of her nose. Soap and water didn't budge it. Coppertone sunscreen and toilette paper took it off with ease. I applied it with my fingers waited about 10 seconds then gently scrubbed and wiped away all the marks with the toilette paper. (03/01/2007)

By Tony

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Ok. So you have sharpie on your arms face or anything. How are you going to get it off? Peppermint Bodywash. Yes. Pepper mint bodywash. you let it sink and just wash it off. (03/02/2007)

By Sarah YepYep :]

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I let one of my friends draw on my arms, and it was fine because I would just wear long sleeves till it wore off in a few days...but, its 69 degrees out right now, and I have to go walk to class. So I tried all these ideas, even mixed them all together. What I found to work was spraying perfume on my arms, letting it sit for about 30 seconds, then scrubbing with a washcloth with dishsoap on it. I was shocked at how it got the stuff off pretty fast. (03/13/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

rubbing alcohol.
followed by Ivory soap.

Thats the safest way to get sharpie of skin, I doodle on my self a lot and that's my trick. (03/13/2007)

By Lauren

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Mr clean magic eraser is toxic and you should not be using it on skin. It has formaldhyde in it. (03/14/2007)

By melanie

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

There is no formaldehyde in the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. The only danger is that if you swallow the eraser, it can cause an intestinal blockage. Also, the friction of rubbing it forcibly against your skin would eventually cause an abrasion.

You can get info. about how the formaldehyde rumor orginated at (03/14/2007)

By SusannL

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

After my 2 yo found a Sharpie marker and wrote on her face, arms, neck legs and a few toenails I immediately went to the internet and found this website. After reading many of the testimonies I actually found a combo of rubbing alcohol and Dawn dish detergent to work really well. I used cotton balls soaked with alcohol to get almost all of it off and then bathed her using Dawn! Many Blessings! (03/17/2007)

By Michelle S. in Delaware

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Rubbing alchohol works awesome I had Egyptian stencils drawn on my arms and legs and with the alchohol worked perfect i only have like a couple marks that will come off in the wash (03/25/2007)

By hawkclaw

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I have tried fingernail polish remover and after a bit of scrubbing, it comes off. (04/10/2007)

By kelsie..

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Fast Orange hand soap... it gets everything off... (04/21/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I tried ALL of the above. All I got was irritated skin, and still tons of marker. I just had them soak in the tub, twice and used Johnsons Head to Toe, and it worked enough to let them out in public. (04/23/2007)

By Jen

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

perfume does not work! (04/25/2007)

By Danielle

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Oh my gosh! My 3 year old just wrote ALL over her face with a silver sharpie. Luckily I caught it somewhat quickly (about 10 minutes) and came to this site. I tried two things: 1) warm water and a hard scrub = NOTHING 2) Canola oil and a paper towel, medium pressure = PERFECTION. She has hardly a trace left on her face - and I mean that only I can see it. I could take her to get pictures right now and it wouldn't show up. I'm amazed! I was so afraid that she was going to have to go to daycare like that tomorrow - but NOPE - she looks GREAT! CANOLA OIL, CANOLA OIL, CANOLA OIL!!!! (05/01/2007)

By Casey

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

100% Safe, non-toxic solution. TKO Orange Oil cleaner. (Or probably any non-toxic orange oil cleaners). You can find it in most grocery stores in Canada.

My two year old found the black sharpie in our office hotel room and decided to be husband goes crazy over this stuff. I checked online for solutions...came here and didn't have any of the noted solutions. I did have this TKO concentrated orange and it works like a dream. It just melted off her skin without any irritation (and she has very sensitive skin) and also just wiped off all the "painted" surfaces. Good luck and enjoy these innocent times!!!

By Nicholl

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Obviously, BE VERY CAREFUL using any products on your children's skin AND ALWAYS TRY A TEST PATCH. The TKO worked for us....and we had a really soapy bath afterwards with lots of lotions applied out of the bath. It's not meant for use on just be cautious. (05/03/2007)

By Nicholl

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Shaving cream really did the trick! My little brother colored all over himself with some kind of bright pink marker. When I say bright I mean it GLOWED if that's possible. We gave him shaving cream to play with in the tub and ta-daaaa! Gone! (05/09/2007)

By Kay

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Try this:
Take a fresh Bounce sheet (the thing you stick in the clothes dryer) and dip it in rubbing alcohol.
Rub it gently on the skin. It works like a charm. (05/19/2007)

By John Doe

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Okay people - I have tried everything you have all given me ( toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, shaving cream, baby wipes, coppertone baby lotion, nail polish remover and the mr clean magic eraser ) NOTHING IS WORKING.
I am sitting for a friend and her daughters legs are COVERED with a BLUE SHARPIE.
Hope my friend is in a good mood when I bring her home. (05/31/2007)

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

First...As posted in other feedback, DON'T use the Magic Eraser. I don't know about the chemicals, but I know it is abrasive. I was wiping the wall and turned to wipe my 2 1/2 year old. He now has abrasions on his face and neck, that look like carpet burns. Fortunately, they aren't bothering him.
Second...I've tryed several of the suggestions. What I've found works best is laughter. The marks are faded quite a bit, but they are still there. I've now rubbed him down with baby lotion. When I give him his bath, I'll gently scrub again. If it works the same way it does on my hands when I reink a stamp pad, 99% of it will wash off. Beyond that, we'll just laugh about it. I know I've gotten enough off to prevent any type of poisoning or other reaction, so now I'm just thankful it was just him and the wall. (The Magic Eraser worked on the wall.) (05/31/2007)

By Joy in TN

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I have a 2 year old daughter that loves to find things to draw with. No matter how well I hide something she will find it. I woke up this morning to find her with black marker all over her arms and legs. Thankfully nowhere on her face though. I used noxzema triple clean pads that worked like a charm. The marker is totally gone on most areas of her legs and arms, what is left are dull lines.
Hope that helps. (06/07/2007)

By Krista

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used Bioré face wipes. The black permanent Sharpie came right off my son's face/head/hair. (06/11/2007)

By Deb

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

SUNSCREEN!!! Pour some onto a cottonball and be amazed. It immediately takes off all the marker and just leaves your child well protected from the sun!!!


By Sarlynn McMurtry

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My daughter has this thing for permanent black markers & just marked all over herself with one. Tried the sunscreen, toothpaste, rubbing alcohol & also canola oil which seemed to have worked the best...Then I tried my Clearasil cleaning pads & they worked like a charm.. (06/15/2007)

By Michelle

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

writing on ourselves in sharpie is a camp tradition. the easiest things to use are

BUG SPRAY(preferably towlettes) and HAIR SPRAY

works like a charm every time! (06/19/2007)

By monika

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My son's vacation bible school this week has a sports-theme. They used Sharpie marker to paint the thick, black, grease marks under the kids eyes to make them look like football players. I tried Canola Oil, Baby Lotion, Baby Oil, Bug Spray Wipes and Shaving Cream. It took off most of the marker, but a shadow of the marks was still here. I finally gave up and took him swimming to take his mind off of it. The chlorine from the pool took care of the rest! :-) (06/20/2007)

By Janet

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My son's vacation bible school this week has a sports-theme. They used Sharpie marker to paint the thick, black, grease marks under the kids eyes to make them look like football players. I tried Canola Oil, Baby Lotion, Baby Oil, Bug Spray Wipes and Shaving Cream. It took off most of the marker, but a shadow of the marks was still here. I finally gave up and took him swimming to take his mind off of it. The chlorine from the pool took care of the rest! :-) (06/20/2007)

By Janet

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used an Aveeno Daily Facials pad and it took all of the black Sharpie off my two year old son. Now, on to my computer keyboard, coffee table, his toy piano..... It takes a village but two would be nice. (06/25/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I used doctor burts herbal blemish stick made by burts bees. I think its main ingredents are alcohol and tea tree oil. Just rub on and wipe with a paper towel. (06/26/2007)

By schoolteacher

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

my 4 year old just covered him self in sharpie maker, I filled the bath and took johnson and johnson head to toe washed him and it came right off. (06/26/2007)

By kathy

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

we got bored when our friend fell asleep and decided to draw ALL OVER her face with all different color sharpies. after the damage was done we panicked because we knew she would flip. we tested all these things on our hands to prepare for when she wakes up. rubbing alcohol worked the best.

try it :) (06/30/2007)

By elizabeth+kris+marisa

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Don't Panic!! My 21 month old daughter, Maddie, came into the kitchen looking like a gory movie scene...Red Sharpie slashes all down her right leg and her mouth and chin...what a picture!!! I spent about fifteen minutes reading some of the remedies posted here and decided to try the most gentle thing i could think of first. I used a Huggies Shea Butter diaper wipe. Amazingly, it came off just as easily as she put it on! Praise God! It also got the scribbles off of my coffee table too. (07/09/2007)

By Rebecca

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Caress Tahitian Renewal Silkening body wash takes it off in just seconds..... (07/18/2007)

By Catherine

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

I know this was posted a long time ago, but I still thought I'd add a little something for all those people who find this down the road.

I JUST this very minute finished washing a derogatory word from my forearms. I originally found this page because I too needed to know what the best method would be.

So as all of these other people are writing from a past experience, mine is brand new. My arms are still wet from the product I used!

Others here have said it as well, some form of facial cleansing wipe will work really well. My brand are called No.7 by Boots. They're a four in one wipe with a makeup remover. Came off within a few rubs. Viola!

Good luck to you and REMEMBER! No matter how funny it seems at the time, NEVER let people write on your with Sharpie! ;) (07/21/2007)

By Amanda

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

NAIL POLISH REMOVER! it works every time. (07/22/2007)

By Betty

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

sunscreen worked for me 8] (07/26/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My daughter came home from work after co-worker who was "flirting" wrote on her face and hands with a sharpie, bright purple, her school colors luckily! We used eye make up remover. It came off without us hardly having to scrub! (07/30/2007)

By Kathy

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My friend drew all over my back and around to my chest with a sharpie and, in a panic, I came to this site to figure out how to get it off. I thought I'd pass my experience along and I found that shaving cream and warm water take the marker off with gentle scrubbing. It worked so well, I was very pleased. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions! (08/01/2007)

By Saaaarah

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

After trying cold cream, shaving cream, alcohol and facial cleanser....

Cutter Mosquito Wipes worked the best, black sharpie came right off with little scrubbing (08/01/2007)

By Anon

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Point of PERSPECTIVE: Relax, moms! Are you afraid someone might think you're a less-than-perfect mother if your child goes to preschool or the market with scribbles on his/her angel face? Of course we want to clean their skin; that's why we're reading these posts. Panic a bit if tomorrow is "picture day." Otherwise, find the camera, snap a memory and ENJOY your kids. They'll be grown too soon. (08/07/2007)

By Mom of Two Under Five

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

Well, ladies and gents, I didn't try anything you suggested.iHowever, I took the advice of the oil citris suggestion and used 409 all purpose cleaner w/ orange citris oil and it worked like a charm on my friend who horribly lost a marker fight earlier today. I can attest from the times spent cleaning my bats w/ lemon oil that citris oil really does work! (08/22/2007)

By LauraLosttoTony

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

This was the easiest thing ever it took me like 2 min. max. My fiance decided to put a mustache on me a day before our wedding and read on here about shaving cream and warm water. It works like a charm. Don't even need to scrub! (08/29/2007)

By Cortney from Indiana

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

If it's a fresh sharpie-ing, germ-x or purell works beautiliciously. same for pen, if it's fresh, hand sanitizer gets most of it off. i also found that scraping at it with your finger nail while it's really soapy works too. and ladies, if it's on your legs, just shave it off. that works for henna tattoos too. (09/25/2007)


Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

The one that said use facial pads! U are a miracle worker! Moms like me need to keep that stuff on hand! My daughter had purple permanent marker all over her face and her arms. I had noxema pads and it worked wonderfully! Thank you so very much! Again thank u soooo very much! (10/02/2007)

By Christy Hunley

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

On my birthday my friends decided to draw ALL over my legs. not aware that they were using a sharpie marker (i was foucusing all my attention on myspace gossip), i allowed them to write whatever they wanted. soon after my legs were totally red with the most bizzare and interesting things. i love my friends. but the next day i had to cheer for a competition and my coach was going to kill me. lets just say that alcohol and shaving saved my life. it works very well. :) (10/03/2007)

By Bianca

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

My sister and I draw "temporary tattoos" all the time with sharpie. It will eventually wear off but if you want it off faster it will take scrubbing with rubbing alcohol and water. It may hurt because you have to scrub really hard. (10/15/2007)

By Abigail

Removing Sharpie Marker Off Skin

One can only laugh at my 4 year old who now looks like a tiger with maroon sharpie vertical stripes from face to toes. Way to go kiddo :-) (10/17/2007)

By Tammie

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