The first organization to contact, after a house fire, is the Red Cross. Other options for finding free clothing are craigslist, freecycle, and Your local church might also be helpful. This is a page about finding free clothing after a house fire.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
The red cross will give you a voucher to buy a set of clothes to start off with. You can try to visit a few thrift stores to see if you can find some really inexpensive clothes. Other than this you'll need to go to Freecycle or talk with a church in your area. Maybe a few people would help you out and donate some clothes for you.
15mhhm15 Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
February 28, 20182 found this helpful
Best Answer
I am sorry to hear about the house fire and you lost everything. 24/7 Red Cross can help. Last time my sister lost everything, they gave her $500 gift card to get back on her feet.
You can ask neighbors, friends for some clothing. But you can also find some on Craigslist, charities/churches, some thrift stores will help if you provide them documentation or tell them,
Put an ad in Freecycle or Craigslist. Many churches and the Red Cross can also help
attosa Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
February 28, 20181 found this helpful
Your best bet here would be with Red Cross or My Nextdoor ALWAYS has free bags of clothing. So sorry this happened. Good luck to you.
cybergrannie Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 1, 20180 found this helpful
If this was a dwelling, did the fire department call the Red Cross?
As a general rule, someone with the fire department will call the Red Cross if there were people living in the building.
The Red Cross usually helps fire victims find suitable shelter for a few days and supplies vouchers for food and some clothing so if that was not done then you should contact the Red Cross to see if you qualify for this type of help.
Do you have a temporary place to stay? Do you have food and personal items? Will your domicile be repaired or will you have to find a new place to live?
Most of these questions will be asked when you ask for help through most of the "charity" organizations as having a place to live may be more important than new clothing.
If you have some type of paperwork and ID showing you lived at an address destroyed by fire,
and all you need is suitable clothing, then you should be able to go to the offices of Good Will or Salvation Army to get vouchers (usually for 2 complete outfits that will include at least one pair of shoes and a coat if it is still cold weather) to take to their thrift stores.
Church thrift stores will usually try to help with free clothing if you have some sort of documentation and they may help with food also.
Craigslist, Freecycle and Nextdoor all have places to ask for help and they are easy to use. You will probably not need any documentation to get help from people on these sites.
I have been trying to contact tef cross for a few days and Alli get is a busy singal I have an elderly that's on oxygen and lost all his meds due to this fire and I have been on websites trying to get help and no one will even contact us after we have reached out over and over
I just lost everything also. Medicine etc everything. Also a house fire I am sorry for your loss. The Red Cross did not give me enough to cover my motel room for 2 days.
I received $100 which I appreciate but was very disappointed. I was told they'd help so much more.