
Finding Free Knitting Patterns?

February 23, 2006

balls of wool and knitting needlesDoes anyone know where I can get knitting patterns for fun food for the children? Some examples: sandwiches, cookies, cakes, etc. I would be so grateful if anyone can help.


Natalie from Sussex England


February 24, 20060 found this helpful

There is a site for free patterns. I think the address is

By Bonnie (Guest Post)
March 28, 20060 found this helpful

Some sold yesterday on eBay from and old magazine - Knit a Birthday Cake & Party Food Play Knitting Pattern Item number: 8270989976 - seller redstreetmusic if that helps....

By Katie (Guest Post)
April 27, 20060 found this helpful

Here are some great links for you!

I am a knitted food fiend! :)

By John (Guest Post)
April 29, 20060 found this helpful


I just saw a website with the knitted food on.

By Nicky (Guest Post)
April 2, 20070 found this helpful

Jean Greenhowe's jiffy knits also has a lot of food patterns.

By susan (Guest Post)
July 15, 20070 found this helpful

go to They have numerous links to free knitted food patterns

By Helen (Guest Post)
September 7, 20070 found this helpful

Go to Jean Greenhowe's website.
There's now two knitted food pattern booklets that you can download for free.
They are fantastic!

By trulyscrumptious (Guest Post)
February 26, 20080 found this helpful

i have a few pattern for cupcakes,celebration cakes and other patterns made by me. You will find then here: http://www.trulyscrumptiousknittedfood...

By Katie (Guest Post)
September 29, 20080 found this helpful

Some of the best patterns for knitted cakes that I've ever seen (and knitted) are by a seller called cakescakescakes on
They look very professional compared to others I've tried.


I am attaching a picture of some of them from a pattern by cakescakescakes that I've just bought.

By Valerie (Guest Post)
October 10, 20080 found this helpful

Love this website in general but here are some great ones. Hope they help, and also has great pictures.

December 5, 20110 found this helpful and
are the two places I go to when I want a free pattern.
click on free pattern directory and they have a category for everything! including fun food!

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11 More Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 21, 2011

Does anyone have a simple knitting pattern for a roll neck sweater for a small dog?

By dawndee from London, UK


February 23, 20110 found this helpful

Lots of choice on this free pattern site

February 23, 20110 found this helpful

Try a baby or child's sweater cardigan or pullover with a rolled neck.

February 24, 20110 found this helpful

Thank you thriftmeg and didough for both giving me very useful information on dog coats. I will buy one and also attempt to knit one. Wherever you are in the world, have a nice day!



February 25, 20110 found this helpful

Try doing a search for free knitting patterns for dog sweaters. My favorite search engine is
Hope this helps!

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November 28, 2009

I am trying to find the instructions to knit one piece little teddy bears. They are about 6 inches tall. I know some children that would like one.

By Angelna from Glendale, CA


November 28, 20090 found this helpful

Here are a couple of links with several knit teddy bear patterns you might look through:

November 29, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you so very much Kaelle for your response. It was just what I was looking for. Thiftyfun is just amazing!

December 7, 20090 found this helpful

Kaelie beat me to that sending you a site for teddy bears patterns. One of the uses the I-cord stitch. It very easy to do. No turning of the knitting needle at all. Just incase you stuck on that I-cord stitch that all it is basic need stitch without turning.


Pam G.

March 26, 20100 found this helpful

Try! It's amazing!

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September 30, 2007

Does anyone have a pattern for knitted or crocheted booties for a dog? Thank you


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
September 30, 20070 found this helpful

Crocheted dog booties are on the website.

Marge from NY


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 418 Feedbacks
October 2, 20070 found this helpful

The crochetpatterncentral website is adorable, but will a dog leave the booties on for long? Please send us a photo when you get them made.

September 25, 20080 found this helpful

Cast on 20 stitches of 4 ply yarn on size 7 needles. Knit the middle 10 with double yarn. Knit in garter stitch for 2 1/2". Tie off 2nd strand of yarn. Knit 1" in stockinet. Cast on 10 more stitches to make a tab. Knit 6 rows with these stitches added. Bind off those 10 stitches. Knit 2" . Cast on 10 stitches for 2nd tab and knit 6 rows. Bind off those ten.


Knit one more inch and bind off. Place the two sides together at the bottom and attach to the middle of the bottom row. Sew up to the beginning of the stockinet stitches. Sew Velcro on tab ends and on bootie to fit your dog. This fits a Sheltie sized dog and is an original design of mine since I could not find one on the internet. Faith

February 23, 20110 found this helpful

For knitting patterns try the sister site:

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February 10, 2005

Some years ago my grandmother used to knit and crochet a cosy to go on a drinking glass. When she was finished the form was basically like the foam cozies you buy in the store. I am looking for the knitting pattern for these cozies if anyone has anything like this.



By Marn (Guest Post)
February 11, 20050 found this helpful

This is instructions for crochet, not knitting. Maybe it will help.

Go to:

By Pat (Guest Post)
February 11, 20050 found this helpful

I don't knit, but I do crochet drink cozies. All I do is make a flat round piece the size of the bottom of the glass by increasing on every row and then do the same number of stitches in each row for as long as I want the cozy to be high.


If you don't understand what I'm saying, write me at, and I'll go into more detail. Wish I could help you with knitting, but that's not my thing - my sister does that! Ha!

By judith (Guest Post)
March 22, 20050 found this helpful

November 27, 20050 found this helpful

Hello. I just found this website and the request for a drink cozy might be too late. However, I have a knitted pattern for one if you still want it. I was looking for a crochet one. Let me know; I can fax or mail a copy. Alice

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December 12, 2011

About 40 years ago my aunt knitted Christmas stockings for our three children. I would like to knit similar ones for our grandchildren, but can't find the patterns. One had Santa in a jack-in-the-box. Another was just a Santa face with an angora beard, and the third was Santa in a chimney. They were very ornate and decorated with sequins. Does anyone have any similar patterns?

By Barbara G.


December 14, 20110 found this helpful

Lots of patterns here:
Hope that helps.

December 14, 20110 found this helpful

Just found another link to Santa with a 'fluffy beard'.

December 14, 20110 found this helpful

Just did a search on Ravelry and came up with a couple of people willing to share one of the patterns:
You may have to sign up to Ravelry first, then look down the messages to find the ones on the page I have posted above.

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July 29, 2010

Does anyone in the UK have a knitting pattern for The Night Garden's Iggle Piggle? I will pay postage. Many thanks.

By jan nash from Grantham, UK


August 4, 20100 found this helpful

Hi Jan. I did a Google search and found this:
Hope it works!

August 4, 20100 found this helpful

Many thanks rmj318. Just what I was looking for.

September 23, 20100 found this helpful

Makka Pakka crochet

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February 6, 2011

I am looking for a knitting pattern. It was published in the January 1988 issue of McCall's Needlework and Crafts magazine. It is the Mom's Floral Cardigan pattern on page 68. If you have a copy of this pattern or the original magazine, I would love to have it. Please contact me through this site. Thanks!

By Genny from SE SD


February 6, 20110 found this helpful

I don't have it, but I did find it on ebay. I am sure it is the right one because the picture of the sweater is on the front. Good luck.

February 7, 20110 found this helpful

Thanks! That is the pattern book I was looking for. I appreciate the time you spent looking for it. I spent about an hour myself last fall looking online but couldn't find it. I am going to order it from the seller on ebay.
Thanks again!


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November 22, 2014

I'm looking for a free knitting pattern for a polo neck insert. I had one years ago but lost it.

By LindaK


December 16, 20180 found this helpful

Try YouTube has all kinds of stuff just look up for patterns

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October 15, 2009

Does anyone have a pattern for a knitted dickie? The only pattern I can find is knitted from the neck down and this makes it quite a loose fit.

By Kathrine from Coventry, United Kingdom


February 1, 20110 found this helpful

Yes, I found one the other day. It is actually a cowl but it looks like a polo-neck insert: - search under "Burning Embers Cowl".
Hope this is what you wanted!
Happy Knitting!

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December 17, 2008

I am looking for a pattern for a knitted necklace.



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June 18, 2008

I'm looking for a knitting pattern for a ballet crossover cardigan to fit a five year old. Any help gratefully received.

Stephanie from United Kingdom

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