I am disabled and get SSI every month. Yesterday I got a 5 day eviction notice from the manager in the park where I live. I live in Wisconsin (Schofield) and I have to pay lot rent; I owe $433.00. I cannot be evicted as I'll be homeless. Is there a place in my city that does help with rent? I have now 4 days left to give my landlord (the manager of the park) the lot rent. I need help and am very desperate for help.
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February 21, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer
If you find someone to help with your lot rent this month, what will happen next month?
- Are you saying you have your own mobile home and you are paying for lot rent?
- Have you been having trouble paying this rent before or have you had extenuating circumstance that has caused you to be low on money?
- Do you need the full amount or will you just be asking for part of the money?
- I am asking these questions because these are the type of questions you will be asked if you go to any organization that does assist with rent payments.
- Usually, assistance is on a most needed and first come basis and any family with children will usually be at the top of the list.
- This type of assistance may only be for one month a year but some do offer further help.
- If you are having trouble every month, they may tell you that it may be more beneficial for you to apply for low-income housing.
- You can check these agencies in your area as there are several that offer assistance with rent payments.
- www.needhelppayingbills.com/.../wausau_rental_assistance.html

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts February 20, 20180 found this helpful
I would call the local radio or news station. News reporters like the human interest stories and can get you help
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