
Finding Sewing Machine Manuals

February 7, 2020

I can not find a replacement manual for my Dressmaker 2716B sewing machine. I have Googled everything I can think of and checked everywhere. Can anyone please help?



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
February 8, 20200 found this helpful
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I remember doing some research on this brand before and what I can tell you is that the best bet is to see if there are YouTube videos for similar machines that help you do what you need to do.

Here is a link to sample videos:

The manuals are like needles in haystacks....almost impossible to find.

I think it is because there some mystery in who actually made the machines--some are marked Brother, but some may have been made by Singer or may have been Japanese knockoffs on a Singer.

That said...the other thing you can do is to create a Google alert and if one comes up for sale on eBay (either a machine where maybe the seller would be kind enough (for a fee I am sure) scan the document or someone may actually sell the manual.


If you have a sewing repair shop in your town, they may know more, especially if it is someone who has worked on machines for years.

Post back what you learn because I know there is a market for manuals for this and other Dressmaker machines!

It would be nice to have valid links for active sources on Thrifty Fun if you can find something. Just be sure it doesn't violate copyright!

Thanks for asking!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 14, 20200 found this helpful
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There is one site that may be able to help you but you will have to post pictures of your complete machine as well as close ups of the name and serial numbers.


Also, theses numbers are difficult to read on your picture so be sure to type these numbers out or they may not be able to help.

You can read directions on how to post pictures from a site like Photo Bucket or a similar program. This is not difficult.
Also, you will have to join their email message site to ask for help. This is free (but they do have a paid membership also). This will be well worth the trouble as you may need more help in the future.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 8, 2020

I'm looking for an owner's manual for this Universal sewing machine Model ST. I need to at least be able to thread it.


Universal ST Sewing Machine Manual or Thread Guide


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
May 8, 20200 found this helpful
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I believe this what is called a 'clone' so there are probably other machines that are the same and you could use their manual which may be easier to find.


This site has a lot of manuals so send them your information to see if they have a manual for your machine.
Be sure you give them all letters and numbers on your machine.

Since you really may need more assistance with your machine it would be a good idea to join some of the sewing machine forums so you can get help anytime you need it.
There are several really good ones so join more than one.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
May 9, 20200 found this helpful
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The only manual I can find that would be of much help to you is here.

I think you need to purchase this manual. This is a Universal ST machine that is a bit different from all the other universal machines I have found.


The manual I gave you a link to has the thread guide on the side of the machine like yours does.

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May 17, 2021

I require a manual for a Rhythm Milliner De Luxe Sewing Machine 1284 #2677
please. Tried everywhere.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
May 26, 20210 found this helpful
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I cannot find a manual for this model. These Rhythm sewing were made in Japan. They started to make them in the 40s. Is your sewing machine in a cabinet? A photo of your Rhythm sewing machine would really help us. Perhaps you have a clone of the Singer 15 sewing machine.


After WW2 Singer allowed Japanese companies to use the 15 model to make machines in the effort to build the country back up. Japan began making Singer 15 clones using the original Singer machining tools this why the machines made in the late 40s - early 50s were excellent machines.
They put whatever name the reseller wanted on the front, so often the badge on the front may be a fun name, but does not really mean a whole lot. Perhaps this is why it is almost impossible to find a manual for Rhythm Milliner De Luxe.
The clones usually have a knob to drop the feed dogs at the base of the pillar, it is very useful to have instead of on the underside as older Singer 15's have. Easiest way to tell it's not an older Singer 15 (made before they outsourced) - if it has that knob.

Here is the instruction for Singer 15, -manual.pdf Check it out if it works for you. Or look for a visually similar Singer model.

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June 19, 2021

Trying to find a manual for a Japanese made sewing machine that has American as its name. It is a deluxe zigzag


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
June 23, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

A photo of your sewing machine would help a lot, but I think this Instruction Manual for a Delux Zig Zag Sewing Machine can help you (free to view) I think this instruction manual was printed in Japan, like this instruction manual (not free)

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December 27, 2018

Looking for a pdf version of the user manual for a Universal Deluxe Dressmaker midel#KAT. I'm trying to learn the controls.

Manual for a Universal KAT Sewing Machine - older sewing machine

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October 5, 2020

I was given a Hilton sewing machine, model 303. Unfortunately there is no manual and I'm lost on how to thread it and everything. Is there a manual I can download or something to help me?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
October 5, 20200 found this helpful
Best Answer

The Hilton sewing machine is listed under Hilton sewing machines, Cleveland, Ohio, Toronto, Canada SINGER W303 User Manual. Here is the link to the Singer W303 downloadable manual for your sewing machine.

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April 10, 2009

I just recently received an older zig-zag sewing machine, Kenmore model #158.3011. It has the needle in the left side position, I cannot find a lever, switch, or button to get it to the center position. I would love a manual but cannot find one online.

By Dee from NY


April 11, 20090 found this helpful

I found 2 sites that you may want to try. The first one tells where to find the right number. (The number behind motor is not the right number)

I hope that this helps.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
April 11, 20090 found this helpful

This site below is WONDERFUL! They have old & hard to get copies of manuals for sale PLUS they have free threading diagrams for lots & lots of old & new machines. Just click on the "MANUAL" button at the top left of their home page... I buy a lot of older machines at thrift shops & this site has helped me. Also, my son was left an older machine by his grandmother when she passed on & he found out how to thread it & use it from this web site:

PS. If you need info, here's some great sewing forums you can post your question on. I like the top site the best:

* An idea just came to me... Is the needle on the left because the machine is in the "Zig-Zag" setting? I just looked at my (early 1980's) Kenmore & when I have the stitch width turned wide then the needle will stay on the left or right, no matter what setting & type of stitch it's set on. Make sure your stitch width is set at straight stitch. The key is: Does the zig-zag still work with the needle in that position? If so, then just use a zig-zag foot (large hole foot) to sew straight & you should still be able to sew most everything. My brand new Brother has a setting that places the needle on the left, but it's a computerized model & I'm sure yours is mechanical. I had another machine that the needle was moved with a sliding lever. Also, I've had great luck going into small "ma & pa" sewing repair stores & they have showed me simple things about my machine at no charge.

---> Also, I don't know if you know it but most Kenmore machines are "low shank" machines as are most Brother & White (as well as Euro-Pro) machines... This means you can inter-change attachments & feet from one brand to another... Most Singers have a high or a slanted shank so the older Singer feet usually won't swap... I have owned several older Kenmore machines & the older they are the better. I had an early 1950's model & that machine was built to LAST as were all of the machines that were built before the 1980's. They were built stronger & if you can find a machine that's made before the 1960's or 70's then you'll have a REAL gem! These older machines are super strong & durable because they were built before plastic was invented (Plastic started becoming popular in the late 50's). They may be strong, but you pay for that in weight! ... These older machines many not have all the "bells & whistles" but as long as you have zig-zag you can sew pretty much anything with them anyway... In fact I just gave my 6 year old granddaughter a "Vintage" black 1937 Singer for her birthday & every time I sew on it I marvel at how much better & smoother it runs than my brand new machine & any of my other 4 "newer-used" machines. It's super-easy to thread (only 3 slots) & runs like it's brand new... (& I paid only $25 for it at my favorite thrift store!) But, alas, it has no ziz-zag... But it's so easy a 6 year old can thread it! ...But, don't try & carry it! ...Or your back will go out! ...It's got to be made of cast iron, I've never lifted a heavier machine!

April 13, 20090 found this helpful

Did you check to see if there was a way to move the needle on the holder itself? I had an old machine once and you could unscrew the needle, pull it out, and reinsert it in one of 2 openings, then reclamp, and start sewing.

April 14, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you very much!

April 18, 20090 found this helpful

I spent a lot of time worrying myself to death over this problem. One day I changed feet on my machine, and guess what? The needle was in the middle! I got to looking at the foot I was using - comparing it to the new one - the old ones's needle slot was off to one side , with the side foot wider on one side - all that worrying for nothing, when I should have just been thankful that it worked.

October 22, 20171 found this helpful

Many vintage Kenmores and other machines from the 50s and early 60s are left-homing, meaning that is where the needle is supposed to be - on the left. It was considered the best position in the days when most machines were used for sewing garments and neat edgestitching was a priority.

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August 28, 2019

I purchased a Hilton sewing machine from Goodwill, but it didn't have a manual. The accessory box says zig zag on it, but I can't find out how you lift machine from base to get to serial numbers and can't find info on it either.

Please help.

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March 27, 2016

I've looked everywhere and I can't find a manual or anything on this Dressmaker zig zag model#3692. My wife's aunt let me use it and I've never used a sewing machine before so any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Manual for Dressmaker Sewing Machine



July 3, 20160 found this helpful

Did you ever find the manual

July 13, 20180 found this helpful

Hello! I have a Dressmaker #466, serial #4304 that was made in Japan. I'm searching for a manual. If anyone has any info, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

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February 25, 2016

I need a manual for a Spiegel 805B buttonhole zig-zag machine, is there anywhere to find one? Really, I just need to find out how to thread the needle in it?


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
February 26, 20160 found this helpful

Have you tried the Spiegel website - use 'contact us' to see if they have one in their pdf archive.

Another place to try (for threading helps) is YouTube - use the search function and type in the machine maker and model number followed by the words 'threading'. You never know, something might come up.

Finally, try an image search for your machine make and model - pictures should come up with links you can follow - eventually one will lead you to threading tips and possibly even a source for a manual:)

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April 28, 2020

I am trying to find a manual for a vintage Super Zig-Zag Model 752 Dressmaker sewing machine. I am willing to pay for a copy of the manual. Thank you.

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February 22, 2015

I need a manual for a Universal Deluxe ZigZag sewing machine, model msaz. Any help would be great.

By C. D. Edwards


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 9, 20181 found this helpful

Is this the manual you are looking for?

There is a YouTube Video that may also be helpful

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November 8, 2012

Blue vintage sewing machine.I have a vintage De Luxe Precision sewing machine. it is turquoise in color, the name American Home is on the front. It was made in Japan. I'm looking for a manual or help to sew on it.

By Kathy from Hattiesburg, MS


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 179 Feedbacks
November 12, 20120 found this helpful

If you will google "sewing machine manuals American Home" you will find several sites that have them.

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Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 64 Tips
April 14, 2015

I was given a very heavy Rotary sewing machine. It is vintage, I think. It seems to be able to embroider with 2 spools of thread. I have no manual and I can't figure how to use it. Any suggestion?

By Linda


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
April 19, 20150 found this helpful

You did not mention brand name of rotary sewing machine, so I would suggest you google search "online (brand name) rotary sewing machine manual and see what you can locate.

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September 27, 2014

I have an Usha Flora sewing machine. I can't fit my needle in. Is there a video that will show me how to fit the needle?

By Begum


September 29, 20140 found this helpful

Look underneath to see the opening for the needle. Make sure that the screw pin is loose so that the needle will slide in.There is a flat and round side to needles adjust until it fits snuggly(do not force it)then tighten the screw so needle stays in place. Gently turn wheel towards you to see if needle is in straight and goes down between the feeddogs properly. If this doesn't work go to google and put in the name of your machine and see what comes up,or put in how to thread the machine and see what links you can find.

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September 7, 2014

Does anyone have information (a manual) for a White sewing machine model 3009N?

By R.M.

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July 25, 2014

I am looking for a Spiegel Vogue Stitch 752-1500l manual. Please e-mail me through this site, if you know where I can get a copy.

By Connie

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May 30, 2014

How I do I insert a zigzag cam?

By Barbara M

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October 20, 2017

Having a sewing machine is great as long as you can learn how to use it properly. Thanks to the internet it is easier to find old publications. This is a page about finding a manual for an Atlantis sewing machine.

Sewing Machine Needle

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