
Finding Someone to Clear Trees for Free?

May 25, 2018

I have some trees (mostly pine trees) I want to have cleared out of our yard. We live on almost an acre of land. Any suggestions?



Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
May 26, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

Pine trees have almost no use to the average person so asking for free tree work with pines will probably not find any takers. If there is no danger of trees falling on a building or electric wires you may be able to get some inquires by placing a free ad in Craigslist, Freecycle, Letgo, or even Nextdoor as there may be someone that has a need for your trees.

  • Tree cutting equipment is very expensive (including a truck for hauling) and insurance/liability is very expensive and usually no company (even small ones) will do a job unless you have a very large number of trees and the trees are of a certain size. This does not mean you should not ask or search for free service as different parts of the country have different needs.
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  • You should keep in mind that anytime someone does any work on your property (that does not have their own liability insurance) you would be responsible (homeowner's insurance) for any problems (especially injuries) that may happen.
  • ThriftyFun receives a lot of questions about tree removal so you may want to read some past answers to this question.
  • Research is good so check out some sites:
  • If you ask for quotes on removal be sure to ask about clean up and stump removal so you will know what to expect should you hire someone.
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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 12, 2012

We are about to clear some land for building. We need the trees cleared off. We are willing to give the trees to whomever clear cuts them down. We live in North Carolina. Any suggestions?

By Tray


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
April 14, 20120 found this helpful
Best Answer

Craigslist or FreeCycle would be good places to advert this, also in your church bulletin if you attend a church.

Be careful in going about this, though-check your homeowner insurance to be sure that anyone injured in the process of cutting and clearing is covered, and that any damage the cutter causes to your property is likewise covered.

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January 17, 2016

I live out side Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and would like to have trees cleared on my land for free. I do not want to be paid for any trees, just clear much away. I do not know what kind of trees are on my land, but I have 31 acres.



Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
January 18, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

Many people want to have trees removed from their property. Often someone tells them that tree removal services will pay them to remove trees from their property. Unfortunately, they face many problems:


*Tree removal companies are not interested in paying the owner in small jobs, such as a few acres of trees, as their costs in insurance, machinery and workers are very high.

*Some companies may be interested in a larger project if the property owner pays the company, however, the land owner might then find that the company sells the trees to lumber companies. The tree company then has the tree removal payment and the lumber sale payment, as well.

*Insurance liabilities on both sides can be very high as tree removal is a dangerous job and companies must carry high insurance costs for injury to workers and property. The property owner may face injury and damage costs, and legal problems, as well. Tree removal companies are required to carry insurance and bond for their company and workers but this does not mean the property owner does not need coverage for the property and possible injuries etc.


*Depending on the area or state of the property, the owner may face permit requirements, historic, cultural and other limitations in removing trees from a property.

*Frequently property owners may find they need an attorney to address the issues and prepare a contract.

So, an answer to your question is not simple. You may find a tree removal service by putting an ad on Craigslist, etc., but you still face all the issues above with no guarantees.

You should discuss your plans with an attorney familiar with land use and then make an informed decision.

A caveat here-be careful not to provide the property address or even the general location of the trees to any company or person you might find from Craigslist, etc., before signing a contract. You may find that someone has removed the trees from your property without your knowledge.

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March 3, 2019

I have pine wood from one tree that was cut down on my property. I need the wood removed for free. I could only afford to have it cut down, but not hauled away.

It is cut into large sections. Free is the key word here. Is there any such animal?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 3, 20190 found this helpful

Probably not. Removing trees is hard work and requires expensive equipment. My daughter needs 6 trees removed and just got a quote today for $1500. We are in NY.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
March 3, 20190 found this helpful

It'll be a long shot to get someone to haul for free. You can post free ads on Craigslist, NextDoor, etc asking though.

You could try to barter something though? Baby sit? or something.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 4, 20190 found this helpful

Pine wood is not a desirable firewood and if the tree is in large pieces that usually means the person may need commercial equipment to cut it up.


I believe you made a mistake in not getting cleanup from whoever cut down your tree as most likely it will cost you more now as it is a new job and before the workman were already on the property.

Free is mostly not going to happen no matter where you live.

March 4, 20190 found this helpful

Do you have a local website in your part of the world? I have had some good luck parting with stuff I offered for free on kijiji.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 5, 20190 found this helpful

You most likely will not find free. Is there any way you can push them to the edge of your property and use them as a natural barrier?

It will take YEARS, but eventually they will become compost.


You could get creative with them yourself and turn them into benches and tables!

I love things like this--see this website where they give patterns for DIY with trees:

I am always looking to make something from something that would normally be wasted!! It seems a shame to waste the wood--even if it is just pine!

July 15, 20210 found this helpful

$1500 for six trees? Wow that's cheap! I have a friend who lives here in Hartwell Georgia where I live and she paid $5000 to have one tree cut down! That's right--one tree! If that sounds bad she had received a previous quote of a whooping $10,000 for that same tree! Talk about price gouging!!!!! Either there is something wrong with the tree cutters in this area or there is something wrong with my friend. Who in their right mind would pay $5000 to have one tree cut down. I sure would not.

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August 11, 2017

Do you know of anyone that cuts trees for the wood in south Louisiana?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 11, 20170 found this helpful

Cutting trees is very labor intensive and most people want to be paid. You could put an ad on Freecycle or Craigslist and see if you get any takers.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 11, 20170 found this helpful

I know there is technical issues with offering free wood if a person wants to come and cut your tree. However, I am sure there is a need for firewood in your area. I would suggest posting on Craig's List or even posting an ad in your local supermarkets. Normally they have a bulletin board you can post a 3x5 card on.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
August 11, 20170 found this helpful

You can post a listing on craigslist asking if anyone would like to cut your trees for the lumber.

Or, long shot check the wanted to see if anyone wants lumber.

Good luck!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 12, 20170 found this helpful

See if there are any logging/forestry companies local to you. Google lumber mills logging companies with your zip code for names to contact.
Tree removal is a costly job and companies usually require the land owner to have a large number of sizable trees before they will even take a look at the property and if they look at your trees they may only offer to cut them for free (no payment to you) or give you a price they would charge to cut the trees.
If you have sufficient trees for a tree company to buy (or cut for free or you pay for them to cut) be sure your contract has specific wording as to what type of cutting, clean up, stump removal they will do.
Most people do not know there is Forestry Service that will help with answering question about tree removal. Although service foresters cant oversee timber sales for you, they can provide you with a list of timber buyers in your area, sample contracts for timber sales, and information on government-run cost-share programs for replanting. Google forestry service agency with your zip code. Here is a link that has a lot of information about selling trees. It is a long read but very useful.

A lot of people need firewood or there may be someone in your area that can have the wood cut into usable planks. Craigslist or Freecycle have places to post ads like this but remember to ask about whether they will do any cleanup as that is usually a big part of having trees cut.

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June 18, 2019

We are in the hurricane season here in the southern part of Georgia and have 40 pine trees that need to be removed from our property. To have these cut down will cost a fortune.

Do you have any suggestion on how these can get cut down at no cost to us? Or even make a small profit from having them cut down?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 18, 20190 found this helpful

Cutting down trees is hard work and requires expensive equipment. The vast majority of people want to be paid. You can try to put an ad on Craigslist swapping the lumber for removal, but I don't think you are going to have any takers.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
June 18, 20190 found this helpful

There are legal and possibly historic and archaeological complications in removing trees from your land:
*Injuries to employees of the tree cutting company that may also involve you;
*Legal, historic and archaeological complications of your land that can obligate and complicate tree removal;
*Finding just anyone to cut down your trees is a huge gamble for you as they must comply with all legal etc. requirements noted above.
*Do not expect any profit-tree cutting is a very expensive and high risk endeavor.
*Do expect high cost and all the legal etc., ramifications noted above.
Good Luck!!!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
June 18, 20190 found this helpful

I read above and it hit close to home. I wanted to have some trees removed from out front so I reached out to a landscaper on Yelp to help me, and he came over and told me it was illegal to do so and I'd have to get permission from the city first. I'd get a clearance from your city and then ask them for low cost options for help (that's where I found my person, and permission).

June 19, 20190 found this helpful

You can start a "gofundme" page and some people will help with the cost. Especially after a disaster. FEMA might help with some of it if it is a threat to your home or property. Call your local habitat for humanity as well. They may have funding for this as well. You may be put on a waiting list, but it may be worth the wait. If you can't get help right away, take some washers with a long strong strong rope and try to tie around the top. Make sure when it falls, you will be well out of the way. Have some friends pull it in the direction you want it to go and slowly hack away at it. BE CAREFUL AND BE MINDFUL OF WHERE EVERYONE IS AND WHERE THE TREE IS GOING.!!!!! Your local tree service may be able to help as well.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 19, 20190 found this helpful

Your state has a 400 page document about tree ordinances:

It will be best if you can talk to someone in your local government and find out if you are even permitted to cut these trees, if any are in municipality owned right of way, etc.

You say they are on your property...but I learned when I moved into my house, that a tree that I thought was "on my property" actually half mine and half the municipality. Because it was causing damage to the public road, they paid 1/2 of the removal.

Post back with an update.

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May 30, 2019

My neighbor has a big white oak tree in her yard, but it's too much money for her to afford to have someone cut it down. How can I find someone to help her with this?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 30, 20190 found this helpful

Tree cutting is hard work abs requires expensive equipment. You may find someone at a church who will offer his services, but it is going to be hard to find someone


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
May 31, 20190 found this helpful

This website may help

- Is the tree on public property? See if there is any program to have the tree removed for free.
- You can see if anyone would be interested in a barter.

Good luck to your neighbor!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
June 1, 20190 found this helpful

Tree work on private property is very expensive and since it is a dangerous job that requires a lot of knowledge about how to even start the cutting as well as insurance (homeowners?), license, and maybe even a city or county permit to even remove the tree it will be difficult to find someone willing to do this for free.

Tree cutting also requires expensive equipment as the clean up is usually just as big a job as cutting down the tree.
If the tree is very close to a house/building it will require an even more knowledgeable person to do the job. As a general rule, the closer a tree is to a building the more expensive the job and residential property can have power lines, sidewalks, driveways, landscaping (in the yard and public property) that requires experienced tree personnel.

She may be able to find someone that will take payments but I seriously doubt that is even possible.

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March 14, 2017

I have aprox. 1 1/2 acres of pine trees. I would like someone to cut them down and take them away for free. How do I find such a person or company? I live around Edenton, North Carolina.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 14, 20170 found this helpful

You can find someone who wants the wood and you give them the wood in exchange for their labor to take it away. Put an ad in Freecycle or Craigslist.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
March 14, 20170 found this helpful

Like Judy said. I do this year around, as we have lots of land with timber, and since we seem to be having tornadoes to take some trees out about every 3 years now, I advertise on the local facebook swap shops, and on the bulletin board at the feed stores. So far, we have had 6 different men come and cut wood. I ask for 1/4 of what they cut, since we burn wood. They get the rest. Almost every Saturday I can hear someone in the back or in the hedge row cutting. It has worked very well for us, and since we are in a small farming community, we more or less know everyone, so we are feeling safe with this arrangement.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
March 15, 20170 found this helpful

Where I live, Southern California - it is rare for someone to cut down trees and haul for free.

But you could call your local tree trimming services and see if they would like to help you out. And you could also post on Craigslist or Facebook.

Good luck!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
March 26, 20170 found this helpful

With that much wood you might be able to sell it, Benson, with the cost of cutting and removal factored into the contract. If your trees are a fair size, maybe look into that as a viable option? (If you've ever purchased lumber you know it's a valuable commodity.)

February 16, 20210 found this helpful

If you own any pine trees and you would like to trim them, then you have to find a tree cutting Service Company. Many companies, especially close to coastal areas, thrive from working on palm trees. According to Go Tree Quotes, the cost of removing palm trees can vary depending on the size, among other factors. Make sure you find the right company any time you want to tree palm trees. Visit Go Tree Quotes online for more information at

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May 18, 2018

I have a lot of fallen trees in my yard, pine and some others that were knocked down by the recent storm. How do I find anyone interested in free trees or wood?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 18, 20180 found this helpful

Put an ad on Freecycle or Craigslist


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
May 19, 20180 found this helpful

There are probably a lot of people in your area in this same predicament and most will have to pay someone to cut up and remove the trees/wood.

  • You can certainly try placing an ad in Freecycle and Craigslist but I would not wait very long for a reply.
  • Another place to place an ad is in your local Nextdoor site as this would be in your area so not far to travel.
  • The problems with free wood is almost nobody wants pine and most other limbs, etc will require a very good chain saw or a log cutter (expensive piece of equipment) plus a way to transport their "find".
  • If you are in an area that uses a lot of logs in wood stoves and fireplaces you may have better luck but otherwise there are not many uses for wood like this.
  • Even if you get someone interested in some of your wood they will not do "clean up" which is a big part of the work you will have to do.
  • You may be able to place some of your trees/limbs at your roadside if the city/county is still doing storm clean up but I feel sure they will have size requirements so that still means the wood may have to be cut up.
  • You may be able to get a friend that has a chain saw to help you but that is probably the only free help you will find. But this type of work is really hard on a chain saw so even a friend may not be available.
  • Sorry to put a damper on your hopes but I live in Florida and we have storms/hurricanes and most people have to pay a hefty sum to get their yards cleaned up (but it is less money if someone else does the cutting and you do the cleanup).

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
May 19, 20180 found this helpful

if your area is saturated with folks with fallen trees, not much hope of someone wanting them. Ask someone you know who may have a sawmill if they want the trees. I live in the North Carolina backwoods and you'd be surprised how many random people just own their own sawmills for precisely this reason - trees fall or need to be cut down & they choose to do something about it v letting it go to waste If you wanted to invest in a sawmill you could process the wood and then sell firewood at a later time, or have your own firewood

an ad on craigslist or free facebook buy sell trade groups is an obvious place to start. As well if you wanted to go out on a limb (no pun intended) you could contact woodworkers and cottage home builders in your area but in general they would want actual lumber, so back to square one: invest in a sawmill.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
May 19, 20180 found this helpful

I think other people may have fallen trees as well. It's a long shot but you can post an ad on Craigslist.

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My next door neighbor is an elder lady. She had 7 big white pines cut down and is looking for someone to haul them away for the free wood.


May 3, 20170 found this helpful

You can always put an add on craigslist, free cycle, facebook swaps or even your local newspaper. However, I would not let on that the homeowner is an elderly lady or lives alone. That would give some valuable information to those who may take evil advantage of the situation. I would probably start with advertising at a church, that there is free firewood available, come help yourself and go from there.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
May 3, 20170 found this helpful

You can try posting an free ad on Craigslist!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 3, 20170 found this helpful

Freecycle is also a good way to advertise. She could put ads on the bulletin board in the supermarket, too.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
May 4, 20170 found this helpful

Try your local Craigslist and

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