It can be very difficult to find matching wallpaper for a remodel or home repair project, especially if you have no idea who the manufacturer is. It can take hours of looking through wallpaper books or images on the internet.
I am trying to find this wallpaper. It was originally purchased about 5 years ago. I am moving to a new home and wanted to use it again. I am unable to find what the manufacturer was. I would be grateful for any help!
Well it is called "Rare Vintage America Road Map Retro Wallpaper Hollywood Travel New York Route 66"
and here are some pinterest about it
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Can anyone help me find this wallpaper please? I'm sorry I don't even know the name of it. I only have the pictures attached.
I only need half a drop so as I don't have to redecorate a whole hallway.Many thanks.
It is really pretty and I would think if you can't find an exact match you could find something close enough that you would have to look closely to know it didn't match. The other suggestion are there are some house painters who can mimic simple wall paper patterns with textured paint.
I am looking for a roll of wallpaper which is the blown vinyl variety. The pattern is shown in the attached picture. Currently I have been unable to identify the manufacturer.
If I were you, I would go to a wallpaper store. Perhaps one of the employees recognizes the pattern. If not, you may be able to get something close.
Hi. Can anyone identify this wallpaper, which I want to use again. It may be a Seriano paper
You might try these sites to see if you're able to find your wallpaper:
There are too many variables in wallpaper to be able to find this pattern from your pictures.
You will need brand and pattern/number to even begin a search. Next you will need to show if this is a discontinued pattern or if you have bought/used it within the last 5 years. Discontinued wallpaper is very difficult to find (even one roll).
You will also need to know what type of paper you're looking for as there are usually several type of paper available in every pattern.
It is very difficult to tell very much from your pictures; is the color 'white'?
You can always do a visual search on Google, eBay, Etsy just in case someone has your pattern listed.
Maybe another member will be able to offer more help.
Your wallpaper pattern is similar to Holden Opus Grid Sequin Gray / Silver 35575 pattern