
Finding the Title of a Book?

January 27, 2009

Book Pages FlippingI had a book of fairy tales when I was a child and it finally fell apart. My mother threw it away one day and I would like to replace it. I do not know the title of it (sadly) and it has been 10 years since I have seen it. I purchased it at a yard sale. Now that I have children, I would like to read them stories from this book. There are many books out there that are good, but I want this particular book.


Some of the stories were, Boots and his Brothers, The Sea Maiden, The White Snake, Rapunzel, The Widow's Son, The Ass..Table..and Stick, The Princess Who Lived on a Glass Hill, Puss in Boots, and many others. If anyone could help me find the title and maybe more importantly, the Book I would sincerely appreciate it. I would like to have this particular one. Thanks everyone for your time!

Jamey from Chapel Hill, NC

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August 18, 2016

Has anyone heard of, or seen a little book; I do not know the title of the book per se, but inside of the book was a fashion-show luncheon and pageant. The title of the fashion show was "Fashions to Follow", written by Jane K. Priewe? Thirteen women of the bible were chosen, each representing a character trait and a color.

Example: Ruth, representing loyalty, wearing yellow.

Please help if you can. I bought the book back in the late 70s to early 80s.

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June 4, 2018

I am trying to find old copies of a text book series from the 60s called "The _____ Built America" with the names of different immigrant groups (Irish, Italian, Jews) in the title. I may be wrong about "built", but the point of the books was to honor the contributions different immigrant groups made to our country in the 20th century. Thanks!

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