What is the value of a Funk and Wagnalls Universal Standard Encyclopedia, 1955 Deluxe Edition? It is a full set of 25 volumes.
By Cat from Olympia, WA
Search eBay and see what kind of results you get. Another thing you can do is check a local used book store, they might be able to give you an idea. (11/09/2010)
By Suntydt
Being able to find any of the most updated and new information on line and not having to fine room to store a bunch of obsolete books I would say the value is zero. Except for sentimental value. (11/10/2010)
By Deanj
I love old encyclopedias, and not just for their sentimental or decorative value. The level of detail, the diagrams and the photos in them are often quite interesting and are, unfortunately, omitted in more modern encyclopedias or online sources of information. People who use only current sources of information miss out on a lot. (11/10/2010)
By Ginger
Here's one online suggestion:
Also, check your local nostalgia/memorabilia stores (both regular and book) because they might be willing to give you an idea of what they are worth or maybe even purchase them.
Also check periodically what prices they might be going for at Amazon Books. I just checked there and prices varied wildly just for any one 'yearbook' for the set you're asking about, but no sales for the entire set, at least not right now.
Whatever you do, if you don't keep them, is find a good home for them where they will be appreciated. I so wish I had the very early 1960's set I grew up with because the encyclopedias today do not compare to the old sets at all!
By Deeli
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