When you are at your bank's ATM, make sure you finish your transaction. I have pulled up to my bank's ATM, twice in the last month, and found that each person did not finish his/her transaction. The screen I saw said, "Do you want another transaction?" If I had been a thief, which I am not, I could have selected "Yes" and cleaned both accounts out. So, make sure that after you are through and get your cash, finish that transaction; make sure you see that beginning screen before you drive off. That person behind you may be hoping that you don't.
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Just wondering if their card was still in the ATM, cause usually it doesn't give you your card back until you answer the yes or no question. At least that is the way it works with mine...just wondering.
I have twice found cards in ATM machines. Once was immediately after my friend made a withdrawal, so I was able to return it to her. The second time was in Greece, and after banking hours. We finally got someone in the bank to open the door, and we left the card with them. Best we could do.
Also, another friend was making a withdrawal in Morocco, and did not take her money out as soon as it appeared. I am not sure what she was doing, but the money disappeared. Apparently there is a phone number on most ATM's to which you are supposed to report this, but we didn't have a phone anyway. She made a second withdrawal, and got cash, but at home discovered that the money she didn't get was debited from her account. She did report this to her bank, and it was reimbursed a few days later.
No, the card was not still in the machine. At my bank's ATM, your card comes out after you have entered your PIN. That's why people who use it, or any other ATM that works like my bank's, should make sure the starting screen is back before driving off.
At most ATM's,when the card is pulled out, the person has to put in their PIN number. When that happens, if they want another transaction, they have to put their card back in or resubmit their PIN number. Most thieves and people behind the person that doesn't clear the screen don't know the PIN, so they are unable to steal money from the person that doesn't clear the screen.
The new ATM machines scan the card at the beginning and give it back to you right away. But, anytime you say yes to a new transaction you have to put your PIN in again. So it's not as unprotected as it appears.
My friends who were visiting from Japan just had $600 dollars stolen from them in San Francisco. They said there were a couple of guys working the scam. Basically, a guy watched them punch in their pin and when they walked away and it was asking if they wanted another transaction the guys got on, punched in their pin and got $600.
I like dealing with the bank teller instead of an atm machine. It prevents mistakes or bad things happening. Plus, it keeps someone employed.
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