Pretend fish aquarium plus real money bank! The coins are the gravel!
Approximate Time: 30 minutes
- clear plastic box or cube (I used a Christmas ornament box)
- construction paper (I used green, purple, orange, and black)
- glue stick
- crayon or markers (for accents)
- coins
- tape (clear or black electrical)
- scissors
- Remove any stickers from the clear box.
- Line the bottom of the fish bank with black or your choice of colored paper. To easily get the right size, place the clear box on the paper, outline, cut, then glue the black paper onto the inside bottom of the bank.
- Place the designated back wall of the fish bank on blue paper and trace the needed size of paper. Draw curvy water lines/waves on the blue paper to imitate water. Glue to inside back of the fish bank.
- Draw small fish, seaweed, and other undersea details. Cut out and glue to the fish bank on the blue back wall, the front clear tank wall, and the sides, if desired.
- Cut a slit into the top of the fish bank to put coins into.
- Tape the edges of the fish bank to prevent the openings from gapping once the coins are within.
- Put loose change into the fish bank, and when you want to move your coins to the real bank, cut open the fish bank (OR take the tape off one taped side).

By Erin813 from Seffner, FL

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