Everyone is stuck at home right now and might be getting a little bored. I know I am! Recently while giving in to one of my guilty pleasures of looking on the Internet, I saw a bunch of craft ideas and DYIs so it gave me an idea. Tie dye is really creative and fun especially for those who have little kids that are a little energetic and restless, let's admit it we all find ourselves embracing that "inner kid" in us sometimes don't we? So here is the how-to guide for getting started, ready?
Total Time: 40 min. - 1hr
- 1 Tulip 36 color tie-dye kit - from Hobby Lobby. It already came with rubber bands for dyeing t-shirts, gloves, and a table cloth covering.
- 1 roll of duct tape - I recommend the blue kind. Clear packaging tape may be not as sticky as others.
- 1 pair of plain white canvas sneakers - I got them at Hobby Lobby for just $9. I would recommend that you find a coupon online before you get the things, the prices there aren't cheap. I will say these items weren't that bad of a deal.
- 2 grocery bags

Note: you will not need rubber bands for this
- Take all of your supplies and lay them out. Things are going to get messy trust me!

- Take the laces off the sneakers.

- Tape up the parts that you don't want to dye, like the edges of the soles. Don't worry if a little bit of dye gets on the edge of the soles, I just wiped it right off and it was fine.
- Pick the colors you want to use. Fill the bottles with water to the line and shake it up good, this will prevent any clumps of powder dye squirting out on your project. Then start at the toe of the shoe, I found that it was easier starting that way. Tip: don't put it on too heavily otherwise the colors will merge together because the shoes were too wet.

- Put your wet tie dyed shoes in a grocery bag, one shoe in each bag.Let dry for 24 hrs or until the next day. Wash them in the washer, trust me I even had to think about that a second when I heard that's even what you do with sneakers after tie dyeing them! After that let them air dry okay?
- Viola! And done! Enjoy the finished product ;)-