
Fixing a Loose Toilet Seat?

January 22, 2009

Loose Toilet SeatWhat can be done to make the plastic screws on a toilet seat stay on tighter? Mine keeps getting loose and then the toilet seat shifts. It is very annoying! Thanks for any help you can offer here.


Mary Lou from Flanders, NJ


January 23, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

Glue will work, but I'm araid you may have to use a hacksaw to replace the toilet seat.. Loctite makes several 'Threadlock' compounds; the "blue" is the one you should use, it'll keep the nut from becoming loose. DO NOT use the "red", that is for a more permanent fix; you'll have to use a heat source to remove the nut if using red.
Loctite blue is available in most hardware stores and auto parts stores.

January 23, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

They make replacement metal screws and bolts for the toilet seat; they're available at a hardware store.
I don't mess with the plastic ones, I buy them at the same time I purchase my toilet seat. Wal-Mart only has plastic replacement screws.

October 30, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

I liked all the suggestions except the steel screws and here is my reason. In the bathroom there is a lot of moisture and where there is dampness for steel bolts there is rust and where there is rust it is hard to remove and unlike glue which you can break its hold rust actually will bond the 2 parts together.


The adhesive on the washer would not cause any problem in removing and the glue will break with the pressure of the wrench to get it off fairly easy. Stay with the plastic or wrap the plastic threads with pipe tape which holds on pumps, etc. but will come off when you want it. Pipe tape it a stretchable tape for plastic and metal fittings to keep from leaking and is very pliable just wrap around the threads (don't need much) and screw it down, but you are able to take it off when you need to.

By Becky (Guest Post)
January 22, 20091 found this helpful

We had this same problem and my husband used Gorilla glue on it. Now it isn't shifting at all!

January 22, 20090 found this helpful

The only thing I can think of is putting a tiny drop of glue on the screw right before you tight it again, this should keep it in a fixed position.


Hope that helps

January 23, 20091 found this helpful

It could be that the screws are stripped from you tightening them over and over again. You can purchase new ones for under $5.00 at home depot in the plumbing department. Never tighten any screw on or inside a toilet too tight as you could cause the ceramic toilet to crack and then you would have to replace the entire toilet.

By Mary Lou (Guest Post)
January 24, 20090 found this helpful

Just want to thank everyone for their great advice. I think I will replace with metal screws from a hardware store. I had no idea that you could even purchase them!


The glues sounded interesting as well but I think I'd be afraid that I wouldn't be able to get them off.

July 21, 20090 found this helpful

I just bought this item online.
It is a simple washer with adhesive. Easy to install, cant see it once its on, and my toilet is tight. It was universal and under $5 fix. Check it out.

November 1, 20090 found this helpful

Loose toilet seat? The Yukon Seat Grip can solve this common problem. Hyyp://

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