I found a beautiful designer handbag in a consignment shop for $30. If it were new it would retail for over $400. It had worn handles, but there is a product called Edge Kote that made it look like new.
Total Time: 10 minutes per coat of Edge Kote
Yield: One bottle lasts for a long time.
- 1 bottle Edge Kote (I got mine at Amazon)
- 1 leather product that needs repair
- small brush or Q-tips
- newspaper or rags to protect the surface you are working on
- Put a small amount of Edge Kote on the area that needs repair.
- Wait at least 10 minutes between coats.
- When you are done you can buff if you want it shinier, or sand if you want it duller. I liked mine just the way it was.
Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks September 21, 20150 found this helpful
Thanks for this tip! I didn't know a product like this exists, but I'll be looking for some to repair a couple of things I have. You got my vote!