
Fixing a Perm That Lost Its Curl?

March 25, 2021

I am a male and got a perm around 7 to 8 in the morning. It looked good throughout the day and had no problem but when I got home at around 3:30 to 4 I noticed the front had become a little straight.


What should I do (if anything needs to be done)?


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
March 25, 20210 found this helpful
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I think you have to go back to the same hairdresser and ask her to fix it or get refund. I don't think you have very long hair. Therefore, it is not normal if the curliness disappears on the same day.
Also you can read a lot of tips here:


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
March 26, 20210 found this helpful
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Document by taking pictures, this gives you a time stamp and day. Also contact the stylist of your concerns. The stylist should help you, because of this same day and issue. Good Luck!


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 59 Tips
March 26, 20210 found this helpful
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I would definitely contact your stylist and let her know about the issue. There are a number of things that could cause problems w/ a perm. It could be that the rods weren't wrapped correctly or w/ enough tension, the perm solution may not have been left on long enough, the hair possibly wasn't rinsed well, or wasn't blotted well enough before the neutralizer was applied, the neutralizer wasn't left on long enough, or it wasn't rinsed out well enough.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 26, 20210 found this helpful
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it sounds like this may be something new to you but this is not normal so you should not hesitate to call your stylist and describe how your hair lost part (all?) of the curl.


You may have asked for a 'soft/loose/not to curly' look but there should still be some curl/waves for several weeks.
It is probably best if you do not shampoo your hair the first day but be sure to tell your stylist if you do shampoo.
Do not wait - make an appointment and try not to be in a hurry so the stylist can take their time with your perm.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 2, 2021

Help me please please please! This is my first ever perm, and I am so sad and disappointed. I got my perm yesterday and it started to look like this just a few hours after leaving the salon. I'm thinking about going in today and asking her about it but it's appointment only and I don't think I want her to redo it.

Heavily on my mind: washing it out before the 48 hours and getting a refund? What do yall think. Also the first three are the morning after pictures and the blue T-shirt ones are a few hours later.

A woman taking a picture in a mirror.
A woman taking a picture in a mirror.
A woman taking a picture in a mirror.
A woman taking a picture in a mirror.
A woman taking a picture in a mirror.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 2, 20210 found this helpful
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First: If you have not followed the directions provided by the salon, I do not believe they will have any responsibility to redo/fix your failed perm and certainly not to give you a refund.


You need to call the manager of the salon and provide information about your perm and make an appointment for them to see the problem.

They should be able to look at your hair and review what was done; what products were used and decide what best course to take to hopefully correct the problem.
Do not wait - make an appointment as soon as possible.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
April 11, 20211 found this helpful
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I think that in such cases, you certainly need to go back the hairdresser who permed you as soon as possible. If you don't want her to fix it, then at least get refund. But informing the hairdresser is important so that she understands that she is doing something wrong. Then, I hope, this will not happen again with another client.


I can imagine how upset you were. You can read a lot of tips here:

April 20, 20211 found this helpful
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Marianalove your name,a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Being that this thread was posted more than two weeks ago, I'm curious of what action you took and the results. For anyone that may come to experience, a similar issue, here's my advice. First and foremost, it appears that you received a simple perm. I'm not sure if you had the spiral or traditional perm rod. It appears to be the spiral,but I'm just guessing. Waiting a few days before doing anything to your hair ,especially not washing it, is crucial. At this stage, your hair is in shock.To help you hair to take to the perm you need to do a rinse of apple cider vinegar mixed with an equal part of water, and leave it alone.After your hair has had a few days to chill out & recover ,and you go to style it, you should not brush it with a brush, rather you should use a wide hair pick and pick it, to prevent it from being too frizzy. You'll need a good styling mousse dedicated for curly hair and and apply by scrunching it into your hair, helping to train your hair and only using a diffuser hair dryer, if any. Also avoid over-washing and just use a leave in conditioner spray for refreshing and eliminating frizz.If you're looking for more curly or fuller look for your hair, you would need to have your hair cut in layers prior to perming or using traditional perm rods that are rolled in a piggyback style fashion before applying permanent solution.


If you have hard to perm hair, which many people do, after your perm solution is applied and rinsed out, adding a last step of rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar and water solution does wonders for helping your hair adhere to the perm. After some time, receiving a second perm would help to convince your hair, it's curly now. Along with a little more insight on how you want your hair to turn out, with more detailed instructions understood by your stylist, just may promote a more desirable result. So to the beautiful Mariana, and one's that may be facing the perm nightmare, try not to be discouraged and don't try to wash it out , you'll just have more of a frizzy mess with no direction. You really can't undo a perm; hence that's why it's called... a permanent. Just takes alot of time and patience.--Niki

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February 23, 2011

I had a perm done late night two nights ago. We got done with it at about 2am. It looked great. I went home and went to sleep. When I got up I spritzed it with cool water put a little product in it and went about my day.

Then this morning I had to take a shower so I took a cool one so I didn't ruin the perm. I did rinse it. I was told that it was OK to rinse it as long as it was cool water. When I got out I ran my fingers through it to get most the tangles out. Then I used a wide tooth comb just like I was told to. As I combed it, it started going straight.


I thought maybe it was just because it was wet. I put a little curl creme through it and used a diffuser to dry it, exactly how I was told to. I flipped my head upside down and everything. Once it was pretty much dry it looked curly. Then when I was trying to style it and was using the wide tooth comb to pick out some of the tangles it just started flattening. Now most the curl is gone, it just looks like a frizzy mess.

I work at Sally beauty supply so I know about how perms work, but not a lot. We used a Quantum perm in the red box, just in case anyone knows that perm and how well it works.

So I was wondering a few things. Even though my hair was so curly the first night is it possible that the perm just didn't take? And if so, how can I get it to take? Can I even do another perm? My hair is pretty dried out. It's not falling out or anything, just very dry. Also we sell deep conditioners and things at my work, but if anyone knows any better way to also get more moisture in my hair that would be awesome.

By julieanne from Asheville, NC


February 25, 20110 found this helpful
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I have had perms all my life. I have always rinsed my hair with no problem in loosing the curl.. I took my daughter to a salon to have a perm done, at first it was beautiful then within 24 hrs the perm left her hair. I took her back to the salon and what they found out was that her hair soaks up water. This meant that the perm solution could not soak in her hair. They had to put her under a hair drier for some time to help with this. You might as a professional if this could be your type of situation too.
I might be different but I have never had problems rinsing my hair in the shower and I always put a little cream rinse on it so it is managable.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
February 28, 20111 found this helpful
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pmlparrott, just remined me of a situation a couple decades ago. I was working in a large upscale salon and one particular evening three perms were being done by three different stylists. The clients were all regulars and the same solutions for each were used as had been done for each before. Anyway, it was an extemely humid summer evening. All three of those perms had to be re-done. I am wondering if there were humid conditions in your environment the night you had your perm done? It wasn't humid inside the salon but it was very humid outside and one has to go outside to get home. Was it raining or moist snow conditions outside? Even with an umbrella the moisture in the air could have possibly affected your hair. Come to think of it, even alot of steam from the shower could affect the perm if not wearing a shower cap.

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April 23, 2021

So I just got my perm yesterday around 11:30 and it took about 2 hours. After I was done, I had lunch and did all the usual stuff after then went to bed.

Woke up and basically all my curls were gone. Will this fix itself or do I need to have it done again?


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
April 23, 20210 found this helpful
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Contact you stylist (who did the perm) and let her know about this as soon as possible. She should help solve this problem, because a perm typically lasts for 3-6 months. But there are too many reasons why you didn't get your desired perm.

There are several tips to fix a perm gone wrong:
1. Wash your hair to rinse the chemicals out of your hair and stop the perm developing any further. If your hair does not feel soft, then use a deep conditioning shampoo and repeat the procedure until the hair is feeling softer and looser.

2. To prevent your hair from puffing out when it dries make deep conditioning. Apply a generous amount of thick conditioner, leave it on for 30 minutes until the hair is soft enough to untangle the curls with your fingers or a wide toothed comb. Do not pull the comb through your hair.
Use conditioner and an anti frizz serum daily.

3. Use a hot oil treatment to provide your hair with added nourishment, moisture and to strengthen your hair. Use a shower cap to cover your hair during this treatment. When rinsing through use a relaxing shampoo and conditioner, then use a hair serum. After several such treatments your hair will be soft and flowing.

4. Trim any wispy, unruly ends, which make your perm look worse.

5. Scrunch the hair in your fist to make curls.
If possible let the hair dry naturally or use a diffuser extension on you hair dryer. But it is better to give up the hair dryer. Do not use any heat.

Also there is a lot of tips here:

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March 19, 2020

So I got my perm today and I had baseball practice a bit after. After practice i took my hat off to find my hair looks a bit straight in some places. Will this be fixed by just washing it when it's time or is the perm ruined?


Gold Answer Medal for All Time! 617 Answers
March 31, 20200 found this helpful
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It could be damaged. Sometimes when the hair is damaged, the perm will not take. With perms you are damaging the cuticle of the hair with chemicals and heat and if the damage is irreversible the curl won't hold its shape. This is the same mechanism whereby naturally curly hair when it gets damaged loses its natural curl. Read up on the DevaCurn debacle for more info.

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January 28, 2020

I got a perm yesterday (1-28-20) and when I was done processing my stylist took a small comb and combed my hair. It made my curls stringy and not very curly anymore.

Will it fix itself after I wash it tomorrow? How do I fix it?

Stringy Spiral Perm - permed hair photo


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
January 28, 20200 found this helpful
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You need to go back and speak with her about what she has done. If you are not happy with this then she needs to fix her mistake and make it correct. You have paid a lot of money for this perm and you should get what you want. You can try damping your hair and using your hands to squish it up. I mean take some of the hair at the bottom in yuour hand and then move up and get more hair then squeeze your hands. This one can help to bring it back into shape a bit after it was combed. I did this one and was told to use a pick and not a comb.

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October 28, 2018

I got a perm a little over 24 hours ago and it looked great, nice and curly. I noticed a few hours ago that the front seemed to be falling quite a bit, so I spritzed a tiny bit of water on it and scrunched it like I was told to and it worked for like an hour.

Now it seems like it's almost straight. Is there any possibility that it's just weighed down right now and will spring back up after I shower (after 72 hours)? Or is it a lost cause if it's falling this straight right now?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 28, 20180 found this helpful

Home or professional perm? Home, call the company that made the product and get their feedback. Pro, call and ask the stylist or owner for guidance and possibly help. The customer should always be happy and get a resolution from whomever did the work. Post back what you learn!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 28, 20180 found this helpful

Go back to the place where you got the perm. They should fix it for free, or refund your money.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
October 28, 20180 found this helpful

If you had your perm done in a professional salon then I would advise you to go in and show the results of how it has turned out after just a few hours, it would seem that your perm did not "take" either ask for your money to be refunded or if you want to take a chance, ask for it to be done again.
Good luck !!

October 28, 20180 found this helpful

I got it from my regular hairdresser whom I've been using for about 4 hours. It's really just one part that's pretty much fully straight now, except the roots are still curly, the ends are just straight. The rest is still pretty curly, I think; it's hard to tell because it's so messy. Unfortunately the straighter part is right in the front I'm out of town, so I can't go back to the salon to show her for about a week, but I'm sure she would redo it for me. I'm still crossing my fingers that it turns out okay after I shower and style it.

October 28, 20180 found this helpful

Sorry, I meant 4 years, not 4 hours XD


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
October 28, 20180 found this helpful

I would document and take photos of your hair and go back to the salon to let them know the perm did not stay after 24 hours. And I am sure after showering, it probably won't be curled either.

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October 7, 2019

I got my perm yesterday and it turned out nice, but when I woke up this morning the curls seem to have become straight. What should I do?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 7, 20190 found this helpful

I would go back to the salon and have them fix it.

October 8, 20190 found this helpful

Hey there I had permed hair many years ago, these days I scrunch it myself alongside using many products (lots), but having completely straight hair, after curling(the following 24hrs) was lifeless, frizzy, dry and didn't look good Anyway I discovered John Frieda's Frizz Ease Syrum, expensive for what i'd call a test tube inside of a bottle, WOW, amazing it actually does what it says on the tin! I never use John Frieda's Shamp/cond, I swear by Aussies 3 minute miracle... Use all 3 and I promise you'll never use a salon for treatments again I really hope u try them. NB: Superdrug and beauty stores do all three in travel size so cost 75% less for you too try, BARGAIN!! Mwoah


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
October 8, 20190 found this helpful

If you had your hair permed at a salon it is up to them to fix your hair. You paid a lot of money to have the perm put in your hair. Call them back and make an appointment to look at your hair and give you some advice or products you can use to restore the curls in your hair. I do not think I'd let them perm it again so soon because this can really damage your hair.

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July 14, 2019

I got a perm on Wednesday, when she took the rollers out I had beautiful ringlets! As the day went on they slowly got looser and looser. Now it's Friday and my hair looks awful:( It looks like I braided it 5 days ago and haven't touched it since.

When I wash it tonight and use product will it go back to the original perm? Pretty ringlets? Or at least get a little tighter?


March 2, 20200 found this helpful

Hi Judy, I got a perm on Saturday and my perm looks like it's going straight. I've had a spiral perm back in the 90s and it took just fine. This time around I wanted more of a beach wave. I asked at the consultation if it was possible my hair would go straight and was reassured my hair should take but that it was a risk I was taking. Does that mean that I'm out the money if it goes completely straight after washing today or would she be obligated to fix it? I spent $175.00 to perm and tipped her $35.00. Feeling a little anxious about the wash today and if she'll do the right thing and fix it.

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June 21, 2019

I got a perm 4 days ago. The hairdresser and I both agreed that it was going to be just wavy, but not very curly. I left the salon with my hair being wavy and nice. I followed the instructions and waited 72 hours before shampooing my hair. But after washing, my hair went a little bit flat and it looks like it lost its volume. (I just put hair oil after shampooing and conditioning my hair.)Fixing Permed Hair That Lost Its Curl - before


I'm also ordering some curl enhancing products to maybe help the curls look better. Is it supposed to be like that or should I go back and ask the hairdresser? The first pic is before washing and the last two pics are after washing.

Thank you.

Fixing Permed Hair That Lost Its Curl - after
Fixing Permed Hair That Lost Its Curl - after


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 22, 20190 found this helpful

Definitely go back to the salon. Ask them to fix it or give you a refund.

June 22, 20190 found this helpful

Hair oil is not really the best thing to use. It also looks like it just didnt take. However; take some butterfly clips (the 2 inch long ones you can buy at Sallys Hair Supply), wash your hair, apply a styling gel AND hair spray. Turn your head upside down and dry with a diffuser until 50% dry. Then flip your hair back over and take the clips and clip your hair at the root all over. Allow to dry naturally. It also looks like you could use some long, light layers to lift the weight. Any good hair stylist would know what you mean.

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July 21, 2019

I just got my perm done five days ago. The first three days my hair was as curly as my natural curls when I was younger, but after I had washed it yesterday, it's starting to straighten out. I haven't brushed it with any combs, just running my fingers through it like I was told how to.

The back of my hair is still curly, but the front part is more of a frizzy mess. What do I do to get the curls back?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 22, 20190 found this helpful

Go back to the salon and ask them to fix it or to give you a refund.

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