
Foliage Accent Palm Turning Brown

I have a foliage accent palm that is turning brown on me. Any ideas on how to help it recover? We put Miracle Grow on it when we first bought it, but haven't since. It's in the area with enough light, and receives adequate water.


Hardiness Zone: 7a

Thiftymomof2 from Pasadena, MD


Foliage Accent Palm Turning Brown

You need to mist it every day. There isn't enough humidity to keep the leaves green. I had the same problem. You won't be able to recover the damaged leaves, but you can save the new leaves. (04/15/2007)

By Shellee

Foliage Accent Palm Turning Brown

Could be pot-bound, needing more/better soil/bigger pot. Smell of the soil to see if it smells "sour" or mildewed. If so, it's likely poor drainage. Also check for spider mites, VERY tiny red spiders. Spray tje leaves with Sea Kelp every week and watch it take off. To stop the growth, stop the Sea Kelp. Good luck and God bless you. : ) (06/11/2007)

By Lynda

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