I came along this wonderful tip as I was looking up ideas for freezing pasta dishes for make ahead type meals. Very clever! If you don't want to tie up your baking pans in the freezer, line them with plastic wrap before filling. Once the food/casserole has frozen, lift out, remove plastic wrap, and transfer to resealable freezer bags (take plastic wrap off). Label and date and place in freezer. When ready to bake, remove from plastic bag and place in pan to reheat.
Source: marthastewart.com
By wife2jfbuilder from Minneapolis, MN
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I like this idea, except that I don't like to cook or even microwave with plastic wrap. I can't be sure about the chemicals in it. I plan to use parchment paper instead. I have never used the bags they sell to line a slow cooker, but if safe, they would be another alternative.
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