Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks July 7, 20180 found this helpful
Just so I am sure I understand your question, you are talking about fresh corn--like on the cob--not cooked corn (on or off the cob)?
For the fresh on the cob, Judy and I follow the same process...clean, blanch and the freeze.
The Foodsavers (at least to me) never made much of a difference but I love corn so I don't freeze for long periods. I usually use mine up pretty quickly.
This blog talks about the process and seems to say it will keep 5 x longer (but 5 times longer than what...I assume my way, which is just a regular storage bag:
Now I am hungry for fresh corn on the cob....must be dinner time!!

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts July 7, 20180 found this helpful
Always blanch before freezing, indeed. Otherwise the corn will end up being oddly dry and inedible, even with a foodsaver process.

July 8, 20181 found this helpful
I believe this is possible but you may still want/need to blanch it before freezing. You did not mention whether you intended to blanch your corn (in the husks) before you sealed and froze or if your question is about freezing without par-boiling or blanching so some of the suggestions may not answer your question correctly.
- There seems to be a lot of controversy about whether corn frozen this way will retain the "fresh" flavor when thawed.
- But most of the time, the way the corn is cooked - fresh or frozen - is the reason it will taste "fresh".
- The link from Foodsaver is not very clear as the instructions never say to shuck the corn so if they did not have a picture of the corn, you would not know they have removed the husks.
- First; where you acquire the corn is probably the most impotent factor in how the corn will taste - fresh or frozen. Most all sites are talking about fresh corn - straight from the garden - because youll get the best flavor if you use corn within two to six hours of picking. This is not always possible as many people buy corn at the store or market so this very fact will have some effect on how "fresh" your corn tastes - fresh or frozen.
- Here are some comments from sites about how to prepare corn for freezing:
- Parboiling stops the process of sugar being converted to starch. Once cooled vacuum pack and put in the freezer.
- Blanching is the secret to preserving the freshest, sweetest, longest-lasting frozen corn.
- Blanch whole cobs based on cob diameter: small ears (1.25-inch or less diameter) for 7 minutes; medium ears (1.25- to 1.5-inch diameter) for 9 minutes; large ears (over 1.5-inch diameter) for 11 minutes. After heating, cool for the same amount of time.
- Freezing corn on the cob without blanching is possible, and its not harmful to eat that corn. Skip blanching if you know youll eat frozen corn within two or three months. For longer storage, blanch.
- Corn frozen on the cob sometimes develops a cobby flavor or becomes mushy.
- Most of the comments are referring to corn with husks removed but some of the best fresh corn that I have ever eaten was cooked in a large pot of boiling water - with the husks - so I'm just not sure that freezing with the husks on would not work if blanched in the same manner as described above.
- You are asking about using the Foodsaver to make your corn last longer in the freezer and I believe it would stay fresher longer but no way to judge how much longer...
- Here is another suggestion that I know some farmers use when they have a bumper crop of corn or if sales were not the best:
- Freezing Corn In The Husks If you have the freezer room, you can freeze with the husks on in a brown bag and microwave for about 3 to 5 minutes when you are ready to enjoy!
- HINT: If you cook your frozen corn in the microwave, allow several minutes to cool before you remove the husk. Steam builds up inside the husk and if you remove this protective layer too quickly, you may get BURNED! BE CAREFUL!