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I grow my own green onions in my garden. They come back the next year. This hint is also useful if you cannot use all the green onions you purchased. Here is how to have green onions all year long:
Total Time: A few minutes plus a couple of hours for drying.
Yield: As many as you need to preserve
Source: A neighbor
- scissors
- cutting board
- sharp knife
- freezer bag
- If you grew your own, cut off as much as possible, leaving the rest of the plant to winter over and come back next year.
- Wash your onions thoroughly in water to remove any dirt and hidden insects.

- Put in a colander to dry.

- When dry, put on cutting board and cut in small pieces with a sharp knife.

- Put in a freezer bag. Squeeze out as much air as you can.
- Put in freezer. Take out as needed. Terrific for use in cooking and dips.
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