
Fundraising Ideas for a School Trip?

November 30, 2016

My daughter is an Irish dancer and recently qualified to dance at the national competition in February. We live in Ohio and the competition is in Orlando.


I am trying to come up with ideas to raise the funds so she can go on the trip, any suggestions?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 555 Posts
December 4, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

First, figure out how much she/you will need.
That way you don't waste time on small fundraisers that may not get you where you need to be in time.
Next, figure out what your fund raising idea will COST you (in terms of materials or investments for resale..) Try to use idea's that COST you nothing or very little predominantly.
Ask local Chambers of Commerce, Dance Studios, her school, womans groups, rotaries and any other non profit who helps donate to various causes. Perhaps offer to show them her dance at one of the organizations when she makes an ask.


Ask a local paper if they could help promote donations and even find/contact any irish clubs or organizations for help! You should highlight all the work and effort she has put into her talent and how she is an great example for other young people!
Straight out donations are the first best choice!
Even contacting the airlines where she will be traveling with might help!
Best wishes with your talented daughter and her discipline!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 19, 2018

My school is going on a trip to Europe in the 8th grade and I need a way to fundraise $7,000. Any ideas?


January 20, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

Some ideas could be to do a bake sale for the neighborhood you live in. Bake some different sorts of treats, and then make posters and invitations and give them out to your neighbors and tell them the cause. Surely someone will come and buy some of your treats. Another idea is you could look up disability colors or like disease colors and you could buy colored ribbon and make bows out of them with safety pins and sell them, those would work because we do that here where I live and we once raised 10,000 dollars for cancer research with the ribbons priced at a dollar each.


So you could do that or the bake sale or do both and raise money with that.

I hope you eventually raise enough and are able to go and have some fun in Europe.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
January 20, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

We sold candy bars! In addition, if you have any creative aspect - you can do stickers, crafting, drawing, keychains, necklaces, bracelets to sell.

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June 8, 2007

My daughter is a band member for the South Georgia Wildcats. The band will be going on a trip to the Battle of the Bands in Louisiana and need to raise $10000 by June 21, can someone please give me some ideas of raising money.



By TexasDarling (Guest Post)
June 8, 20070 found this helpful

Advertise for 5 piece school band to go to a home/office and play 2- 3 songs for $30. For birthdays, Christmas, etc. Have a list of songs for the gift giver to choose from.


In addition to the $30 you get paid in advance, the gift receiver will probably give you a tip too!! good luck!

June 8, 20070 found this helpful

Sell tickets to a car wash, before the car wash.
Have a band family yard sale.
Bake sale
Craft sale
Sell tickets to a drawing to win a nice prize.
*Ask local business to help in sponsoring the trip.*

I hope some of those ideas help you!

By Sharon,Ky (Guest Post)
June 9, 20070 found this helpful

I used to sell Home Interior and they had a really good fund raiser.They have a brochure which has candles,bath products,etc. which the group sells and collects for as they sell and BEFORE the order is sent in by the dealer,they get their percentage( it used to be 50%--it could possibly be different now).A good hard week of selling could really bring in some good money for the trip.They can deliver AFTER the trip and have the money to go BEFORE it!


Find a dealer and ask. Good luck with your trip!!

June 9, 20070 found this helpful

Ask some of the local businesses for a monetary donation through the band boosters organization. It is an excellent tax credit for the business and it shows the public that the businesses support the local 'youth'.

June 11, 20070 found this helpful

Our church had a yard sale/bake sale on a Saturday morning to raise proceeds for our Praise and Worship Team to take a trip from our homes in Florida to Gulf Shores, Alabama. We raised $1000 in one Saturday! If you have enough time, you could have several sales and possibly raise several thousand dollars!


God Bless!
Sheila in Titusville, FL

By Jill (Guest Post)
June 11, 20070 found this helpful

In our area, Krispy Kreme donut sales door to door on Saturday mornings is a huge fundraiser. You contact the bakery to place your order for glazed doughnuts, and then pick them up around 6 or 7 in the morning. Then you go out into neighborhoods with parents and sell them door to door. Folks seem to love having fresh donuts for Saturday breakfast and very few people refuse them. Most of those that do give them some cash anyway for their efforts. A box of 12 usually sells at the door for $3-4. Profits are half the cost of the box.

You could also try a labor auction. This is where the band members and their families donate labor, such as cleaning gutters, washing a dog, mowing lawns, washing windows, etc. and the community bids on the volunteered services. You'd have to do a bit of advertising or else get permission to do this at a local community event. Highest bidder wins. As soon as the auction is over, the winners and the volunteers get together to schedule the date and time of the labor. If the workers do a good job, this becomes a much-looked-forward-to community event for future fund-raising.

How about a barbequed chicken dinner, spaghetti supper, or pancake supper? Charge $7-10 per person and sell tickets throughout the community.

If you have a yard sale, you can sell lemonade, coffee, iced tea, and sodas, along with Krispy Kreme donuts and baked goods from the band members. Your yard shoppers will definitely buy refreshments while yard shopping!

Good luck!

June 11, 20070 found this helpful

My kids' school do a great fundraiser every year. Their school is pre-k through 12th grade. They have a senior auction every year to raise $ for the senior class. Parents can bid on a student to babysit, do lawnwork, help with odd jobs, etc. They have also done it where they charge an hourly rate and you can hire one of them for the needed help. Depending on the size of your community, you could advertise this service or just do it within your school or a church.

By Kathy (Guest Post)
June 11, 20070 found this helpful

I know our local food places let the kids sell cards for BYGO's and they get a great part of the profits. Pizza Street does it and so does Dominos and Krispie Kremes.

June 12, 20070 found this helpful

I read of a cool idea in the June 2006 issue of Family Fun magagzine. If you can locate a copy, you could see a picture. I will quote the article: "As a fund-raiser for our school, we salvaged 100 cast-off student desk and chair sets. Along with parent and student volunteers, we covered the desks with unique designs--including painted polka dots, tissue paper decoupage, and copies of famous masterpieces--then sold them at a garage sale. We made more than $4,500!" The picture in the magazine looks terrific. I've also seen desks like this re-created by artists at fairs and they are gorgeous. Just another idea.

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September 6, 2019

My class is going to Japan and it's about 5,000 dollars, but I don't know how to raise so much money. Does anyone have any tips to help me out?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
September 6, 20190 found this helpful

Get a group of friends and family large,yard sale,carwash(a lot of local business will let you use they lot and water for your cause. Yard work for neighbors,ask local business for a tax deduction contribution. Send out cards to family members with your intentions for this money along with a rsvp date for giving money!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
September 6, 20190 found this helpful

You can have a play, bake or pizza sale or car wash.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 7, 20190 found this helpful

Cool!! Best wishes with your quest.

This is a great way to learn about businesses and how they raise money!

My first suggestion is to start a Go Fund Me and ask all of your friends and family for help. I would do this along with having events (which you can detail in your Go Fund Me to show that you are actively seeking to raise money through other actions.

Is this $5000 for you or a group. If it is just you, that is going to take a lot of work. If it is a group, that may be easier.

Either way, I would offer services like raking leaves, pulling weeds, and cleaning out basements (and then getting permission to sell the junk you find at flea market), for example. If you know how to paint, small painting projects like porches or fences could be lucrative.

Another way to think about it, is to think about what you know and love. Do you draw? Sell your drawings. Do you sing? Offer concerts for a small entrance fee? Do you bake? Sell cookies or cupcakes at school football games or in other approved methods (be careful with this one as you don't want the health department to shut you down if there are rules in your town about this).

Do you love dogs? Walk dogs for a fee. Cats? Cat sit for a fee.

People will be generous if you explain why you are doing what you are doing so hopefully you will come up with your money quickly.

Post back with an update!

September 7, 20190 found this helpful

You do not say when this trip will happen or if this is just for one person, but, whatever it is, you are trying to raise a lot of money.

Most fund raising projects will never reach this goal so the only way this might work is to go to a fund raiser site and tell your story.

There are quite a few different sites for this type of project so you will have to do your own research to see which one may work best for you.
Be aware that some sites are for a project where people will receive 'stock' for a donation and these will not be your type so just skip over those.

Check these out and tell your story - with pictures.

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April 25, 2016

My Girl Scout troop wants to go to Europe in a couple of years. The promise of a trip is the only thing keeping them in Girl Scouts! We did the math and it will cost about $3300 a girl, and we have about 11 plus three troop leaders.

We're looking for inexpensive ways to fundraise more than $33,000 in two years. Does anybody have any ideas?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 26, 20160 found this helpful

Nolo Press, an excellent resource for books, legal forms, etc., helping people and groups accomplish many legal, etc., endeavors themselves-from Wills to Landlord/Tenant Law to 501C3 Non-profit Fundraising. They published a book for $29.99 (on sale right now) specifically for non-profit fundraising at the site below:
On the home page, left side, click Non-Profits and then scroll down a bit for "Effective NonProfit Fundraising"
Good Luck!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
April 26, 20160 found this helpful

I would do a cookbook each year. You can find non-profit organizations that will print for very little. Each girl can enter their fav' recipe in categories like casseroles, etc. Crafter's could donate stuff to sell and set up a website to have others do the same. Good luck!!

April 26, 20160 found this helpful

I would happily pay a crew to help with spring yard work as well as spring house (and garage) cleaning. Surely I'm not the only one.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 27, 20160 found this helpful

Garage sales with donated items. Raffles. Students in our area used to raise money by working bingos at local bingo halls for a share of the profits; I don't know if that is available any more in other areas, but it might be something to check out. In our small towns, turkey bingos in the fall are popular as well as community suppers. And there is always selling food, such as pizzas, chocolate almonds, etc.

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April 28, 2015

I am in Vermont and our French class is going to Paris, France and it is going to cost $4,000 to go. Does anyone know where in Vermont a 15 year old can work?

Or does anyone know what kind of fundraising is the best?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 28, 20150 found this helpful

Well, a 15 year old can mow lawns, babysit, clean houses, run errands for others, help care for an ill or elderly person, make craft items to sell, wash cars, etc. There are many jobs a 15 year old can do to earn money.

April 28, 20150 found this helpful

The type of fundraisers that will be the best will depend on the the people where you live. As far as places that will hire 15 year olds most fast food places will hire kids younger than 16, but only for a certain number of hours and I think that is because of federal law. There is also baby sitting. Where I live baby sitters make $10.00 an hour. There again that will depend on where you live.

I have a niece that when she was in college she would go on medical mission trips during the summer and she couldn't work during the school year because she was in medical school and they were kept too busy to work too. Each person that went on the trip had to raise $2,000 of their own money. I know one fund raiser that she did was have a Tupperware Party under their fund raising plan. I am an old cranky granny now, but even yet I would rather go to a jewelry party, make up party, or even a party that sells home decor. I find Tupperware boring.

I don't know if the only make up that I know of that is sold on the party plan, does fund raising or not. Your teacher should know of different fund raising plans. I know there are companies that sell gift wrap; candy and nuts; baked goods, there are all kinds of companies that have fund raising plans. Also your whole class could have a yard/garage/rummage sale of items donated by the class and their families. You could probably even ask for people to donate decent quality things for the sale. Hope these ideas help you and your class.

December 30, 20151 found this helpful

First off ASK for donations! I know this seems ridiculous to say but if you don't ask you don't get. Another option is Vinted, Poshmark, resale of items. It's the New Year everyone is on the "out with the old and in with the new." Grab it and sell it! You would be amazed the things people buy and how much they are willing to pay if it is not available. If you can start with some donations you may be able to work your way towards rumaging thrift stores and finding the great items to sell at great prices. I know it doesn't seem like much but I found a text book for 1 dollar and sold it to Amazon for 30. Hope this helps

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September 7, 2010

What are some ideas for raising money for a high school trip to Egypt?

By quela from Tulsa, OK


September 8, 20100 found this helpful

Our best fundraiser has been a Race for Education. I believe you can find this on the internet. Or sell Entertainment Books.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
September 10, 20100 found this helpful

In our area, kids & their parents have worked bingo at local bingo halls. They have also sold things, juice, frozen pizzas, micorwave popcorn, etc. Food sales, either bake sales in malls or bake sales in the school, homemade soup sales at lunch (all our students take bag lunches, so hot food is a good fundraiser), one group even planned and held a community supper.

September 10, 20100 found this helpful

Car washes are always good, chicken barbeques or fish frys also work well. Some organizations are always looking for concession helpers or caterers need helpers. Good luck!

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October 13, 2014

I am going to Italy in 1 year and 8 months and I need to earn $2,500-$3000. And I need help finding fundraising ideas.

By anonymous


October 13, 20140 found this helpful

You might consider tutoring others in your strongest subjects for a small fee. Starting up your own small business, like baking, crafts, woodworking, yard work, etc., is a good way to earn cash on the side as well. As far as fundraisers go, have you ever heard of Equal Exchange? They are a highly ethical co-op that partners with small farmers to sell chocolate, coffee, tea, honey, and small handmade items that are popular as gifts. They seem to have a good program for people looking into fundraising... and their chocolate tastes the best! Google. "Equal Exchange" and their online web store should come up as the first result. Good luck!

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