This craft was taught to us back in the 5th grade and I used to display this cute little furry thing on my bags as a keychain. This project is shared with us at school to let the kids know that there are simple craft ideas that we can use or sell. It's actually a good idea for crafty entrepreneurs.
- small pieces of furry fabric
- 2 pages of old newspaper
- threaded needle
- small piece of art paper (2 different colors)
- 1 pair of wiggly eyes
- scissors
- glue (strong hold)
- paper twine (if you have key ring, much better)

- Cut a large piece of newspaper and also cut 4 more small pieces.

- Now, crumple the large piece to form a ball. Do the same with the small pieces to create 4 small paper balls. Set them aside.

- Get the fabric and wrap it around the big paper ball to estimate it's size. See to it that when you cut the fabric it will fit and cover the whole thing. Do the same with the small ones.
- Insert threaded needle onto the fabric and do a simple running stitch around the sides so that when you pull it up it will create a shallow pouch.
- Put the big paper ball inside the pouch and pull on the threaded needle to tighten and completely close it.
- Cut off the excess fabric. Do the same with the four small ones.

- Make another ball that is a little bit bigger than the small balls.

- Now, start forming the figure. Glue the last ball you just made onto one side of the big ball. Use strong hold glue so it sticks immediately. This will be the tail.

- Stick the four small balls under the big ball. This is where the locked stitch was located. The balls will serve as the feet.

- Next, stick the wiggly eyes to the other side of the big ball, opposite the tail.

- Cut the art paper forming 2 tiny ears for an animal. Combine the two colors together and glue into place.

- Do the same with the mouth.

- I added a push pin in between the eyes and the mouth for the nose. Push it in and make sure it's tight and intact so it doesn't fall out easily.

- Since I don't have the key ring, I used a piece of paper twine. Loop it around the tail, twist and support with glue. It will serve as the key chain ring.
- Done!

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts September 29, 20170 found this helpful
Your little critter makes me very happy! I will make one, too. Thank you for sharing your craft!

September 30, 20170 found this helpful
thanks I'm glad you liked it..
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