Photo Description
Early summer 2016. I had just planted my curly kale seedlings and one cheeky nosy chicken hops over to investigate. Looking forward to growing more in 2017.
Photo Location
Wirral, UK
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You've got Ma Kettle beat by a country mile.
I love it!
This looks and sounds funny. But I am English so I haven't clue what it means even though you made me smile :)
I supposed I could be termed 'Estranged English'. Most of my ancestry is of English descent. There is a borough in London which bears my family name.
And yes, when you were but a twinkle in your father's eye, there was a very popular dance craze to hit England and here across the big pond. That dance bore my family name as well.
And if I'm not mistaken, there was a time when The Arch Bishop of Canterbury made his residence at The House Of -------, which bears my family name (If you guess, don't say it, here).
Ma Kettle was a comedy character played by Marjorie Maine (stage name), in the 40s and 50s. She made numerous films. I place her films far above Faulty Towers, but far under Keeping Up Appearances and Waiting For God.
Ha Ha Ha
While verifying my comments, I just learned that survivors permitted Cardinal Pole, (died 1558) , to lay in state at the palace bearing my name, for 40 days after he died there.
How in the world did mourners view the remains? They didn't have gas masks back then.
After 30 days, I doubt there were much remains to be viewed, anyway.
My parents did that dance x
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