
Getting Financial Assistance for Roof Repairs

May 24, 2016

I need help, including donated materials and a licensed company, to help bring my roof up to city codes. I do not have the money to pay for this work. Is there any way that I can get the help that I need?



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
May 25, 201613 found this helpful

You didn't say where you live. But, you can go on line and find the nearest energy trust or energy assistance program and they can often help.

May 25, 20167 found this helpful

While I don't know how Habitat for Humanities works, might it be worthwhile asking them to help you with your place in exchange for hours you volunteer?

October 24, 20174 found this helpful

We need to have our house reroofed we can make monthly payments.We just don't have money to pay cash.lookiny for someone that can assist us.

November 28, 20172 found this helpful

My roof is in bad shape I have water running down the walls and other leaks in my home
. I have other work the needs fix but the roof is bad

December 28, 20173 found this helpful

How can I get help to replace my roof

January 11, 20183 found this helpful

I don't have money to fix my roof it is leaking and my celling is falling in how can I get help

January 28, 20181 found this helpful

My roof really leaks bad I don't I ain't got good credit I just I don't know how to get a roof it's going to fall in if I don't get it fixed right away I work everyday but if we work from pay check to check

January 28, 20181 found this helpful

My roof really leaks bad I don't I ain't got good credit I just I don't know how to get a roof it's going to fall in if I don't get it fixed right away I work everyday but if we work from pay check to check

February 2, 20181 found this helpful

I need a roof really bad I can't afford it don't have the money leaking in the house I just need some help if anybody could help me get a roof please let me know you can write me back on the email thank you God bless you

March 19, 20181 found this helpful

Hi my wife and I raise 6 grandkids my roof is in need of repair I've been out of work for 8 years trying to get disability. My wife gets help but not enough to meet ends.


I own my home but had to move because of it. Are we able to get help that we need?thank you Mike.

March 22, 20180 found this helpful

I am currently unemployed but look to start work on next week. Just waiting for one more test result to come back. I have 2 leaks in my mobile home that need repaired. I tried but it still leaks. I would be will to volunteer in exchange for hours and materials used. Habitat for Humanities?

March 30, 20182 found this helpful

I mdisabled and on a very low income and barely make ing it my roof needs repaired and I don't have the funds to get it done I have a blue tarp on it now and cant seem to get any help no place fema was sopose to help me but they only want it to pay way less then it cost to get it done can u please send me info I keep praying and im still praying hapatat only does ther own homes ilive in sant cloud florida

April 5, 20180 found this helpful

need roof repai and garage worked in to get home owner insurance. i dont have a mortage but cant find anyone tò make a loan need roof fix asap.


it is damaging other wood thank you for any assist you can give

April 6, 20180 found this helpful

Im a vet. Had back injury n got an operation caused by work injury I receive SSI and I'm 61 and can't work and my roof is out dated. Thx yu...


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
April 26, 20180 found this helpful

In Portland, Oregon there is free help available for seniors with house maintenance problems on owned houses. Possibly something similar in other areas out there. Contact senior service type organizations. They will know.

April 27, 20181 found this helpful

Need roofs repair

May 7, 20182 found this helpful

I have aroom at my house that is leaking and falling in on the floor I am a widow on a fixed income I just don't have the money to pay for it to be fixed please help

May 26, 20182 found this helpful

I am needing help for fixing my roof that leaks and is coming through my ceiling I'm on disability and I cannot afford it I'm looking for an organization where I could possibly get it done I am low income and don't have enough money to fix my roof

June 6, 20180 found this helpful

My roof is leaking bad I'm on fixed income I'm willing to make payments please help

June 8, 20180 found this helpful

Hi I need a new roof the house is leaking bad I got water coming in through it I have no money to pay is there anyway I can get help also need signing in Windows they are smashed the house and don't even have any of some of them in the boarded up


Step 1
I need a new roof it is leaking I got buckets on the floor to catch the water I have no money to pay for it needs help desperately bad I don't think I will make it another year the roof is falling off are another couple of months

Step 2
I own my own home but I am not working right now I need a rust really desperately bad I pray for someone out there who could help me I have no money to pay for it I have medical conditions and I can't work too long I have a bad heart please somebody help me out there I don't think it will last a couple more months of water is coming and so bad

June 26, 20182 found this helpful

I can't afford to pay for my roof to be fixed can I get help

June 26, 20181 found this helpful

My roof is leaking I'm 70 and scared

July 28, 20180 found this helpful

I Am disabled and a senior citizen , I don't get enough money to pay for a new roof. my roof is leaking badly I need help I'm scared Everytime it rains !


Please find me some help . Scott Getz . coaldale pa. 18218 . 570 645 2717 . Thanks.

August 18, 20180 found this helpful

Sherman tx retired disabled widow need roof

October 11, 20180 found this helpful

Our city is out of money

October 12, 20181 found this helpful

Need financial help to get my roof fixed

October 17, 20180 found this helpful

Buy a roof tarp? Join a church, often they will help their member with repairs.

November 15, 20181 found this helpful

I am a singlewoman that is on low income and lives año me and despertly in need of a roof repair. Can u help me?

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

November 14, 2014

My neighbor who is 93 years of age has a house that is also 93 years of age. It does not show a lot of damage to the home, still she does need some repairs. Also she really needs a roof put on. Without that roof she can lose her home insurance within three months. Once meeting her you wouldn't think that she is 93. She is very sweet. How can I find her some help?

By Nancy I. from Augusta, GA


November 15, 20141 found this helpful
Best Answer

The best thing to do would be to call your local Office of Aging. I don't know if that's what it will be called in your area, but there is usually some place similar in most areas. They will be able to direct you to what programs are available.


My in-laws had a furnace put in and the bill was only due when the house was sold (a lien). It worked out very well for them. I hope there's a good program close to you. Good luck.

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July 12, 2016

How can I receive help with the repairing of my roof? I need a donation of materials and a licensed contractor to do the repair. I do not have the money to pay for the work.

I'm willing to set up some kind of payment plan. Is there any way I can get the help I need? I have less than 3 weeks to have it repaired. Thank you.


July 14, 20162 found this helpful

I have little to no money just started working again I have a shake roof that's over 25 years old needs replacement immediately.... I have no money what are my options


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
April 27, 20180 found this helpful

This is a blanket answer to all who placed a question here.

Please check with your city to see if it has a Homeowner's Rehabilitation program. Most major cities do. If you meet the requirements you may qualify for a loan to have most any repair/replacement work done to your home. Most cities will only concern themselves with issues that do not currently meet city code.
It is possible that roofing, wiring, plumbing, insulation and a host of other items could be covered under the city's policy.

Each city's program is different and often there are several programs offered by a city. Where a person may not qualify to participate in one program, they may in another. Some loans are at a very low interest rate. Many loans are completely deferred/forgiven.

I saw only one question with a cited city, that being Birmingham AL. I checked with that city. They do have a Homeowner's Rehabilitation Program. The basic requirements to qualify for participation in the program are:


Income under 120% Average Median Income
Proof of primary residence
Proper insurance coverage
Attend two workshops on Financial Fitness
Additional guidelines available through our office.

I urge all of you who are insured homeowners who for whatever reason are unable pay for repairs/replacements that would bring your home up to city code standards, to check with your city to see if it has a Homeowners Rehabilitation Program.

Many cities also have an Emergency Rehabilitation Program. With this program, less funds are available and the city would only be concerned with such issues as a roof being in such disrepair as to be dangerous. Once emergency issues are resolved, the participant could then apply for participation in other programs dealing with less urgent issues.

March 4, 20190 found this helpful

I live in a rural town of 400. Your suggestions are good but goodness, we do not even have a police officer let alone ability to pay water via card. No services available such as you suggest. I was fine until husband died, without health insurance, which wiped out my retirement lifetime savings paying cancer treatments by cash for 18 months. Now shake roof needs replacement ..wood is in bad shape.. and no cash or lending. Credit great but income not. I have no debt so it is easy to live on a tiny income but not lendable. No bus here. no grocery store or gas so getting min wage extra at 67 is rough. Ideas?

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May 17, 2017

Do you know any government programs that can assist me in repairing my roof? I am a single mother of 3 kids. I can not afford to repair my roof. I don't make a lot of money at my job and I pay all my bills by myself.

I have no money left after I pay my bills and I really need a new roof on my home. Please help me!


January 30, 20180 found this helpful

need help for a grant. took the income eligibility and was approved or eligibile.for a loan just need a grant my husband is 70+ and I am 63+and on disability. We had to put our credit cards on a debt relieve program so our credit is low for now. Our house insurance is going to drop us due to the roof problem and if that happens we lose our morgage..We have a couple of estamates now and they are more then what we owe on the morgage. We have only our ss and ssi income to pay for the every day to day expenses. My medical expense is at workable expense only in the future I forsee more..

October 6, 20180 found this helpful

Dont want no $200 dollars not true. Told me tat before said a $1000. Answer questions for hours. No thousand dollars. Im SUPRISE at you amazon

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September 6, 2016

I have a neighbor who is a single mom. She desperately needs a new roof with much wood replacement and many other repairs to her home. She has no income, but does own the home. Can someone please refer me to someone who can help her in the Jacksonville, Florida.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 27, 20170 found this helpful

You can contact local churches. People like helping others in need.

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May 7, 2016

Are there grants for roof repairs for the elderly living in Lithonia, Georgia?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
May 7, 20162 found this helpful

Try this site for possible help:

SENIORS-National Council On Aging (NCOA)
The National Counseling On Aging has a free resource site:
This site is a confidential and free and easy resource service to help people 55 years and older locate and apply for benefits. There are numerous financial assistance programs, both public and private, that can help struggling Seniors trying to make ends meet. The site has information on more than 2000 programs. Many are available to anyone in need who qualify, while others are available only to older adults and can help them retain their independence.
Benefit Types
Food Assistance, Health Care, Prescription Drugs, Utility Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), low income housing, tax relief, respite care, free legal assistance and many other benefit programs are available.
To use the site, you enter basic information about the person in need-date of birth, zip code, and check boxes for what the person needs assistance with. The site generates a report instantly, listing links to the programs and services that the person may qualify for.
Some assistance programs can be applied for online while other have downloadable form to be printed and mailed, faxed or emailed in, and some require you to contact the program directly.
Benefits Enrollment Center
It is also possible to get help in person at a Benefits Enrollment Center. There are currently 36 centers in 24 states and 12 more will be added in 2016. Visit the online site for locations:

Answer this Question

July 21, 2015

My roof is leaking badly. I am so deep in debt that I can't buy roofing materials. My husband can do the work, but I need to know if anyone knows of an organization or something that can help me get the materials to do it with?

I live in Clinton, Oklahoma. Thanks in advance.


July 22, 20150 found this helpful

Check in your area and see if Habitat for Humanity has a store reasonably close to you. I don't know what the stores would be called, but they sell a lot of donated items for a real reasonable price. Also if you belong to a church talk to the pastor and maybe they will take up a special offering to help you with the materials or maybe even a member of the congregation can donate the materials.

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May 26, 2015

I'm looking for a grant to fix my 40 year old roof. This past winter it was leaking in 4 different places. I'm 66yrs old, on Social Security, and can not afford to pay for a roof and ceiling fixtures.

Where I can get some help? Please!


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
May 27, 20150 found this helpful

You can try this site for help in your state.

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October 13, 2014

I am a widow living in my house with the roof leaking. It is so bad I had to cover it with a tarpaulin. The insurance company refuses to sell me insurance because the roof is leaking right now. I am going thought some hardships. Is there any way I can get some help?

By Gardner J


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 162 Posts
October 15, 20141 found this helpful

Check with your County Offices - the local Housing Finance Association (HFA) or HUD (Office of Housing and Urban Development) often have low income emergency home repair programs that can help you. You can also check with local churches, senior centers and see if they can connect you with local resources that can help.

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May 14, 2014

I need a new roof, but I don't have the money to get it done.
I'm unemployed and I've started my Social Security.
Do you know someone who can help me with this expense?

By SP from Fountain Inn, SC


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
May 18, 20140 found this helpful

If you are elderly call your town hall and see if your area has a program where if your real estate taxes are paid you can finance a new roof at 6% interest and you can pay it off when you sell the house years later.

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