I have had an ongoing problem with sweet ants and can't get rid of them. I tried leaving a cluster of cloves, baby powder, and the supposedly great Protexall Ant Kil, yes, they go to it, but they sit and eat it like I put it there for them to feast on.
Nothing has worked, they are only in my kitchen, which I keep spotless, and stay running on my bathroom sink area. I have changed the "glops" of the famous Ant Kil I mentioned and it just seems like a new "glop" of treat for them. Please, help, if anyone knows better it would be so appreciated.
Here are a few more options to try: Used coffee grounds or chalk lines around all entry points can deter them. Boric acid (borax soap in laundry aisle) around entry points (not toxic to people or animals) will kill them. Good luck.
By Lori Clayton
My husband bought a bag of Snail Poison at Lowe's home improvement center and through out around our house because we had hundreds. It got rid of snails, ants, and everything else. I see an ant every once in a while, but when it rains they are gone for days again. I am going to continue using the snail poison every spring. Be careful of small children and pets. (07/24/2009)
I have found cinnamon repels ants; I read this online somewhere and it worked in my case. I sprinkled it on the countertops behind things setting on the counter and in the upper cabinets. I won't use chemicals of any kind. (07/24/2009)
By Betty
Terro works great. You put on a piece of cardboard and let them feast. They take it back to the nest and then share it with the others and the queen and they all die. It works great. You have to be patient and not kill them while they are feasting. I know it is hard.
I live in FL and the bug man says they come in around the water pipes so he said put the Terro in the places where they come in from. Good luck. (07/24/2009)
By Laura
I had a terrible problem with ants a few years back. I tried cinnamon (didn't work), baking powder (didn't work), and Terro (didn't work). Then I bought ant spray. I cleaned off my counters and sprayed ant spray all over, especially the cracks and crevices of the wall and counter. Let it dry for an hour or so. Go back and wash down the counter to make it food ready, but leave the cracks and crevices.
By Noella
We have them every year starting in early spring time. My roommate bought some stuff called: Spectracide Bug Stop Indoor Plus Outdoor Insect Killer. It controls for up to 9 months with just one application. It has really worked for us each year. I try to tell everyone I know about it so they can try it for themselves. (08/02/2009)
By Dana
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