
Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Just about every year we have an ant invasion in our house. This happens in the kitchen area. What can we do to get rid of these ants in the kitchen? Thank you kindly for your advice.

By Michael Freeman from Madrid, Spain


Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

I found a product by accident that ants and others bugs hate and it kills two birds with one stone. It is Fantastic Heavy Duty All Purpose cleaner. One day when cleaning I found a bunch of ants feasting on something that had been dropped in the floor. Well I had my Fantastic in my hand and sprayed them. It really surprised me when it killed them on contact. Now I just clean with Fantastic and even put it in my mop water and no more ants or bugs of any kind have I seen. Good luck and God Bless. (04/29/2010)


By Patricia Hamm

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

I can't vouch for it, but we had a lady tell us that she knows a woman that buys Avon Skin So Soft and sprays it on her cupboards and wipes it off. I don't know if that would be good for your cupboards or not, but that's what she told us.

I tried using the Baby Powder method I found online, and it worked for me. The site said it had to be talc baby powder, not cornstarch. Anyway, I poured some around the vent cover where they were coming in, and they immediately started leaving and haven't been back yet. As I have pets, I found this to be safe and effective. Even if I have to repeat it, it is easy and inexpensive. It may not keep them from being under the house etc., but it kept them out of the house. (04/29/2010)


By Chris

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Terro Ant Killer works great. It's a liquid that ants eat and take back to the colony, so it wipes out the entire colony. Initially, there will be a lot of ants feeding on the liquid, but before long, you'll be ant-free! (04/30/2010)

By Melanie Jackson

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Several years ago, I stumbled onto a sure fire solution for kitchen ants! Sweet & Low sweetener. It's safe and cheap for kitchen use. No worries about contaminating pets, kids or food. Just sprinkle around where you see the ants. They will leave. Thanks to this, I am also enjoying an ant free patio for the first time in years. (04/30/2010)

By Joanne

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

I sprinkle borax and it helps. (04/30/2010)

By Dorothy

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Thanks to the one or ones that posted about Sweet and Low. I sprinkled it, around the base of two kitchen windows and have not seen an ant since. (05/05/2010)


By Kathryen

Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Please don't listen to the Avon hawkers who claim their products work the best. "Skin So Soft" doesn't even soften skin, much less repel ants or mosquitoes. (08/30/2010)

By DDDarren

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