
Getting Rid of Bedbugs?

We have bedbugs in the apartments where I live. They haven't reached my apt yet. How do I get rid of bedbugs or prevent them?

By Dollie from Tucson, AZ


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January 20, 20130 found this helpful

I spread around 20 mule team borax powder and leave it down. It will dry out the eggs and also deodorizes. I put it between the box spring and mattress and under the cushions of the furniture eg couch, chairs. If you do get them you can bomb the apt with a bed bug bomb bought at cleaning supply stores. Follow the directions on the label.
This has worked for me.


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January 20, 20130 found this helpful

Borax is poisonous to pets and children, so be careful with that. Of course, you have to use something poisonous to kill the bugs, so it is a tradeoff. This should be your landlord's responsibility, to fumigate the building.


You should also call an exterminator in your area for advice. Google "bedbug prevention" for many other tips.

January 20, 20130 found this helpful

Diatomacious Earth should do it. (spelling may be wrong). It is available at garden shops, feed stores, etc. It's non-toxic to humans and animals but kills most bugs.


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