My 6 week old puppy recently got fleas, and I gave him a bath. Is it safe to de-flea my puppy? Also he is too small and I'm wondering if I can use vinegar on the dog?
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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts July 19, 20180 found this helpful
I would use blue dawn

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks July 19, 20180 found this helpful
On a pup that young, I would only use something the vet recommends. Be sure to follow their directions to rid the dog's bedding and the house if needed. Most will give free advice over the phone. Good luck and prayers for the pup!

July 20, 20180 found this helpful
You will have to do something about the fleas in your home (and yard) or they will just keep getting back on your puppy.
- Give your puppy a bath with Dawn (original blue formula); start around his neck and work down his body. You can dab some on his head and top of ears but try not to get any in his eyes or ears as it will sting and he will not like it. Try to let it soak for at least 5 minutes before rinsing.
- You could add a few drops of vinegar to the rinse water but it will sting his eyes and vinegar is not necessary.
- Read some of the following information from past issues of ThriftyFun on how to kill fleas in your home.
- Here is a link to other suggestions and this names the type of flea meds that are safe for your age puppy. The pet stores can help you with these products.
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