How do you get rid of gnats?
Sher from Columbus, OH
A few years ago, I watched a gardening program with a guest who had written a book (can't remember his name) The host of the show asked him the best way to get rid of gnats in houseplants. The author told him #1 Do not over water! and #2 To put peeled and bruised Garlic Cloves in the soil.
I put 4-5 garlic cloves in one plant and change the cloves about once a month. It took me about 1 1/2 to 2 wks to totally get rid of the problem. Every now and than one will creep in but soon disappears!
By Laurie
Hey... just to warn everybody... if you do the banana in the microwave trick... be careful because we learned that bananas are indeed flammable. The gnats definitely came into the microwave... but my Dad nuked them for 4 mintues and a few still flew out. We think they are now radiated super gnats.
So, we are doing the vinegar and dishwashing liquid thing too and that definitely is working.
Oh... and don't leave a banana peel in the trash can by your armchair... that causes gnat problem for sure (DAD!) (10/08/2006)
By Kelli Smith
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