
Getting Rid of Groundhogs

Does anyone have a way to get rid of groundhogs from the garden? Is there a solution I can mix to keep them out? HELP! They're eating up all my garden!

Karen from Clemmons, NC


Getting Rid of Groundhogs

My mom used the same remedy for both gophers/rodents and dandelions. She poked a sharp stick in the area, and poured in an equal amount of milk and kerosene. The milk keeps the kerosene from being volital but doesn't keep it from being a strong deterrent for the rodents. Dandelions don't like it either. Good Luck!(06/02/2008)


By Sandra A

Getting Rid of Groundhogs

Go to your local dog groomer and ask for them to save the hair that they shave off. Sprinkle the perimeter of the garden and in various places within the perimeter, even down in their holes. this is effective with lots of wild animals that love destroying your hard earned garden. (06/02/2008)

By Agatha

Getting Rid of Groundhogs

You could buy a haveahart trap. Bait it with cucumbers or other veggies. When one is caught take it off to a wooded area a distance from the house and release it. (06/02/2008)

By Harry

Getting Rid of Groundhogs

I have the same problem, plus they dig holes in the yard and gardens for their tunnels. Used cat litter works. I dump it down their holes. So does anything sharp, like broken glass. My garden is fenced and I use landscape tarp to hinder growth of weeds. A co-worker told me she got rid of a few groundhogs by coring a cucumber and filling it with rat poison and putting it near their hole.(05/31/2008)

By Jane from PA

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April 19, 20160 found this helpful

Rat poison will also kill hawks and owls who may eat the poisoned mice and rats that have consumed it. Not to mention any cats in the area.


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