October 16, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
One way to get rid of mice is to keep the garage tidy and clean. Try to not put clutter or any boxes on the floor of the garage. See if there are any holes in the garage that the mice may be coming from, if so I would repair or close the holes up.

October 17, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
if your son is parking his car near a wooded area it is possible he brought the mice in in his car but they may now be making homes in your garage as well. Do you have a cat or can you borrow one? Just having one around the area can sometimes make a difference.
- The first step of course is to clean out your garage of any clutter (which may be a big job) but in any case, you should try to place everything possible in plastic sealable/closable containers and discard as much as you can.
- Be sure to place containers somewhere off the floor.
- Some people say to use peppermint oil and water in a spray but others say it does not work.
- A newer suggestion is to use Irish Spring soap. Cut it into cube pieces and place it around the garage and in the car and also rub the bar on any surfaces around your garage.
- Pine Sol is said to be a good repellent - use full strength or mixed with water and spray or wipe down everything you can.
- Try to find where or how the mice are getting in your garage so you can seal all the holes. Use steel wool to stuff in the holes - mice can get in through a hole no bigger than a dime.
- If you are having trouble finding where the mice are getting in your garage you might try sprinkling baby powder (or flour) around the floor edges and see what tracks you have in the morning.
- Your son's car will have to be completely cleaned out - remove all floor mats also.
- Use a good cat/dog urine enzyme cleaner (Wal Mart type stores) as that may be the only way to remove the odor.
For the outside of your garage:
Mix one tablespoon of hot pepper sauce (the hotter the better), and ¼ cup laundry detergent in a gallon of water. Spray it around the outside of the garage. It works just like commercial repellents and wont harm your pets or children.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts October 17, 20170 found this helpful
Get rid of mice.
Step 1
You should make sure there is no food or garbage that would attract mice.
Step 2
Clean your son's car with a mixture of 1 tsp dish soap,1/4 cup vinegar,1 tsp baking soda,and 1to 2 drops of essential oils.
Step 3
Mix well and wash out the car.
Step 4
Follow by spraying with febreeze.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts October 17, 20170 found this helpful
Removing urine smell in cars.
- Your son's car will need to be cleaned first.
- Remove all food and trash from the car.
- Vacuum the car and remove all the dirt.
- Now take a bottle of white vinegar and pour this on the stains in the car. Use it full strength it works better.
- Use a clean cloth to blot up the vinegar.
- Keep repeating this until the smell is gone.
- Now you can use an air freshener in the car or to get rid of the vinegar smell or use a few drops of essence oils in the car.
- There is a product called Fresh cab. This product stops mice from even coming in your garage. You can make a few pouches of this product and put in your son's car and around your garage.
- The order of Fresh cab is not bad because it is made with balsam fir needle essential oil. There are other essential oils in this product so the order is quite pleasant and you can hang this around your garage to keep the mice out.

October 21, 20170 found this helpful
Find where the mice are getting into the car. There may be a hole in the metal floor. You may find a hole above the rocker panel on the right hand side of the car. This is where the road salt may splash up and cause rusting.
When the car is in the dark, go inside and shine a flashlight. Then look underneath the car to see where light may be coming out of the underside of the car.

September 28, 20230 found this helpful
If you take some charcoal briquettes on a paper plate in the floor board it will soak up the smell It happened to me a couple years ago and this worked perfectly!