September 17, 20170 found this helpful
Ammonia is a good product for killing mold but will it kill mold on anything? That answer is no. Ammonia will not kill mold spores on porous materials (such as ceiling tiles).
- Ammonia can be used for killing mold in certain areas but it can be dangerous and the area has to be well ventilated and care taken when using this product.
- Its a good disinfectant and does a pretty good job of killing mold on hard, non-porous items.
- In order to effectively kill mold, you have to get to it at the root level. And, chlorinated bleach and ammonia are not up to the task. There are many other mold cleaning agents that will kill the fungi effectively and at the root level.
- Baking soda and vinegar are excellent non-toxic alternatives to ammonia. And, they are not harsh on the environment or you.
- Remember! Ammonia is a skin and eye irritant and its fumes are quite toxic. This mold killing agent is poisonous and could prove lethal when ingested or its fumes are inhaled.
- Combine ammonia and water in 50/50 proportions. Pour solution into a spray bottle and spray contaminated areas evenly. Allow the mold killing solution to sit for 5 or 10 minutes. Scour mold tarnished area with a small brush or equivalent and wipe clean. Repeat if necessary.
Very important: Never mix ammonia with chlorinated bleach
Here is a link to additional information on using ammonia.