Any suggestions on getting rid of onion grass? I am on a limited income and maybe there are some home remedies that I could use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hardiness Zone: 5b
By alice from PA
I read on Yahoo that it's in the chive family and if not chemically treated it is tasty and can be eaten. I know this may sound crazy, but do you know anyone with a goat, because here in Seattle, there are people who rent out goats to clear brush, blackberries and grass (especially along our downtown freeways) & if the goats pull up the roots, this grass has a harder time coming back. There would surely be someone who would love free pasture for their goat for a month or so!
Here is what people who use chemicals say about removing onion-grass:
It it were me, I hate chemicals & would use vinegar in a garden sprayer or just plain boiling water.
Here in Oklahoma we eat the wild onions, They are used in stews, salads, even fried potato's. The taste is unbelievable!!
We are faced with this every spring and fall when the weather cool. I sprinkled garden lime all around the lawn and it seems as though I have a lot less.