Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
Where do I get and what rat poison is best to get rid of them? My animals stay inside.
Rats like food, water and nesting material. Get rid of those first.
We have a three year old cat named Katy who was a feral kitten when we had her. She has calmed down a lot but she knows how to catch rats. We have recently seen rats outside our house and Katy has caught and killed them all bringing them to our doorstep as presents, as cats do.
I started noticing rat feces on my pool deck and on my pool supply bin outside in my back yard. Then when I let my dogs outside one night, I seen a rat in the middle of my yard and it looked like it was eating a piece of my dogs feces. I am freaking out! Will they or can they come in my home?
Although I think cats are the answer to mouse control, I think you have to take stronger action for rats. Rats live where there is a good food supply and nice habitat. You have to figure out where those rats are living, and clean up that habitat so that they can't get in there.
Since you have dogs, I would not distribute poison about; I would call in an exterminator to help you get rid of the rats and to advise you on how to clean up your yard to eliminate rat habitat. Bare in mind that if you are poisoning rats with cake mix and boric acid or soda or whatever, you will have dead rats holed up and rotting in odd places.
My friend had a dead rat in the wall of her home, and the smell almost caused them to move out, until they finally were able to get the rat out of the wall. And yes, rats can and will get into your house.
First, you shouldn't have dog feces in your yard ever. So number one, clean dog poop then continue to clean it up every time dog goes out. don't wait! do it right away. Next see if a pest control company offers free consultations to see the extent of your rat problem.