For about a week now something has been biting my arms and legs at night. Not just in my bed, but on my couch. They bite more when the lights are off. I know it isn't bed bugs because I have experienced those before. I know where and what to look for to find those, and nothing has turned up.
Whatever it is can fly because it bites parts that aren't touching the furniture as well as those that are, and I never feel a crawling sensation. I have noticed small flying insects around the house. Mostly just a few fruit flies or drain flies that I have been killing off.
But, there have been a few small, dark-winged bugs as well. They look like small flies, with a triangular shape when at rest. Aside from that, a small speck occasionally flies past my phone screen or laptop screen if the room is dark. It almost looks like a dust mote, but it moves quickly. I have yet to catch anything actually on me or my bed, but my legs and sometimes arms, end up covered in red welts similar to mosquito bites. I live in north Georgia, in a rural area. I am the only person being bitten thus far.
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Small biting black dot bug that can fly. Not bed bugs and they jump.
I would check out ticks. It's the triangular shape that reminded me of what I went thru about 15 years ago. Caught one went into the hospital because I saw these triangular things on the carpet put my hand down and they jumped up on my hand and arm as quickly as they could then burrowed in to my skin.
Thats what I think I have how did you get rid of them pls. My doctors think Im crazy and wont help me.
Am having trouble with the same type of bugs especially at night when am on my IPad what are they.
Tiny black bugs in laundry, tiny shinny black bugs on couch, some are like colored sparkles, last lint like bugs in hair black, grey white the bugs also bite and i can fell them on me I have dry skin but sometimes even my cats won't eat their food unless i wipe down the food & bowls i feel the bites & what ever they are but worse at nite. some of the tiny black bugs look like cat dander but have almost invisible little hair or 2 Ifeel them on my anis & genitalia what could the possibly be & how can I get rid of them?
This is exactly the same thing i am going through only i am 28 and have a husband and 3 kids who are not affected at all! I also have a dog! After treating fleas and head lice nothing worked! I assumed it was scabies from the dog carrying in mites but still no the dog and i have the same thing you described...I AM THE CRAZY ONE WHO HAS IMAGINARY BUGS!!!
Yes try spraying body with tea tree oil..or use menthol rub over body( not gentailia) or mix tea tree oil with coconut oil../ vaseline....
Looks like old hay beetles...if they are ..they used to live in haystack...under old moist areas..
You are definitely not the only one! I'm glad to know that another Georgian is experiencing this! I was beginning to think i was insane.
You are not insane!!! A second or 2 ago one just flew in front of my computer screen. Every summer "he" shows up. I never see more than one, but it surely can bite quickly. It feels exactly like a mosquito bite, but never makes a permanent itchy sore.
I bought a bug eliminator on fb ad I don't know the name but it works. You plug it into a wall and it covers 300 ft. Sometimes I see the black flyer once and never again until the next one. It was about 20.00 and we'll worth it. It doesn't get rid of the mites beause I'm infested with them. It's white I just don't know what brand it is. I hope this helps some.
Your not crazy. I too have bites and my husband doesn't. I haven't been able to locate the culprit until I found this tiny, tiny little black beetle looking bug on my tablet screen while in my bed.
Your not crazy. I too have bites and my husband doesn't. I haven't been able to locate the culprit until I found this tiny, tiny little black beetle looking bug on my tablet screen while in my bed. I wouldn't have recognized it as a bug but it was slowly crawling. Ugh! Now I'm constantly looking for them and it's consuming me and I can't sleep. I'm in wyoming.
To aerynzaher in N.Georgia. Did you get any answers on the eradication of these tiny, flying bugs? I think this is the same thing happening to me and it's insane nuisance here. I thought it was related to bugs found in new construction wood (I took video of them crawling out). I just put in new Hickory hardwood floors and not sure if the timing relates to them coming from the wood or out in the field where I am. There seem to be swaths of these bugs flying in air and they will dive bomb you and the bite is like a bad pinch feeling. Your entry is 2016 and it's now Aug 2018 so prob never see this - but like others on these posts - total annoyance and considering fumigating the place to end this nightmare.
I was told they are carpet beetles but let us know if you find anything that helps
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