If you have student loans and are receiving Social Security Disability the loans and all part of the loans no matter how large can and will be wiped clean. All that has to happen is your doctor filling out a couplke of forms. I believe the forms come from The Social Security Administration. If not there then get them from the institution in which you owe.
From what I have heard the doctor has to fill out numerous forms and they don't want medical abbreviations, they want the full terminology and the forms that they send to the doctor don't have enough room to write out the full terminology, therefore what it amounts to is the doctor and nurse end up doing a lot of typing, then when the school loan department receives those forms, they send more forms out and this goes on for some time.
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My daughter is on disability and had several thousand dollars in student loans from earning her degrees. Did you know that the loans will be forgiven when your doctor fills out the proper paper work?
If you have student loans, are disabled and drawing Social Security Disability benefits, you can be forgiven of all loans if your doctor fills out a specific form for you. I know this because my daughter did it.
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Has anyone been through a Disability Discharge for a school loan? If so, how much time does the education department take until a conditional or final loan discharge is decided? How many in depth medical records are requested and how much privacy is there on what is requested? The law changes on July 1, 2008 with the education department. I am on a deadline. Any help is appreciated.
Anytime your doctor or you send anything
GET COPIES!!! I sent in all paperwork for
disability and they requested info from my
numerous doctors and years later it was approved.
I live in Pa. and when my husband turned terminal I started to call and find out information when I can cancel his student loan. I paperwork from the Cancer Doctor and he enclosed tests and x-rays. That department hounded me every day for payments and I kept saying that he is terminal and that should take care of the loan.
To make a LONG story short, 1 year AFTER his death and 3 original copies of his death certificate, I received a letter from the department saying he MAY BE discharged from paying his student loan.
Of course, his loan is discharged. Any time I need help again do not hesitate to contact us. I don't want to feel hopeless about your case but I had even a lawyer and he couldn't get through to them.
Good Luck, daisywoods
PS Keep your paper that says the loan was excused. I still think they will come back to try to collect.