
Getting a Puppy After Losing One to Parvo?

December 19, 2017

I lost my 3 month old puppy last month. We don't know the reason. He puked blood and died. I think it may have been parvo, now that I've researched so much about it. But the problem is it's been one month since he died and now we brought this other puppy home.


He had his first shot. How do I prevent him from getting parvo? We haven't used any bleach yet to clean our house and yard because we didn't know it was parvo. Please help I can't lose another companion.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
December 21, 20171 found this helpful
Best Answer

Safe guarding a pup from parvo.

Step 1
Disinfect everything with bleach right away.

Step 2
Make sure to have all shots for the pup.

Step 3
If your other dog used the back yard do not let him out there the parvo virus can live up to a year out there.

Step 4
Throw out collars,toys etc anything from the other pup.

Step 5
Good luck and sorry for the loss of your puppy.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 13, 2007

The staffy pup I brought home from the shelter had parvo. She soiled twice on my carpet. I quickly cleaned it up and then we used a trigene disinfectant from the vet and sprayed the carpet many times. She also vomited once outside and we dug out the soil about 2 feet and bleached the area. The pavers have been bleached and all floors have been bleached. My pup had to be put down, she was so young and sick. How long should we wait until anther pup can come into my home?

Many thanks,


By Robin (Guest Post)
April 13, 20070 found this helpful

Unless you want your heart broken again, I wouldn't take any chances. Ask you vet!

By (Guest Post)
April 13, 20070 found this helpful

Ask your vet.

By dog lover (Guest Post)
April 13, 20070 found this helpful

I had a dog die on Christmas Eve of Parvo. What we did is we sprayed our yard with bleach water. 10 parts water to 1 part bleach spray very well. Clean inside as well as possible with bleach where you can and do the best everywhere else. Then you MUST either get an older dog that is up to date on its shots and I would get a shot record. But if you get a puppy you must get every single shot they are supposed to get. Which is 4 parvo/distempers.


The puppy/dog will be safe from the parvo 24-48 hrs after the shot. So you must keep the puppy away from any place that the other dog was until then.

We have 4 puppies now and we have had them since they were 6-7 wks old we did the shot thing and the bleach thing. I also steam cleaned my carpets. But they are all doing great. No sign what so ever and we have had them for over 3 months now. Hope this helps.

By (Guest Post)
April 13, 20070 found this helpful

I am soooo sorry about your pup...ours came down with this when she was appox. 5 or 6 months..fortunately she pulled through...she is now 13...but she was sooo sick and was mis diagnosted during the first visit to see what was wrong. It was a miracle she pulled through. I am sure your vet could tell the time she had it and was cured..we did not know much...we didn't do anything in the way of clean up!?!?


Good luck to you

By (Guest Post)
April 13, 20070 found this helpful

my puppy had parvo we had her for two days soiled only once on the carpet i have bleached everywhere possible we had to get her put down so my children and i would love to get another pup .we have paid for a staffy she is having her 3rd shot in 3 weeks and we will wait another week before bringing her home. will that home be safe?

By Jennifer (Guest Post)
April 27, 20070 found this helpful

I am worried that I have made a mistake, I adopted a puppy and it had parvo so we put it down, the next dau we bleached the floors and put disinfectant on the furniture and carpets and we have washed all of the clothes and blankets with color safe bleach, then that night we brought home our new puppy and she hasn't had her shots yet, I wasn't aware that we were supposed to wait weeks or even months after bleaching, was this a horrible move or does my puppy still have a fighting chance?


Editor's Note: It would be best if you can get her shots right away. You may have done enough to kill the virus, only time will tell but getting the shots will help.

July 16, 20070 found this helpful

It takes longer than 24-48 for a shot to work, it is more like 2 weeks. If a pup has already been exposed to parvo, it's not a good idea to give the shot, as the shot brings down the immune system, better to wait a couple of weeks, then give the shot, best thing is ask your vet...but if I knew it was in my house or yard, don't give a shot and let your new pup on the floor or yard, they most likely will come down with parvo. No one has a difinite time frame of how long it is in the environment, months - years, depends, bleach is all you can do, but you can't wipe out every trace of it in your yard. Best to use a shot called Neopar at the age of 5 to 6 weeks, keep you pup away from everything, possibly crated for 2 weeks, keep your hands clean or wear gloves, you can have the germ on your hands and bring to your pup. All puppies should have a series of 4 shots, with the last one being around 16 weeks. Shot at 6 weeks is not going to do it, 2 sets will not do it.


It's best to bring in a pup that has had all it's shots, or keep one quaranteened till it has completed all it's shots.
Parvo is bought in on your shoes, picked up at Petsmart or other places that allow pets (I honestly believe that should be OUTLAWED), can be picked up at the vets office, cats or other animals can bring it on their feet to your yard. This is really scary stuff, and people need to know all these things when they think of getting a pet or a new pet to replace the one they lost to parvo. If you don't know the do's and don'ts, do your research then when you feel you have provided a safe environment for a new pup, and time has passed, then get another one.
My vet told me, one client had a pup to die from parvo, got new pup 2YEARS later, it came down with it's there, we don't know how please think before you go do something that will only make the situation worse.

By sadie (Guest Post)
January 21, 20081 found this helpful

We got a pup and it was 6-8 weeks old. after a few weeks she became sick and thats when we found out she had parvo. We thought she was gonna get over it, but it was just so hard knowing she was gonna die. I prayed to god every night and every time I seen her mess or vomit.


it was the worst thing ever had to go through watching my puppy die, and there was nothing I could do. We wanna get another pup but we are not sure what we need to do, before bringing the pup home.

April 15, 20091 found this helpful

Bleach will NOT work outside! Use Shacklee Basic G, it kills the Parvo in the grass, on the ground but won't kill the grass or pollute the ground.

BTW, Parvo stays on and in the ground a year if not treated and it can be tracked home by anyone who goes in your yard.

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June 29, 2018

Three months ago I lost a puppy because of parvo. After that I cleaned my house using bleaching powder. I threw out everything used by that puppy.

Now I'm going to get a Goldador puppy. He got his first vaccine 11 in one. Are there any chances of parvo affecting this puppy?

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March 21, 2015

I recently fostered a puppy who had been treated for parvovirus just before I got her. I also have a Rottie of my own who is currently on steroids for mild wobblers and had surgery 6 months ago for a spinal cyst. Is my Rottie in any danger of contracting the virus? Is her immune system compromised due to the steroids? She was vaccinated over a year ago. Is my yard in need of sanitizing? If puppy's parvo was treated before coming to my home, is the yard stil a hazard?



March 22, 20150 found this helpful
Best Answer

Yes, the yard is still a hazard. I'm assuming your dog has been vaccinated for Parvo. If you were concerned at all about fostering a puppy that had been treated for Parvo, I have to wonder at your reasoning for doing that. Or maybe this is just hindsight.

A puppy that has been treated for Parvo can carry it in its body for some time after, and the feces is contaminated. Only dogs that are fully vaccinated should be in your house or yard.

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November 5, 2013

I had a puppy that died from parvo. If I get another puppy that already has its shots can it still get the parvo virus?

By NLM from Easley, SC


April 13, 20150 found this helpful

Yes, they can still get the virus. Just because your dog or puppies are vaccinated don't mean they can't still get the parvo virus. They can. My nine week old puppy needed one more shot and she got hit hard with the parvo virus and passed yesterday. So yes, they still can get the virus!

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November 5, 2019

My dog passed away after getting parvo. It's been 6 months now. I've cleaned the whole floor with the bleach solution various times, is there anything else I should do? I want to bring a new puppy home, but I am too afraid as I've heard a lot about parvo and also how it can be spread to the new puppy as well.

Please let me know when can I bring a new puppy home.

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September 15, 2019

I lost a puppy earlier this year due to parvovirus from the previous owner. I've bleached everything in the house and put a anti-parvo solution everywhere as well. I am planning to get a new Maltipoo puppy, however I heard that it's best to get an older dog.

Would a 12 week old Maltipoo puppy still be too young and possibly catch the virus again?

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June 19, 2013

My daughter lived with 2 years ago. Her dog somehow got parvo, and survived and lived in my house for those years. He hasn't lived with me for a year now, but still comes over. He doen't go to the bathroom in my house, but outside, yes. Well, I'm getting a new puppy, what should I do? Is my daughter's dog still contagious after all this time?

By Dottie


June 21, 20130 found this helpful

I rescued some puppies that had Parvo, from my experience and what a Vet told me, your house and yard can be dangerous for up to 2-3 years after. House can be bleached to help keep next animal safe. As for yard- make sure puppy get his/her shots before going outside or train them in another part of the yard where the other dog with parvo wasn't at.

June 21, 20130 found this helpful

By the way, a dog that got over Parvo, will not get it again, and if totally over it, cannot spread Parvo.

June 21, 20130 found this helpful

Don't know if I got this to you or not, but here goes again.
After rescuing some puppies with Parvo, what I learned and what a Vet told me. That as long as your house is well bleached your house will be fine. Please bleach your house even though the dog didn't mess in your house. Think of a cough and how it spreads when cleaning areas where her dog was. As for your yard, it is NOT safe for a puppy with no shots to be in that yard. The yard will be a danger for 2-3 yrs for a dog with no or just 2 shots. Must have 3rd shot to be safe. If getting a puppy use another part of the yard where the other dog that had Parvo didn't use. Once a dog is over Parvo, they cannot get it back, and can't spread it.

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September 28, 2017

How long must you wait to get another dog after having just lost one to parvo?

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April 12, 2017

I lost two Husky pups just a month ago. We treated the yard and we bought new pups, this time cross breeds. We vaccinated them and their new vaccinations are due in 2 weeks.

Do you think it was wise to get new pups? I did wash my walls, floors, yard? Will they be OK?

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June 2, 2019

My dog was died from parvo, but I had been giving treatments from the first day, but next it died. How many days after do I need to wait before buying a new dog?

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May 30, 2017

After euthanizing our 2 fur babies (one to old age and one to lymphoma), we decided to rescue a pup on 4/21 from someone who did not vaccinate and locked her up (in bathroom) for 14-18 hours a day. My 6 year old was in love at the moment he met her. After only 24 hours of sheer happiness, she fell ill to parvo and 9 days later she went to sleep (in the animal hospital) and never woke up. Now, we've been called to rescue another Pit that is 6-7 months old from a family that has to relocate without her. We have bleached our yard and indoor carpets. We threw away blankets, toys, collars and leashes. Now what?

The owners want us to take her on Monday, but we're terrified that she'll contract parvo. Our family is definitely missing a dog, but I'm thinking we can't risk taking her in. Is there anyway to prove her vaccinations? Are vaccinations strong enough to prevent parvo? Please help.

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June 22, 2019

I had a puppy that died of parvo. He was only in the house for 5 days, but long enough to spread it around. My 8 year old son is devastated, but really wants a new dog still although I am so scared to get a new pup and have it catch it.

How young of a puppy can I get? Should the new pup have all of his vaccines or is 2 good enough?

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July 13, 2017

Is it safe for us to get a new pet in a new home after moving from an apartment where a dog just died from parvo?

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June 1, 2017

6 months ago I brought home a puppy that tested positive for coccidia, ghiardia, and parvo within 2 days of having him. He died by the end of the week. My 8 year old dog never got sick and we did clean the whole house with the same product our vet uses for parvo cleanup.

I am now considering getting a new pup who the breeder will keep until it has had its second parvo vaccine. Will that be enough?

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May 29, 2013

I have had three dogs, one we sadly just gave away a couple months ago. He had never been vaccinated, a friend wanted him after we had him over a year. We then adopted two from the shelter one is around two years. It is a Husky mix and the other an American Staff who was about 2 months when we adopted her. We got them in October 2012, by December we noticed her foaming and very limp and not eating or drinking. She would hide for about two days in a roll.

Then we decided to take her to the vet. They diagnosed her with parvo we spent over $200 for medicines and to bring her home to hope for the best. I cared for her and she survived. The other two dogs that were around, which are males, never got sick and they were in the yard she was in sick and inside. We kept her in the kennel until she got better.

So now we just got a new puppy over the weekend for my daughter's bday. He is a tiny full blood Chihuahua. He was very hyper and always running around the past two days. I noticed yesterday he has just been sleeping. He's at least 3-4 months old. I am a bit worried he may have caught it, if it's possible. Or he could be just warming up to his new family. Any advice is appreciated. I know the only way to get an answer would be to just take him to vet, but not if there isn't a chance he could have gotten it. Also because he is mostly inside and I have small children who love to carry him around I am afraid my kids might get sick if possible!

By Ariana


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
May 30, 20131 found this helpful

Your kids can't get parvo from the puppy. You did not say whether the puppy had been vaccinated. If he has the chances of dying from parvo are less. Your puppy could have picked up parvo from virus left from the previous sick dog.

You can clean areas where the sick dog was with a bleach solution, but the safest thing is just not to bring an unvaccinated dog into the same environment as a sick dog. If your puppy doesnt perk up soon I would get it to a Vet asap. If it is showing signs of parvo it should not be vaccinated now. You will have to wait and see if it survives the disease.

March 17, 20151 found this helpful

Your dog that caught parvo is now a carrier that means that the new Chihuahua can easily get parvo just by drinking out of the same water bowl as the dog who has had parvo before. Parvo is spread thru saliva which is bad because all puppies do is lick. So keep the chihuahua away from the one who has been previously infected. The only way to kill the virus is bleach. Put it in your yard and all over your house. Do not miss a spot.

Parvo is so serious and I almost can't believe you admitted to having dogs without getting any vaccinations. If you don't vaccinate you can get parvo or distemper and they will die. Go to an animal feed store now and get vaccinations for like 7 dollars each.

I have one parvo survivor and one puppy who died of parvo.These animals lives are precious so think next time before you waste those 7 dollars on a big Mac and go vaccinate your dogs.

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August 5, 2011

I recently lost 2 Boston Terrier pups to parvo. They had their shots, and were 7 months old. They had gotten loose and went to the neighbor's yard, where the neighbor had already lost 2 pups to parvo, and has had several cases of parvo over the past 5 years; I found out.

We can quarantine the areas off so no person or animal can get to those areas, we bleached them, sun baked the bleach for 10 minutes (full strength), and then flooded the area with water. We have bleached our carpets, and bleach steam cleaned our hard wood floors, all concrete has been bleached, this process is being done every 30 days to make sure we kill off any Parvo in these areas.

How long before we can get a new Boston Terrier? We miss them so much. I gave them IVs, shots, Pedialyte, and Greek yogurt, but they only survived for 3 days. Any current information would be helpful. Thanks.

By Karen


August 5, 20111 found this helpful

First, I'm sorry for your loss. I assume you were taking them to the vet, because you said they had IVs. Why not give their vet a call and ask them about this? They probably know what needs to be done, and for how long, to make your property safe again. And if they got out through the fence, don't forget to check & make it puppy-proof so they cannot escape again!

August 8, 20110 found this helpful

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have no problems this time around.

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June 12, 2019

I had a puppy 8 months ago that ended up getting parvo and I am thinking about getting a new one soon. Do you think it's at a great risk of getting parvo as well?

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June 22, 2016

I have a 9 year old Pit and a 3 year Mati-Shit Tzu. In January we rescued a puppy, but the puppy got parvo and died shortly after. We bleached the entire area and continue to bleach the area periodically.

Both our dogs have had boasters and show no sign of parvo. We are in the process of rescuing another puppy, 8 weeks old. He has gotten his first set of shots. Do we need to keep the dogs separated?

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April 9, 2016

I had a 5 week old German Shepherd puppy previously which I rescued that didn't have any shots or been de-wormed. It died on March 19th. Unfortunately, it was cured of parvo the week earlier but died due to other complications.

Is it alright for us to bring in a new German Shepherd that is 2 months old that has had its parvo vaccination and been de-wormed? We have cleaned inside and out our whole house, including the garden. Please I need your advice.

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March 17, 2016

I had a male and female Rottweiler puppy and they died due to the parvo virus. I miss them, that's why I am thinking of getting a new puppy. After 2 weeks is it safe to get a new puppy?

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March 29, 2012

My dog died about a month ago from parvo. I want to know how long I should wait to get a new puppy and how I could clean my yard, house, things, etc.

By R.K


March 30, 20121 found this helpful

Unfortunately the virus lives in the ground and it last's for years. I am so sorry for you're loss but maybe you could get a young adult from the pound and save a life. God Bless and call you're vet who can tell you what you should do.

March 31, 20121 found this helpful

I too am sorry for your loss! I would suggest waiting a few more months maybe even a year before getting another dog friend. Also a adult dog from a shelter always makes a wonderful friend or at least get a puppy from a rescue group if you must have a puppy. Please check with your vet regarding when your area will be free from parvo. bleach is the only thing I know that kills parvo
Good luck with your future dog!

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