
Gift Ideas for Your Boss?

November 9, 2011

Woman in office attire holding out a wrapped gift with a row of people in suits in the backgroundI don't know what to get my boss (an attorney) for Christmas. After working for him for 20 years, I have run out of ideas.

By Sally



November 9, 20110 found this helpful
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Ask him or members of his family. Look at his daily schedule, a cushion and back pillow might be in order. I tend toward practical so I would consider a very fine fountain pen, real cotton or linen handkerchiefs, driving gloves, or something that is delivered as fruit of the month or the like. How about 20 of something? Hope this helps.

November 10, 20110 found this helpful
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How about a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant in town for him and his wife? Be generous enough to include a bottle of wine. Or a gift certificate to get his car detailed.


Or a certificate for a day at a day spa/massage. Or, depending on what type of person he is and where you live, a ride on a hot air balloon!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
November 10, 20110 found this helpful
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Frames are always nice, as well as nicer candles. All the others are good, too. If he likes beer, you can get a 6 pack of specialty beers delivered each month. He must be a wonderful boss to have had you around for 20 years. How about a nice plaque for the best boss of the Century!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
November 10, 20110 found this helpful
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What about making a donation to a charity in his name, especially one in which something specific is purchased. I am thinking of WWW where you "adopt a whale" or World Vision where you can donate a sum and purchase four chickens for a family in Africa.


That sort of thing. I am sure that you can find something in this line that he would support.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
November 14, 2008

I need some suggestions for a nice Christmas gift for my boss. He can afford to buy just about anything. What do you get for someone like that in the range of $25-$35?

Mom of 1 from Wilkesboro, NC


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
November 14, 20080 found this helpful
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I would recommend a gift certificate to his favorite lunch restaurant or coffee place, something that shows that you have paid attention to what he likes. If you want to make it a little more personal, you could attach an inexpensive or handmade Christmas ornament for his tree.

November 14, 20080 found this helpful
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I'd recommend a nice bottle of wine, if he drinks.

Or maybe go somewhere like Things Remembered, and find a pen or something he could use at work, and have it engraved.


They have quite a few nice sale items during Christmas.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
November 14, 20080 found this helpful
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I have a sort of step-dad like that, & what I've found he appreciates most (that he can't buy) are homemade things... Like home baked cookies, etc. In fact you could give your boss a tin of several different types you've baked & a "gift certificate card" for another 11 batches, one batch per month for the next year. Or you could sign him up for a subscription to a magazine of his favorite hobby. The nice thing about a magazine subscription is that he'll think of you each month when he receives it.


If you do choose to go this way, be sure to buy the first month's magazine at a stand & wrap it in a Christmas bag with a note. Another idea that most people don't buy these days is a fancy, really nice pen. Unless he already has one, this is one of those gift idea that makes you feel like a million bucks each time you use it! (Of course, there may be many others that Also buy him a pen!)

By OGeorgie (Guest Post)
November 17, 20080 found this helpful
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I've retired after 35 years as the big boss and have received many wonderful and thoughtful gifts--one that touched my heart was receiving a card from Heifer International, telling me that a donation of honey bees had been given in my name by an employee. Heifer International helps families in third world countries learn to help themselves. A gift of bees (under $20) or a gift of ducks, or a sheep, or goat-- is given to a family to nurture and then learn to harvest the product (i.e.


the honey) to sell. Heifer International also requires the receiving family to "share" their bees (or other animal offspring) to help another family get started. A hand up--not a hand out. Heifer International is on line--you can spend a little or a lot--and you receive a beautiful gift card for the boss telling what has been done in his/her honor. I now use Heifer International for much of my gift giving. They even have programs for helping families in the USA.

By Carol in PA (Guest Post)
November 18, 20080 found this helpful
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I agree with the gentleman who said a gift to a charity in his name. I especially like the idea of helping people in other countries. Go to The Hunger Site online and you'll find tabs at the top for other issues. I think perhaps I'd choose the one for Child Health or Literacy. Your funds will go further than expected.

Otherwise, I'd consider giving him a card or something homemade.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
November 20, 20080 found this helpful
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I worked for a Dentist for many years and he LOVED homemade candy and cookies. As the first time I gave him a huge basket of homemade goodies, he got all watery eyed on me! It turned out his mother did stuff like that and it reminded him of her and then he just loved the goodies. I made it huge for his wife and kids, and made it every year thereafter. You can add like a smoked Hickory Farms summer sausage and cheese stuff like that. Have fun!

January 7, 20090 found this helpful
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My husband has an office staff of 15 that we buy gifts for. We pay out of our own income, not money from the establishment. He usually only gets one gift in return; from his secretary. We don't expect any others. The gift that I love for him to get is a gift certificate to a restaurant. We don't eat out often, so this is a real treat.

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