I have heard that you can give your dogs tomato juice to stop their urine from turning the grass yellow. How much would I need to give my dogs and how often? I have two dogs weighing 19kg and 38kg.
By Sophie Manning from UK
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I would be extremely, extremely leery about giving a dog tomato juice. It is very, very hard on their stomachs. We never, ever give our dog anything with a tomato base. However, once when I cooked fried green tomatoes, my husband, not thinking because they weren't red, gave our dog three slices. He loved them, however we ended up at the vet with the dog vomiting for several days. DO NOT give tomatos!
Give the dogs more FRESH water to drink. They can pee clear like humans too.
My dog likes roma tomatoes, cut into little pieces, toss in a salad of raw vegies. Mine loves her green beans, peas, zucchini, cukes, oh, lettuce and spinach are the plus.
The theory behind giving dogs tomato juice or adding baking soda to a their water is, if you increase salt in the dog's diet, they will drink more water, which will dilute their urine. However, too much salt can cause health problems in healthy dogs or aggravate existing health problems. You might want to talk to a veterinarian before adding tomato juice to your dog's diet.
Here is a link to a website that talks about giving dogs tomato juice, and gives tips on how you might avoid yellow dog urine spots on grass.
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