I purchased a Friendship ball for my best friends several years ago to avoid the increasing costs of Christmas gifts while our own families have increased in size! This metal ornament-like ball has cut-out hearts and other shapes and hinges shut.
Inside, it can hold only one thing...bath salts, tart candles, sample coffee pkg, pair of earrings, scarf, even a little candy, but the legend behind the Friendship ball is that in Old English times friends, sisters, and mothers used to exchange the ball on special occasions, (or just when we have a couple of extra dollars) each time filled with something different - a lace handkerchief, chocolates, jewelry, etc.
We never know when we will be getting the 'ball' back...and it may just be a 'no special' day remembrance! It's so much fun and because of the size, we are limited to what we can get to go until you are ready to 'give it away', it can be used as a Christmas ornament or to hold potpourri. The best part is the tradition explains "it is not what is inside the ball, but the friendship and love it represents".
By Brenda J.
By doingtime2003 (Guest Post)
November 28, 20040 found this helpful
where can you find friendship ball?
By teresa (Guest Post)
December 1, 20081 found this helpful
You can find the friendship balls for 11.99 at distinctive decor.com Good luck.

December 15, 20120 found this helpful
You can buy Silver Friendship Ball that come with the story, Poem and Organza Bag for packaging at rupalee.com
December 17, 20180 found this helpful
I tried to order a friendship ball and kept getting the notice that they couldn't deliver to my address. Also could not find a phone number for the company rupalee.com This has been very frustrating!