Photo Description
Welcome to fall! Here in Oklahoma, it seemed to switch from summer to fall practically over night. One day the heat seemed oppressive, while the next evening we needed long-sleeved shirts and warmer socks! I love the fall, with everything fun that it brings - cool evenings, beautiful leaves, and Halloween! And today this grasshopper landed right in front of me, with all of his orange and yellow finery, reminding me that fall really did leap forward this year, bringing lots of happiness for all!
Photo Location
Small-town, Oklahoma
Check out these photos.
I heard my friend's cat hissing in the garden at something. When I looked down and saw this one-legged grasshopper, I wasn't sure whether it had just lost its limb in the cat battle or if it had already lost it previously. I moved him somewhere he couldn't be bothered.
At first glance, this grasshopper has a horse shape which is probably why it is called a horse lubber grasshopper. The colors are more profound against the bright green leaf background.
I've always been curious about what grasshoppers eat. While walking the dogs with my husband, one day I found out.
I just loved this little guy. I was taking my dogs out to do their business, when I saw literally hundreds of little grasshoppers and crickets jumping in every which direction with every step I took. It was amazing!
Indian Pink Flower with Baby Grasshoppers on it. The is one of my favorite pictures I have taken. I did not see the baby grasshoppers on the flower until I uploaded my pictures.
While on a road trip with my family last summer, this gentleman hopped onto our front windshield and hung on for miles! This photo was shot from the inside of the car looking out!
I was just finishing my lunch when I saw this big grasshopper on a wooden chair next to my fridge. I guess he didn't like it outside, it was quiet hot for our country Slovenia, 37 degrees.