Boo Boo Bear is 2 years old in this picture, she is a Great Pyrenees and Komondor cross. She was born on our place. Because of her personality, she got to stay here instead of going on to another job elsewhere. She is a working dog.
She loves playing with her pasture mates and brother at our farm outside of California. She loves playing with the baby goats and her brother and they have a great time, playing chase, king of the wood pile and round out the day sleeping all in a pile in the barn together.
Boo Boo Bear is what is called a Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) which is a dog bred to work, live, and protect herds of livestock. This is her "Bad Hair Day" She works as a dual purpose angel as she is also my farm service dog. She gets to spend time inside with me learning that job and then she gets to go outside to learn the LGD part of her job. She is learning two jobs because I can not take another dog into the pasture with the rest of the guys, but she is well accepted as both a LGD and a service dog.
Check out these photos.
I got her and her sister "Raine" at the age of 10 months. Malaki is now 14 years old.