My family LOVES green beans. I on the other hand wouldn't care if I never ate another - until I came up with this recipe! I LOVE these and my family eats them like ice cream!
- 1/2 lb. bacon
- 1/2 - 1 onion
- garlic, salt, pepper, and Italian seasonings to taste
- 1 package frozen Italian cut green beans
In a deep skillet or dutch oven, cut bacon into 1 inch pieces and fry, reserving the drippings. Cut onion into small pieces and saute in bacon drippings, add seasonings at this time. Once onions are tender, dump beans into pan. Turn to coat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, repeat 3 times. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes.
By Melanie from Memphis, TN

May 21, 20080 found this helpful
I couldn't argee with you's a wonderful way to serve green can also add a dash of vinegar if you want a change. Have a great one! mvb

May 22, 20080 found this helpful
This sounds really good, but what do you mean when you say "repeat three times"