Botanical Name:
Life Cycle:
annual or tender perennial
Planting Time:
spring or summer
6" to over 1 foot
full sun to partial shade
average soil
zones 5-11 dependent on variety
Bloom Time:
spring to early frost
white, inconspicuous
reds to purples to greens to yellows, can be blotchy or variegated
root cuttings 1 to 2 inches in length
Suggested Use:
beds, edging, borders, containers, and terrariums
Growing Hints:
Alternanthera make excellent fillers for container displays due to their compact growth. Space four inches apart for a carpet effect and pinch back occasionally to keep plants bushy. Pot plants and bring indoors as a house plant for winter.
Interesting Facts:
Alternanthera come in many varieties. Varieties commonly grown as annuals are also known as Calico Plant or Joseph's Coat.

February 2, 20060 found this helpful
The zone you list is incorrect. Zones are to be listed as a guideline to where the plant can be grown OUTSIDE. This plant is a zone 5a (as listed in Dave's Garden web site). It is classified as a tender perennial.