
Growing Bromeliads

September 7, 2006

Growing BromeliadsMake a Bromeliad bloom by putting the entire plant in a plastic bag with an apple for one week, the apple produces ethylene gases and revs up the blooming process. I heard this, but have not tried it as of yet, I need to, mine has not bloomed in the 2 years I've have it.


By Linda from Oceanside, CA

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8 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 26, 2009

I have a Bromeliad Vriesea plant, the flower of the plant has died off. What is the correct way to discard of the flower? Pinch it off or cut it close to the main plant? And when is the correct time to start pruning off the flower? Do I need to save the seeds for reproduction of the plant? This is a new plant species for me. I just love the uniqueness of them! Thanks for your help.

April from Demorest, GA


January 26, 20090 found this helpful

I bought one at the market in Syracuse N.Y. last year and it lasted about 6 months. I asked them what to do when the flower died and they told me to throw it out they only bloomed once and they were done.


I tried saving what I thoght were seeds and planting them, and altho I have a very green thumb they did not germinate for me. Sorry. Marylee

By Anne (Guest Post)
January 27, 20090 found this helpful

My experience with bromeliads has been that they bloom and send out "babies". The flower can be removed when it's ready - it will come right out. Do you keep water in the center? The mother plant usually dies in time, but you're left with the baby/babies. Don't overwater.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 171 Feedbacks
January 28, 20091 found this helpful

It's true, after a bromeliad flowers, it usually dies, takes a long time for it to die and it should give you a "pup" or two (a new plant/shoot around it's base) which you can separate when big enough to pot and have a brand new plant! Check around the base where all the leaves meet and look for new'll look like a spike.


After the new plant opens, you can separate it from it's mother plant and have a brand new plant. I have one bromeliad which has given me so many pups, I lost track! And then each new pup started making pups! I never need to buy a bromeliad again! Google bromeliads for more info and have fun!
-Lee in Florida

By mc (Guest Post)
January 28, 20090 found this helpful

Bromiliads: They send out PUPS alongside the flowering plant. They like to be crowded. Keep water in the "cup" and they will do fine. You really can't kill them - they are very forgiving.

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May 26, 2007

Need Help For My BromeliadNeed help for my Bromeliad. We have several beautiful green and red bromeliads (indoor) at my house and recently one of them has molded in the center. I am not sure what to do or how to fix it or how it even happened. This bromelaid has another big off shoot in the same pot with little lilac flowers in the middle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any help! The picture attached is similar to mine but red instead of the pink.

Hardiness Zone: 6a

Angela from Painesville, Ohio


By cathy (Guest Post)
May 28, 20070 found this helpful

here in florida, we grow bromeliads outdoors, and they multiply by the thousands. unless your bromeliad leaves are turning brown, i don't think there's a big problem. here, the plants grow under trees or under the dripline - and the fussy gardener will "clean out" the bromeliad with a hose.


but mine are happy, with dead tree leaves and insects and all kinds of yuck sitting in their cups. if you really think there's something wrong, break off the new plant and throw the larger one away.

By Lynda (Guest Post)
June 1, 20070 found this helpful

Mother's had many gifts of Bromeliads over the years, we had them in Hawaii, and when I read more about these tropicals back then, I learned that they will often simply bloom then die, from the inside out. Check online for lengthy information...Google>bromeliad care. I believe we only watered their cup when dry. Watch for the leaves to curl, that's a sign of dryness and possible end of it's life. The large flowers that come out are their pride and joy, so don't disturb or touch the flower. They may be the lovliest flower you'll see for a while, and if not pink, are a good plant for men because of the bold leaves and growth habit.


Good luck and God bless you. : )

June 4, 20070 found this helpful

I have had a bromeliad plant for about 10 years and have found that when a "baby" plant pops up, the bigger "mother" plant often fades and gradually dies. I remove the mother plant when it becomes pretty brown. If I remember correctly, I gently broke them apart with my hands. The roots are pretty shallow, so it's not real tough. Good Luck!

May 12, 20110 found this helpful

I have the same problem with mine I just got it and it has mold growing in the center and has a very bad smell to it I'm not sure what to do if you could let me know what you did to fix it I would very grateful please and thank you!

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April 16, 2014

We have 2 bromeliad plants that I "rescued" from the neighbor's tree. They were both simply attached to and growing on a large limb. I planted them in potting soil with some moss in a hanging planter trying to keep their environment close to what they were used to.


One of them has now sent up a very tall spike. The plant itself is about a foot tall but the spike has gotten to at least 5-6 feet tall but has not bloomed. The spike does have thin "arms" that have now also appeared. Is there anyone that can tell me if this spike will end up blooming, and if not should it be cut off? I don't see any pups growing in the pot with the main plant. The second plant looks about the same as when I planted it about 6 months ago.

By Brenda B. from Okeechobee, FL

Will Bromeliad Tall Spike Bloom?
Will Bromeliad Tall Spike Bloom?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 131 Feedbacks
April 23, 20140 found this helpful

Hello I think whether it is going to produce a flower or not it is beautiful anyway and you should keep it this way!
On the first plant if the spike is that much tall it could be because it tries to catch more sunlight. Maybe you should move it to the face of the trunk that catches more sun looking south or west. Bromeliaceae blooms only once in a lifetime, then new plants grow as offsets and offsets do not always appeared at the foot of the plant sometime they appear upper on the spikes.
Congratulation for saving such a beautiful plant!

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October 30, 2011

I was given a bromeliad last November. The original plant died down, but there are four healthy looking new ones growing around it. It has been outside all summer, but I must bring it in now. Should I separate the new shoots and pot them?

By Miriam B.


November 1, 20110 found this helpful

No. I would leave them as is. I have a plant tha is over 20 years and is still in the same pot.I get flowers on the new 'pups' every other year as it seems to take that long for the 'pups' to mature. Just make sure you keep the bowls full of water.

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March 28, 2008

I have a bromeliad with a red flower in the center. It is growing great. My question is: The flower in the center is leaning to one side. Is this normal or I am suppose to stake it up straight? This plant is kept inside. Sure hope you have an answer for me. Thank You.

Hardiness Zone: 9a

Janice from Jax., FL


By (Guest Post)
March 28, 20080 found this helpful

You can try turning the plant a little each day to see if it's leaning towards the sunlight from a window nearby, staking probably wont hurt just be gentle and remember to keep water in it's "cups " at the base of the stems. They will do better this way good luck!

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May 24, 2014

I am trying to regain control of a planting area that has been overrun by a variety of bromeliad. I dug most of them up several years ago, but they are back! What is the best way to clear areas of this pesky plant and keep them under control in the future?bromeliad with red leaves

lots of bromeliads

By Lou K. from Melrose, FL

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Check out these photos.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 408 Posts
May 3, 2014

My mom received this unique plant last year as a gift, and this year it carried the most beautiful flower. I was trying out a new function on my camera, and this flower was the ideal subject. Really a truly amazing plant!

Beautiful pink flower against gray green leaves.

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