
Growing Fordhook Lima Beans?

January 28, 2007

Fordhook Lima BeansDoes anyone know where I can purchase the Giant Fordhook Lima beans? We use to raise them in Arkansas but can't find a Seed company that carries them anymore. Most of them has the regular Lima Bean but the one I'm searching for is about the size of a Quarter. I would like to get enough to plant in my Garden.


Hardiness Zone: 10a

LouiseCook from Cibola, AZ


By Sandy B. Louisa, VA (Guest Post)
January 28, 20070 found this helpful

I found them on the "Burpee" site. Search for "Fordhook". They have the baby fordhooks but the No. 242 seems to be the correct variety. I hope so because I love them too and hope to sucessfully grow them this year.

February 1, 20070 found this helpful

I found them here

And this is a seed exchange forum where someone has them to trade. Good luck!

February 2, 20070 found this helpful

The Henry Fields site above has a few varieties of the Forkhook, my favorite too. The exchange person wants them, doesn't have them to trade they say.:>) Yum Lima beans, nothing like a Forkhook.



By Louise Cook (Guest Post)
February 2, 20070 found this helpful

Thanks everyone,I found the #242 from Burpee and I guess that the closest,that I'm going to get to the original Big Butter Bean.I appreciate all your help..Love My News Letter thanks again

By carla bledsoe (Guest Post)
February 2, 20070 found this helpful

on the internet search put in "baker creek seeds" i think their website is heirloom seeds .com but i'm not sure. they have a wonderful selection of old fashioned seeds that are getting hard to find. they are mennonite or amish folks and they travel all over finding new (to them) and unusual heirloom seeds. they are out of mansfield missouri if you are close enough to visit. makes a great day trip for my hubby and myself.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 148 Posts
February 2, 20070 found this helpful

If you want to save money on these seeds, there is an eBay store that has a 2 oz. package of Fordhook No. 242
(about 50 seeds) for 1.75 plus 1.25 for shipping. Most of the seed companies have very high shipping charges. If you would like to check these out, go to eBay auctions and in the search line, put in 7748307671 There are other ebay sellers that have the Fordhooks, but this was the cheapest.


Harlean from Arkansas

By Myra Jeffres (Guest Post)
November 7, 20080 found this helpful

I would love to give you several of what I think is the seed you are looking for, but I am not sure what mine is. I never knew the name of it. It looks just like a giant ford hook lima bean and it is about 10-12 inches long and has beans the size of a quarter. Because I never knew the name of it, I never tried to eat it because I did not know what it was. If you could email me, I will correspond about it and send you several.
Myra Jeffres
jeffrmj AT

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