
Growing Iceberg Lettuce?

May 24, 2013

Iceberg LettuceI had planted some iceberg lettuce seeds awhile back and they have grown into some pretty big plants. They are very green and pretty. But my question is when do I know when they're ready to harvest? And how do I go about doing it? If someone could please help me out. Thank you.


By Kourtney


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The problem is that if you have planted all the seeds at the same time all the lettuces are ready at the same time, so next time plant every week or every 2 weeks as many seeds as you would eat salad per week.

If your iceberg lettuces are already half the size of the ones you buy in the shops start eating them you just have to bend the lettuce on one side and using a sharp knife cut it right to the level of the ground. You cut one every time you want to eat one. You can let one of the lettuces grow until it produces seeds to collect them or just to see what the plant looks like when you let it grow, usually the flowers are blue.

Hope this helps! Catherine

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