
Growing Jalapeno Peppers

February 23, 2011

Jalapeno PeppersI had a lot of success last year with my jalapeno pepper plant and was wondering if I need to dig it up and replant again. Thank you.

Hardiness Zone: 7b


By Juanita from Salisbury, NC


February 23, 20110 found this helpful

Juanita, your planting hardiness zone is close to mine so I'll share my experiences. Unless the plant has naturally re-seeded (which is very iffy in the mid to upper U.S.) you will need to plant new seeds or new bedding plants every year. I don't count on the natural re-seeding, but if another plant happens to pop up, I just enjoy the extra harvest. Those home grown hot peppers are yummy, aren't they! Good luck and happy eats.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 146 Posts
February 25, 20110 found this helpful

We lived in Orlando, FL, and had 1 pepper plant which thrived 3 whole years and bore so many peppers that we shared with everyone we knew. The 4th year, it fizzled out. It was in a very large container, and that might have had something to do with its living and bearing so long and good, I don't know.


We also grew a few tomatoes and 12 okra plants. Cooking the okra and tomatoes and a chopped onion together, then
adding just a single pepper, it made the most delicious side dish.

Good luck with your pepper plant.


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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
August 23, 2011

My veggie garden is limited to a few pots on a patio instead of in a yard garden now. No matter where you grow your veggies or herbs of choice it's inspiring, intriguing and beautiful to watch them grow from infancy to maturity.

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