October 1, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
Your question is a little confusing as you ask for planting info, trellis info and training vine to 6 foot to trellis but then you say you have it that far..
Do you mean you have your vine to the trellis and you want more info on making your vine grow faster/longer? Or are you really starting from scratch? Is your vine planted on a pole but not growing?
- Sometimes it is difficult to give a really good answer because many times we misunderstand the question.
- Since we do not know where you are located, we cannot determine the USDA zone that you live in and many times answers should be directed at your zone.
- Since everyone has given you great video sites I am going to take another approach and give you some information on training and enriching your kiwi.
- Most of the information that I have is from the University of Minnesota Extension site and that is located in USDA zone 4. You may have to adjust some of the information to fit your zone especially the winter conditions.
- There are 2 types of kiwi and it would be best if you know what type you have as their growth and winter hardiness is different. Do you know which Kiwi you have? A. kolomikta or A. arguta.
- Trellis & planting: Kiwifruit vines require sturdy support. Construct or purchase a durable trellis made of metal or wood, with wires or other supports extending horizontally. Wire fencing, supported by side posts, makes an adequate trellis. Kiwifruit vines climb by twining rather than by anchoring themselves with tendrils.
- Trellis does not have to be anything fancy - 2 posts in the ground (a few feet apart) with a cross tie (board) across each top and wires (clothes line?) running (securely fastened on each cross tie) running to the opposite post/tie. You just have to train (fasten) your vine to run up the post.
- Start the vine climbing up a wide support such as a large bamboo pole or fence post. Tie the cane to the post to encourage it to grow straight up rather than twining around the post. If the vine's trunk twines around the post, it may not grow and expand properly because it will be too tightly coiled. This allows the trunks to grow larger which will help support the vine.
- Most vegetative growth occurs early in late spring to early summer. Rapid growth terminates sooner for A. kolomikta compared to A. arguta.
- Kiwifruit vines produce either male or female flowers. Plant one of each gender to get fruit.
- Expect to get fruit 3 to 5 years after planting
New growth should be coming next spring and summer so check exact months within your USDA zone.
Here are links to sites that this information came from and contains a lot more useful information.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 131 Feedbacks October 2, 20170 found this helpful
Hello !
There are now self-fertile varieties like "Jenny" with hermaphrodite flowers, but that can pollinate others non-self-fertile kiwis, the rate is the same as with traditional varieties, that is one male plant for up to eight females with the male plant having to be 2 ft away from one of the females...and they lived happily ever after !