
Growing Strawberries

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 858 Posts
May 8, 2006
Hand picking a Strawberry

Planning Tips:

Strawberries will grow in the majority of zones (3-10) and can delight growers with a crop of berries in as little as three months after being planted. Junebearing strawberries produce a single crop in late spring and depending on your zone, cultivars can be planted in succession to spread out your harvest.

Everbearing strawberries bear two crops each season, one in the spring and a second, smaller crop in the fall with some day-neutral cultivars producing continuously all season. Select plants that have been cultivated to resist the specific problems common to strawberries grown in your area.

Site Preparation:

Strawberries prefer full sun, good air circulation and nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 (acidic). Avoid low sites prone to frost or standing water or areas where strawberries, raspberries, potatoes or tomatoes have been grown before.


Plant strawberries in the early spring in holes deep enough to cover the roots without burying the crown. Roots should be trimmed to 4 inches and soaked for 15 to 20 minutes before being set into the soil. Pack soil around the roots, and add some water mixed with diluted fertilizer to the plants while refilling the holes.

Care & Maintenance:

It's important to get strawberry plants off to a good start the first year. In the first season, keep beds free from weeds and remove blossoms to prevent fruit development and encourage healthy, robust daughter plants. Four to six weeks after planting, offsets should be rooted alongside the mother plants. During the late spring and summer, apply an organic fertilizer and repeat the application again 4 to 5 weeks later. To prepare plants for winter, mulch them heavily with straw or pines needles after frost arrives in the fall.

During season two, the plants should receive 1 inch of water per week during fruit development and through until fall. Watch plants for signs of pests or disease and be prepared to protect plants from birds and animals. Strawberries begin to peter out after 1 or 2 seasons of production. Stagger plantings or start over with new plants every 2 to 3 years to maintain productive crops.


Harvesting & Storage:

Check for ripe berries every two to three days-green-tipped berries are not fully ripe. Remove any remnants from plants to discourage rot. Plan on consuming strawberries within a few days to a week after harvesting.
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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 858 Posts
April 7, 2011

The hill and matted strawberry planting row system are the two most common methods, while growing strawberries in "jars" and hanging baskets works well for gardeners with limited space.

Strawberry plants.


June 6, 2012

My strawberry plants needed more room to run and I found this planter project. Since the first one was made, I've made several more as birthday gifts for my gardening friends.

Tilted Strawberry Planter


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
July 22, 2014

Several people have posted a tip on ThriftyFun suggesting the use of pudding cups for starting seeds and cuttings. My opinion was that they were too small to allow adequate root formation prior to transplanting.

runner rooting in cup sitting on top of soil in black plastic pot

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 181 Posts
November 8, 2010

If you have new strawberry plants and don't have time to plant them in the bed right away, no problem. The new plants will await your convenience if you the the method called "heeling in".


September 1, 2005

For those of you with strawberry planters, here's a tip on how to water them without having it run out the sides. Drill several holes into a PVC pipe that's a little longer than the height of your planter, then insert it down the middle of the planter.


23 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 25, 2008

I'd like to grow strawberries this year, so I bought four different types (one is a June bearer and the other three are ever bearing). I bought four plants of each type, so I have 16 total plants. I can't seem to find any information on how much fruit that will yield. I'd like some advice on whether I have bought too many plants or too small an amount of plants.

All four of my family members enjoy fresh strawberries. If there's enough after fresh eating, I'd gladly freeze some for smoothies for later months and would even consider canning some jam. If someone would let me know if I've planted enough plants or if I should go buy more, I would so appreciate it. Thanks.

Hardiness Zone: 7b


By (Guest Post)
April 25, 20080 found this helpful

Strawberry plants usually take two years before they produce any fruit. They grow well in full sun but I have seen them do well in partial shade.

April 25, 20080 found this helpful

Go with that number ofplants first. They develop new plants on runners (something like a spider plant) and you will find your numbers of plants growing whether you like it or not! Plant them all out as they grow and when they are bigger, you can cut the cord from the mother plant. But who could possibly have too many strawberries!!! Grow them in full sun, water well and mulch around the plants with straw or other mulch.


That way you will have luscious berries and keeping them off the ground with help prevent mold. You will soon have strawberry plants to give away to your friends! The best part of being a gardener is sharing!

I plant mine in a compost frame that has holes in the sides. The mother plants are on top and the babies get popped into the holes to grow on in the sunshine.

By Beth (Guest Post)
April 26, 20080 found this helpful

If you are starting with 16 plants, it will not take very many years and you will have hundreds of plants, if you let the runners from each plant form a new plant. I have a large strawberry patch in Minnesota. There is nothing better than fresh home grown strawberries. Enjoy

May 1, 20080 found this helpful

I asked the same question somewhere else, and was told that if you want a lot, start with a lot! I have a strawberry pyramid with 50 plants in it. From what I hear, the plants are good for about 3 years, then they start to decline in production.


So every year, pull up 1/3 of the plants and put in new ones, grown from runners. Otherwise, pinch off the runners, so the plants will put their energy into fruit production...Cathy

By michelle (Guest Post)
February 15, 20090 found this helpful

I live in Pensacola. When is the best time to plant strawberries?

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April 29, 2010

I am trying to grow strawberries in a barrel. The plants are doing well but the runner are touching the ground. What do I do with them?

Hardiness Zone: 8a

By Glenn Morgan from McGehee, AR


April 30, 20100 found this helpful

I did plant strawberries on the ground and they crept all over.

May 6, 20100 found this helpful

Set small pots at the base of the barrel and set the "daughters" in them. They will eventually root and be new plants and then you can plant them where ever you want.

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January 29, 2011

I set out everbearing strawberries last year. How many years can I hope to have berries before they need transplanting?

Hardiness Zone: 7b

By Cookie Price from Pleasant Plains, AR


February 1, 20110 found this helpful

You are supose to remove the mother plant and let some of the babies take over about every three years. The mother plants will have bigger leaves, and show the runners that are comming from them. They will even continue to multiply if you choose to give them away when you pull them. Here is what happens.

The runners will get many babies. Strawberries are a ground cover. I give away strawberry plants every year becouse they just take over every thing.

The first few years they would not produce for me. So I did some research and found that rabbit droppings are the majic key to producing fruit. Stir them in water and just throw the muddy looking water on. Hourse manaure is a second choice. Good luck with your strawberries.

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March 19, 2010

How to I get the animals to stop eating my strawberries? They are growing on the ground.

Hardiness Zone: 6a

By martha from Parma, OH


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 167 Feedbacks
March 20, 20100 found this helpful

What kind of animals? Neighborhood pets, rabbits, birds, or burrowing critters? If the animals are above-ground, fencing your strawberry patch might work. If the animals can reach them from above, then a fence with netting or chicken wire over the top might work.

If they're burrowing animals, though, someone else would have to step in here, because I'm not sure how to stop them.
I hope this info helps, or maybe inspires you to come up with a better solution!

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July 15, 2009

I live in Georgia and this is the first time trying to grow Strawberries here. I have grown them in Florida and they did great, but they are dying quickly and have not produced much fruit. What can I do to save what I have left?

Hardiness Zone: 7b

By louise from Macon, GA


July 18, 20090 found this helpful

I would say lots of water!

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June 27, 2008

How do I transplant strawberries from my earthbox? Do i need to buy another box? A man once told me not to use the first year runners, if so should I just snip them off?



By Bree (Guest Post)
July 12, 20080 found this helpful

I have had sucess growing strawberries by covering the part of the runner closest to the new plant shallowly with soil and anchoring it there either with a bent piece of wire or a small brick or rock. After the new plant has taken root, you can then cut the runner from the mother plant. If the mother plant is in a container I would place a pot next to it for the new runner to grow in. I have been told to only use first and second year runners because strawberries are usually infected with viruses by the third year, but any runners will take strength from the mother plant and reduce yields. :)

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May 22, 2013

I got some strawberry plants from a friend and I planted them last year. They didn't produce last year and this year they don't have a flower on them yet, so I doubt if I'll get any strawberries this year neither. What am I doing wrong?


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April 30, 2012

Can I till up my old strawberry patch and plant new plants? Or do I have to plant in a different spot?

By Gerald D.

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Check out these photos.

July 6, 2010

This is the first year I have been able to grow more than a small handful of strawberries. What a treat to eat them fresh from my own, pesticide-free garden!

Strawberries from the Garden


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
April 9, 2016

I just noticed; some companies offer strawberry plants/seeds with the name 'Earliglo', while others offer 'Earliglow'. I wonder if they're the same strawberry. And, I wonder what the developer of the Earli????, named his original. Well, for now, that's beside the point.

Earliglo (Early) Strawberry


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 221 Posts
October 27, 2020

Looking forward to growing these in our winter garden.

Strawberry plants in a raised bed.


July 8, 2015

Everyone loves strawberries and so do I.

strawberry on plant


January 8, 2018

By altering a plastic pot scrubber you can make a very effective collar for your strawberry plants, thus protecting the leaves and berries from too much moisture which can lead to fungus damage. This is a page about homemade strawberry collars.

Homemade Strawberry Collars - collar around base of plant

January 20, 2017

Choose young plants or rooted runners for the best results when transplanting strawberry plants. This is a page about transplanting strawberries.


January 19, 2017

Because of the trailing, spreading nature of many strawberry varieties they make good choices for container gardening. This is a page about growing strawberries in containers.

Growing Strawberries in a pot.


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

July 6, 2010

I have a container garden, and planted my strawberry plants in milk jugs. I couldn't seem to water them enough, the strawberries were too little and dried out.


July 15, 2009

I want to do strawberries and planted about 50 tiny starter plants. Within a few weeks I found an ant hill and a few weeks later, most plants were dead.

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